54 research outputs found

    Ethical challenges in nephrology : a call for action

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    The American Society of Nephrology, the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association and the International Society of Nephrology Joint Working Group on Ethical Issues in Nephrology have identified ten broad areas of ethical concern as priority challenges that require collaborative action. Here, we describe these challenges - equity in access to kidney failure care, avoiding futile dialysis, reducing dialysis costs, shared decision-making in kidney failure care, living donor risk evaluation and decision-making, priority setting in kidney disease prevention and care, the ethical implications of genetic kidney diseases, responsible advocacy for kidney health and management of conflicts of interest - with the aim of highlighting the need for ethical analysis of specific issues, as well as for the development of tools and training to support clinicians who treat patients with kidney disease in practising ethically and contributing to ethical policy-making. Here, the ASN-ERA-EDTA-ISN Joint Working Group on Ethical Issues in Nephrology highlights ten areas of ethical concern as priority challenges that require collaborative action and discusses the need for development of ethical training and guidance tools to manage these issues

    Time Span does Matter for Offshore Wind Plant Allocation with Modern Portfolio Theory

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    Allocating wind farms across different locations may reduce the problematic intermittency of wind. The objective of this research was to analyze the optimal allocation of offshore wind farms in the U.S. East Coast through Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). The research was conducted with 25.934 secondary observations of offshore wind energy produced by 11 hypothetical offshore wind farms. We calculated six minimum variance portfolios, each referring to a distinct time period. Four rebalancing strategies were settled in order to assess the performance of the portfolios we estimated. The results indicate that MPT can be used to calculate the diversification of offshore wind farms locations, which may reduce the individual variability of hourly wind power changes. Keywords: Modern Portfolio Theory; Optimal allocation; Offshore wind power JEL Classifications: C61, C53, L94, Q42, Q47.

    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in disadvantaged populations

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    Twelve March 2015 will mark the 10th anniversary of World Kidney Day (WKD), an initiative of the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations. Since its inception in 2006, WKD has become the most successful effort ever mounted to raise awareness among decision-makers and the general public about the importance of kidney disease. Each year WKD reminds us that kidney disease is common, harmful and treatable. The focus of WKD 2015 is on chronic kidney disease (CKD) in disadvantaged populations. This article reviews the key links between poverty and CKD and the consequent implications for the prevention of kidney disease and the care of kidney patients in these populations

    Avaliação das propriedades físicas e mecânicas de blocos de solo-cimento formulados com coprodutos siderúrgicos

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    RESUMO Este trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar o desempenho de resistência mecânica e absorção de água de blocos solo-cimento para alvenaria, após 28 dias de cura, com a incorporação limite dos seguintes coprodutos siderúrgicos em substituição parcial ao solo: adições de até 20 % em massa do pó de balão coletado em alto-forno, até 10 % de poeiras de despoeiramento de aciaria elétrica, e até 20 % de escória granulada de forno elétrico a arco. As formulações propostas incluem adições simultâneas de pós obtidos do descarte da produção de blocos solo-cimento, onde a substituição parcial ao solo foi de até 20 % em massa. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a potencialidade de uso dos resíduos siderúrgicos em blocos intertravados de solo-cimento para alvenaria sustentável, como alternativa de aplicação para esses resíduos. Verificou-se a possibilidade de bons resultados confrontando os valores exigidos por norma (absorção de água < 20% e resistência mecânica > 2,0 MPa) com destaque quando se utilizou 20% pó de balão juntamente com 10% de reuso do bloco solo-cimento; 10% de escória de aciaria ou 20% de escória de aciaria juntamente com 10% de reuso do bloco solo-cimento; e 2,5% de pó de despoeiramento juntamente com 20% de reuso do bloco solo-cimento