7 research outputs found

    Real-time currency recognition on video using AKAZE algorithm

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    Currency recognition is one of the essential things since everyone in any country must know money. Therefore, computer vision has been developed to recognize currency. One of the currency recognition uses the SIFT algorithm. The recognition results are very accurate, but the processing takes a considerable amount of time, making it impossible to run for real-time data such as video. AKAZE algorithm has been developed for real-time data processing because of its fast computation time to process video data frames. This study proposes the faster real-time currency recognition system on video using the AKAZE algorithm. The purpose of this study is to compare the SIFT and AKAZE algorithms related to a real-time video data processing to determine the value of F1 and its speed. Based on the experimental results, the AKAZE algorithm is resulting F1 value of 0.97, and the processing speed on each video frame is 0.251 seconds. Then at the same video resolution, the SIFT algorithm results in an F1 value of 0.65 and a speed of 0.305 seconds to process one frame. These results show that the AKAZE algorithm is faster and more accurate in processing video data

    YOLO Algorithm for Detecting People in Social Distancing System

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    Social distancing is an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Several systems for monitoring social distancing have been developed. People detection is an essential step in implementing a social distancing system. Failure to detect people causes the social distancing system to be inaccurate. Two people who communicate cannot occur violations of social distancing because one person is not detected. Therefore, we propose a precise person detection method for the social distancing system. The proposed social distancing system uses the YOLOv3 method for people detection and Euclidean Distance for measuring the distance of social distancing. YOLOv3 can detect people's objects precisely, even people who are caught small by the camera. Experiments on two outdoor video datasets result in an F1 value of more than 0.8. This proposed system can serve as a reference for future social distancing research

    YOLO Algorithm for Detecting People in Social Distancing System

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    Social distancing is an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Several systems for monitoring social distancing have been developed. People detection is an essential step in implementing a social distancing system. Failure to detect people causes the social distancing system to be inaccurate. Two people who communicate cannot occur violations of social distancing because one person is not detected. Therefore, we propose a precise person detection method for the social distancing system. The proposed social distancing system uses the YOLOv3 method for people detection and Euclidean Distance for measuring the distance of social distancing. YOLOv3 can detect people's objects precisely, even people who are caught small by the camera. Experiments on two outdoor video datasets result in an F1 value of more than 0.8. This proposed system can serve as a reference for future social distancing research


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    Proses pembelajaran merupakan aktivitas utama pada pendidikan. Sejak awal tahun 2020 terjadi perubahan drastis dari tatap muka menjadi pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pembelajaran jarak jauh memerlukan sebuah sistem untuk berkomunikasi antara siswa dengan guru. Belum adanya suatu sistem yang dapat membantu guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran jarak jauh di SMK Maarif NU 2 Ajibarang berdampak pada sulitnya para guru atau tenaga pengajar dalam hal memantau maupun mengelola aktifitas siswa pada saat diberlakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pembelajaran jarak jauh dapat dilakukan dalam jaringan (daring) dan dikelola dengan baik jika menggunakan Learning Management System (LMS). Moodle merupakan LMS yang dapat digunakan dan dikelola sendiri secara gratis oleh sekolah. Sehingga untuk mempermudah pengelolaan pembelajaran jarak jauh dilakukan pelatihan penggunaan LMS berbasis Moodle. Metode yang dilakukan adalah mempersiapkan LMS dan modul pelatihan, membuat course pelatihan, melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan, serta melakukan evaluasi dan refleksi diri. Melalui pelatihan ini guru memperoleh edukasi mengenai praktek baik pengelolaan LMS sebagai guru atau siswa secara mudah dan efektif. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan melalui tatap muka dengan 40 orang guru yang menghasilkan kelas pembelajaran jarak jauh didalam LMS yang terdiri dari aktifitas pengelolaan presensi, chat, tatap muka daring, materi pembelajaran, blog, dan pengumpulan tugas. Kata Kunci: LMS, Moodle, Pelatihan LMS, Pembelajaran jarak jauh, Sistem manajemen pembelajaran ABSTRACT The learning process is the main activity in education. Since the beginning of 2020, there has been a drastic change from face-to-face to distance learning. Distance learning requires a system to communicate between students and teachers; without a system that can help teachers manage distance learning at SMK Maarif NU 2, Ajibarang. The teachers' difficulty or teaching staff impacts monitoring and managing student activities when distance learning occurs. Distance learning can be done in a network (online) and well managed using a Learning Management System (LMS). Moodle is an LMS that schools can use and manage independently. So that to facilitate the management of distance learning, training on the use of Moodle-based LMS is carried out. The method used is to prepare LMS and training modules, create training courses, carry out training activities, and conduct self-evaluation and reflection. Through this training, teachers get an education about acceptable practices in managing LMS as a teacher or student efficiently and effectively. Training activities are carried out face-to-face with 40 teachers who produce distance learning classes within the LMS, consisting of attendance management activities, chat, face to face online, learning materials, blogs, and assignment collection. Keywords: Distance learning, Learning management system, LMS, LMS training, Moodl

    Implementasi Website Rahayu River Tubing sebagai Media Promosi dan Reservasi bagi Wisatawan

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    Community service aims to implement website-based information technology as a media for promoting Rahayu River Tubing tourism and its reservation. The attractions offered are Tubing, Pangasinan Waterfall, Pengkol Hill, and Pedestal View. Before this website, promotions were only carried out on social media, and reservations were still manual by contacting the manager directly. This community service method is by identifying problems, developing the Rahayu River Tubing website at the address http://rahayurivertubing.com, and evaluating activities. This activity was attended by 15 participants from the manager and tour guide held at the Rahayu River Tubing basecamp. At the end of the activity, feedback is given to evaluate this community service activity. There are five statements on the questionnaire with an average result of 99%. These results indicate that community service partners are delighted with the socialization and training on the use of the Rahayu River Tubing tourism website

    Implementasi Website Rahayu River Tubing sebagai Media Promosi dan Reservasi bagi Wisatawan

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    Community service aims to implement website-based information technology as a media for promoting Rahayu River Tubing tourism and its reservation. The attractions offered are Tubing, Pangasinan Waterfall, Pengkol Hill, and Pedestal View. Before this website, promotions were only carried out on social media, and reservations were still manual by contacting the manager directly. This community service method is by identifying problems, developing the Rahayu River Tubing website at the address http://rahayurivertubing.com, and evaluating activities. This activity was attended by 15 participants from the manager and tour guide held at the Rahayu River Tubing basecamp. At the end of the activity, feedback is given to evaluate this community service activity. There are five statements on the questionnaire with an average result of 99%. These results indicate that community service partners are delighted with the socialization and training on the use of the Rahayu River Tubing tourism website

    Design of Smart Gamification In Village Tourism: An Indonesian Case Study

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    Community interest in tours is very high. The benefits of tourist destinations in Indonesia finally form three patterns, namely natural, cultural, and human-made. City and village tourism are very popular with the community because of the high interest of the community to capture the moments of Instagram able and viral tourism spots. One of them is village tourism. For people who are educated with life in the village, it is necessary to make it more interesting with gamification. In this stud, the aim was to change the pattern of visitors' activities, which initially only took pictures but were also invited to explore the village potential through a mobile application. Also, this study is used to improve and help preserve and introduce village tourism potential. Gamification can be an alternative to developing village tourism potential. A common occurrence in tourist villages is a lack of management innovation to add village tourism potential to visitors further. Village tourism potential that can be developed is mobile-based village education. This activity is an education that contains planting plants. The results of this application are of rice planting and fruit picking games. Each set consists of two levels. Level 1 contains educational games and level 2 games about team cohesiveness. Each game will offer a reward. The rewards that we design are based on prizes that are liked by elementary school students