26 research outputs found

    CTIP2 Expression in Human Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Is Linked to Poorly Differentiated Tumor Status

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    We have demonstrated earlier that CTIP2 is highly expressed in mouse skin during embryogenesis and in adulthood. CTIP2 mutant mice die at birth with epidermal differentiation defects and a compromised epidermal permeability barrier suggesting its role in skin development and/or homeostasis. CTIP2 has also been suggested to function as tumor suppressor in cells, and several reports have described a link between chromosomal rearrangements of CTIP2 and human T cell acute lymphoblast leukemia (T-ALL). The aim of the present study was to look into the pattern of CTIP2 expression in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC).In the present study, we analyzed CTIP2 expression in human HNSCC cell lines by western blotting, in paraffin embedded archival specimens by immunohistochemistry (IHC), and in cDNA samples of human HNSCC by qRT-PCR. Elevated levels of CTIP2 protein was detected in several HNSCC cell lines. CTIP2 staining was mainly detected in the basal layer of the head and neck normal epithelium. CTIP2 expression was found to be significantly elevated in HNSCC (p<0.01), and increase in CTIP2 expression was associated with poorly differentiated tumor status. Nuclear co-localization of CTIP2 protein and cancer stem cell (CSC) marker BMI1 was observed in most, if not all of the cells expressing BMI1 in moderately and poorly differentiated tumors.We report for the first time expression of transcriptional regulator CTIP2 in normal human head and neck epithelia. A statistically significant increase in the expression of CTIP2 was detected in the poorly differentiated samples of the human head and neck tumors. Actual CTIP2, rather than the long form of CTIP2 (CTIP2(L)) was found to be more relevant to the differentiation state of the tumors. Results demonstrated existence of distinct subsets of cancer cells, which express CTIP2 and underscores the use of CTIP2 and BMI1 co-labeling to distinguish tumor initiating cells or cancer stem cells (CSCs) from surrounding cancer cells

    Prevalence and characterizations of current smoking habit of Iranian medical university students: A cross-sectional study in mental health

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    Background: This cross sectional study was carried out on medical university students of Iran. Materials and Methods: A total of 500 participants from a total of 1866 followed the criteria of the study. The mean age was 24.6 ± 3.3 SD, males 70 and females 30. Results: The prevalence of smokers was 27, and their initiation into smoking had occurred under 18 years of age (89.6). The result shows that, males were more likely to smoke than females. The data on unemployment, marriage, residency in Tehran, no resident dormitory and a wealthy background had meaningful frequency. In addition, data on family conflicts and separation were low in frequency. Ages 20-25 had a high frequency (56.6). The consumption of up to 20 cigarettes per day was found highest in the 20-25 class at a rate of 32.6, which is quite alarming. Motivations for taking up smoking were curiosity friends' interest and family, and were insignificant as habit, hobby and depression. Shisha was used (72.2) more than other nicotine delivery packages. Conclusion: A noticeable prevalence current smoking habits was observed among medical students. Therefore, universities should issue nonsmoking regulations and awareness program among students which will significantly affect the national health. © 2013 Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation and Japan Health Sciences University

    The effect of nitric oxide on prefrontal cortex of rats impress with stress of immobilization

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    Background & Objective: In this research, we study the simultaneous effects of Nitric Oxide (NO) and stress on prefrontal cortex of rats. Nitric Oxide is an unstable small molecule that involved in many physiological and pathological conditions. Brain’s prefrontal cortex has important role on personality and mental state. Its development continues after birth and this period is the most sensitive time for brain’s cortex to response to environmental parameters such as psychological stresses. Materials & Methods: In this study Wistar male rats received L-arginine (200 mg/kg) as NO precursor, L-NAME (20mg/kg) and 7-nitroindazole (25mg/kg) as non specific and specific NO sentries inhibitors. L-arginine and L-NAME were injected intra peritoneal (IP) and 7-nitroindazole injected subcutaneously (S.C) during one month per day. Rats divided in two groups (with stress and without stress). The kind of stress was immobilization every day for one month during injection of materials. Brains were removed after this period and each brain with a coronal section manner divided in two parts .Anterior part of brain fixed by formalin and tissue processing was done. By using rotatory microtome 10? serial cross sections were obtained and stained with H & E. Posterior part of brain homogenized with such solution then amount of NO in obtained solution was measured by spectrophotometer with 540 nm wavelength. Results: Statistical analysis of light microscopic findings indicated that stress of immobilization with use of L-NAME and 7-nitroindazole result in decrease of thickness of prefrontal cortex , numbers of Betz cells and NO production in rats’ brain, it means L-NAME and 7-nitroindazole exaggerate the brain damage and from other hands L-arginine with stress can convert these results. Conclusion: On the basis of these results we believe that stress of immobilization damages prefrontal cortex and also NOS inhibitors can aggravate the cortical damage. On the other hand although NO precursor (L-arginine) decreases the cortical damage in rats that impress with stress, it can result in these changes in rat’s brain without stress

    Study on Theileria lestoquardiAntigens as Potential Vaccine Candidates

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    Theileria lestoquardi is the causative agent of malignant theileriosis of sheep and goats, causing morbidity and mortality in these animals worldwide. Western blot analysis based on T. lestoquardi schizont antigens was carried out using sera collected from Iranian sheep, which had been immunized with T. lestoquardi schizont-infected cells. The results of Western blot analysis demonstrated that schizont-immunized animals produced antibodies reacting with protein bands at 73, 42, 20, 14, and 12 kDa. Comparison of the results of the current Western blotting test with earlier studies of Theileria spp. revealed two immunogenic schizont proteins with molecular weights of 73 and 42 kDa shared between T. annulata and T. lestoquardi. Two other proteins with molecular weights of 14 and 12 kDa have not been previously found in other Theileria species. Our results suggest that the 73-kDa protein could be a potential vaccine candidate and that the 14- and 12-kDa proteins could be considered as diagnostic antigens