123 research outputs found

    Revisiting Porcine Circovirus Disease Diagnostic Criteria in the Current Porcine Circovirus 2 Epidemiological Context

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    Current knowledge on porcine circovirus diseases (PCVD) caused by Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) includes the subclinical infection (PCV-2-SI), systemic (PCV-2-SD) and reproductive (PCV-2-RD) diseases, and porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS). Criteria to establish the diagnosis of these conditions have not changed over the years; thus, the triad composed by clinical signs, lesions and viral detection in lesions are still the hallmark for PCV-2-SD and PCV-2-RD. In contrast, PCV-2-SI diagnosis is not usually performed since this condition is perceived to be controlled by default through vaccination. PDNS is diagnosed by gross and histopathological findings, and PCV-2 detection is not recognized as a diagnostic criterion. Molecular biology methods as a proxy for PCVD diagnoses have been extensively used in the last decade, although these techniques should be mainly considered as monitoring tools rather than diagnostic ones. What has changed over the years is the epidemiological picture of PCV-2 through the massive use of vaccination, which allowed the decrease in infectious pressure paralleled with a decrease in overall herd immunity. Consequently, the need for establishing the diagnosis of PCVD has increased lately, especially in cases with a PCV-2-SD-like condition despite vaccination. Therefore, the objective of the present review is to update the current knowledge on diagnostic criteria for PCVDs and to contextualize the interest of using molecular biology methods in the overall picture of these diseases within variable epidemiological scenarios of PCV-2 infection

    Circovirus porcí 3 : un nou virus que infecta al porc

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    Els circovirus porcins (PCV) són agents vírics que infecten tan porcs domèstics com salvatges i fins el 2015 se'n coneixien 2 tipus: PCV-1 i PCV-2, sent l'últim el patogènic i per tant, el de major rellevància econòmica. Recentment, s'ha descobert el PCV-3, el qual també es considera un agent víric infecciós. En aquest article es destaquen les característiques del virus, la seva epidemiologia, òrgans en els quals s'ha trobat, mètodes de diagnòstic i la seva potencial associació amb malaltia al porc domèstic. En general, s'hi defensa la importància de conèixer l'estat de la qüestió de PCV-3 ja que podria resultar útil a nivell pràctic i també per la comunitat científica.Los circovirus porcinos (PCV) son agentes víricos que infectan cerdos domésticos y salvajes. Hasta 2015 solo se conocían dos tipos: PCV-1 y PCV-2, siendo el último el patogénico y por tanto, el de mayor relevancia económica. Recientemente, se ha descubierto el PCV-3, el cual también es considerado un agente vírico infeccioso. En este artículo se destacan las características del virus, su epidemiología, órganos en los cuales se ha hallado, métodos diagnósticos y su potencial asociación con enfermedad en el cerdo doméstico. En general, se defiende la importancia de conocer el estado de la cuestión de PCV-3 ya que podría resultar útil a nivel práctico y también para la comunidad científica.Porcine circoviruses (PCVs) are small viral agents which infect members of the family Suidade. Until 2015, two species of PCVs were known: PCV-1 and PCV-2, being the last the pathogenic one, hence the most economically relevant. Recently, PCV-3 has been discovered and it is also considered as a new infectious viral agent. In this article, characteristics of the virus, its epidemiology, tissues in which has been found, diagnostic methods and its potential association with disease in the domestic pig are reviewed. In general, it defends the importance of knowing PCV3's state of the art since it could be useful for both the industry and the scientific community

    Cistomatosis Apocrina : primera descripción en la especie porcina

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    El estudio del Servicio de Diagnóstico de Patología Veterinaria (SDPV) de la UAB y el Servicio de Soporte a Mataderos (SESC) de IRTA-CReSA describe por primera vez la cistomatosi apocrina en la especie porcina, una enfermedad de las glándulas sudoríparas apocrinas ya estudiada en gatos y perros, entre otros, a partir de tres casos, en Cataluña. Aunque este estudio expone que la causa de la lesión es la misma, no se ha podido determinar sólo una en general (local o multifocal cutánea o sistémica) por falta de una muestra de análisis más amplia. Sin embargo, el origen congénito es una posibilidad abierta por todos los indicios encontrados.The study by the Veterinary Pathology Diagnostic Service (SDPV) of the UAB and the Slaughterhouse Support Network (SESC) of the IRTA-CReSA for the first time describes apocrine cystomatosis in the porcine species, a disease of the apocrine sweat glands already studied in other animal species such as cats and dogs. Based on three cases in Catalonia, this study states that although the cause of the condition is the same, it has not been possible to determine one single cause in general (local or multifocal cutaneous or systemic) due to the lack of a wider sample analysis. Nonetheless, all signs point to the possibility of a congenital origin

    Posada al dia del mètode de classificació taxonòmica del circovirus porcí tipus 2

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    Un equip internacional i multidisciplinar de científics ha publicat un estudi al Virology Journal on s'estudia la classificació taxonòmica del circovirus porcí tipus 2 (PCV2), un dels principals patògens que afecten el sector porcí a nivell mundial.Un equipo internacional y multidisciplinar de científicos han publicado un estudio en el Virology Journal donde se estudia la clasificación taxonómica del circovirus porcino tipo 2 (PCV2), uno de los principales patógenos que afectan al sector porcino a nivel mundial. El estudio ha contado con la participación destacada de dos investigadores del IRTA- CReSA, el profesor Joaquim Segalés, del Departamento de Sanidad y Anatomía Animales de la UAB, y el doctor Martí Cortey, del subprograma de enfermedades endémicas del IRTA-CReSA.A multidisciplinary international team of scientists have published a study in Virology Journal revisiting the taxonomic classification of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), one of the major pathogens affecting the pig industry worldwide. The study included the participation of two prominent researchers from the IRTA-CReSA, Professor Joaquim Segalés, from the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy at the UAB, and Dr. Martí Cortey, from the endemic diseases subprogram at IRTA-CReSA

    Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV-3) as a causal agent of disease in swine and a proposal of PCV-3 associated disease case definition

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria RTA2017-00007-00-00Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV-3) was discovered in 2015 using next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods. Since then, the virus has been detected worldwide in pigs displaying several clinical-pathological outcomes as well as in healthy animals. The objective of this review is to critically discuss the evidence existing so far regarding PCV-3 as a swine pathogen. In fact, a significant number of publications claim PCV-3 as a disease causal infectious agent, but very few of them have shown strong evidence of such potential causality. The most convincing proofs of disease association are those that demonstrate a clinical picture linked to multisystemic lymphoplasmacytic to lymphohistiocytic perivascular inflammation and presence of viral nucleic acid within these lesions. Based on these evidence, individual case definitions for PCV-3-reproductive disease and PCV-3-systemic disease are proposed to standardize diagnostic criteria for PCV-3-associated diseases. However, the real frequency of these clinical-pathological conditions linked to the novel virus is unknown, and the most frequent outcome of PCV-3 infection is likely subclinical based on its worlwide distribution

    Torque teno virus i el porc espanyol : un relació d'antuvi

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    Investigadors de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona evidencien l'evolució de l'infecció pel Torque teno virus (TTV) en porcs espanyols, un virus del que n'hi ha múltiples espècies, inclosa la humana, malgrat no s'associa a cap malaltia en concret. Mitjançant una descripció retrospectiva (1985-2005) i aplicant la tècnica de reacció en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) dels dos genogrups de TTV coneguts en l'espècie porcina -TTV1 i TTV2-, l'estudi constata que a l'Estat Espanyol aquest agent víric ha estat present en els porcs, com a mínim, des de l'inici del període i sempre amb una alta prevalença. Donat que es tracta d'un agent específic, aquests resultats confirmen també que el TTV no és, aparentment, el causant d'una malaltia ni és potencialment zoonòtic. Però, encara s'ha anat més enllà. Demostren que, tot i que el genoma dels TTVs en el porc no ha experimentat un canvi evolutiu, certes regions del genoma de TTV esdevenen un bon filó per a futurs estudis filogenètics.Investigadores de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona evidencian la evolución de la infección del Torque teno virus (TTV) en cerdos españoles, un virus del que existen múltiples especies, incluída la humana, aunque no se asocia a ninguna enfermedad en concreto. Mediante una descripción retrospectiva (1985-2005) y aplicando la técnica de reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) de los dos genogrupos de TTV conocidos en la especie porcina-TTV1 y TTV2-, el estudio constata que en el Estado español este agente vírico ha estado presente en los cerdos, como mínimo, desde el inicio del período y siempre con una alta prevalencia. Dado que se trata de un agente específico, estos resultados confirman también que el TTV no es aparentemente el causante de enfermedad ni es potencialmente zoonótico. Pero todavía se ha ido más allá. Demuestran que, aunque el genoma de los TTVs en el cerdo no ha experimentado un cambio evolutivo, ciertas regiones del genoma de TTV se convierten en una buena oportunidad para iniciar futuros estudios filogenéticos

    Impact of maternally derived immunity on immune responses elicited by piglet early vaccination against the most common pathogens involved in porcine respiratory disease complex

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    Newborn piglets can trigger an elementary immune response, but the acquirement of specific antibodies and/or cellular immunity against pathogens before they get infected post-natally is paramount to preserve their health. This is especially important for the pathogens involved in porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) as they are widespread, fairly resistant at environment, and genetically variable; moreover, some of them can cause intrauterine/early life infections. Piglet protection can be achieved by either passive transfer of maternal derived immunity (MDI) and/or actively through vaccination. However, vaccinating piglets in the presence of remaining MDI might interfere with vaccine efficacy. Hence, the purpose of this work is to critically review the putative interference that MDI may exert on vaccine efficacy against PRDC pathogens. This knowledge is crucial to design a proper vaccination schedule. MDI transferred from sows to offspring could potentially interfere with the development of an active humoral immune response. However, no conclusive interference has been shown regarding performance parameters based on the existing published literature

    Animal models to study the neurological manifestations of the post-COVID-19 condition

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    More than 40% of individuals infected by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have experienced persistent or relapsing multi-systemic symptoms months after the onset of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This post-COVID-19 condition (PCC) has debilitating effects on the daily life of patients and encompasses a broad spectrum of neurological and neuropsychiatric symptoms including olfactory and gustative impairment, difficulty with concentration and short-term memory, sleep disorders and depression. Animal models have been instrumental to understand acute COVID-19 and validate prophylactic and therapeutic interventions. Similarly, studies post-viral clearance in hamsters, mice and nonhuman primates inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 have been useful to unveil some of the aspects of PCC. Transcriptomic alterations in the central nervous system, persistent activation of immune cells and impaired hippocampal neurogenesis seem to have a critical role in the neurological manifestations observed in animal models infected with SARS-CoV-2. Interestingly, the proinflammatory transcriptomic profile observed in the central nervous system of SARS-CoV-2-inoculated mice partially overlaps with the pathological changes that affect microglia in humans during Alzheimer's disease and aging, suggesting shared mechanisms between these conditions. None of the currently available animal models fully replicates PCC in humans; therefore, multiple models, together with the fine-tuning of experimental conditions, will probably be needed to understand the mechanisms of PCC neurological symptoms. Moreover, given that the intrinsic characteristics of the new variants of concern and the immunological status of individuals might influence PCC manifestations, more studies are needed to explore the role of these factors and their combinations in PCC, adding further complexity to the design of experimental models. In this Perspective, the authors summarize the current knowledge on the post-COVID-19 condition, focusing on the neurological manifestations, and discuss the applicability of existing animal models to recapitulate human condition

    Comparison of four lung scoring systems for the assessment of the pathological outcomes derived from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae experimental infections

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    In this study, four lung lesion scoring methods (Slaughterhouse Pleurisy Evaluation System [SPES], Consolidation Lung Lesion Score [LLS], Image analyses [IA] and Ratio of lung weight/body weight [LW/BW]) were compared for the assessment of the different pathological outcomes derived from an Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) experimental infection model. Moreover, pathological data was coupled with clinical (fever, inappetence and clinical score), production (average daily weigh gain [ADWG]) and diagnostic (PCR, ELISA and bacterial isolation) parameters within the four infection outcomes (peracute, acute, subclinically infected and non-infected). From the 61 inoculated animals, 9 were classified as peracute (presence of severe App-like clinical signs and lesions and sudden death or euthanasia shortly after inoculation), 31 as acutely affected (presence of App-like clinical signs and lesions and survival until the end of the experiment), 12 as subclinically infected (very mild or no clinical signs but App infection confirmed) and 9 as non-infected animals (lack of App-like clinical signs and lack of evidence of App infection). A significant correlation between all lung lesion scoring systems was found with the exception of SPES score versus LW/BW. SPES showed a statistically significant association with all clinical, production and diagnostic (with the exception of PCR detection of App in the tonsil) variables assessed. LLS and IA showed similar statistically significant associations as SPES, with the exception of seroconversion against App at necropsy. In contrast, LW/BW was statistically associated only with App isolation in lungs, presence of App-like lesions and ELISA OD values at necropsy. In conclusion, SPES, LLS and IA are economic, fast and easy-to-perform lung scoring methods that, in combination with different clinical and diagnostic parameters, allow the characterization of different outcomes after App infection

    Circovirus porcí 3 : estudi per al diagnòstic i definició de malalties relacionades

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    El circovirus porcí 3 (PCV-3) es va descobrir el 2015 als EUA i des de llavors s'ha detectat a tot el món en porcs amb diferents signes clínics, així com en porcs sans de diferents edats. Investigadors del Departament de Sanitat i d'Anatomia Animals del UAB han estudiat les dades clíniques, patológiques i virològiques observades fins ara i proposen dues definicions de patologies relacionades i els criteris respectius per diagnosticar-les. El circovirus porcino 3 (PCV-3) se descubrió en EE.UU. en 2015 y ya se ha detectado en todo el mundo en cerdos con diferentes signos clínicos, así como en cerdos sanos de diferentes edades. Investigadores del Departamento de Sanidad y Anatomía Animales del UAB han estudiado lo datos clínicos, patológicos y virológicos observados hasta ahora y proponen dos definiciones de patologías relacionadas y los criterios para diagnosticarlas. Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV-3) was discovered in 2015 in the United States of America. Since then, it has been detected worldwide in pigs with different clinical signs, as well as in healthy pigs of different ages. Researchers from the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy of the UAB have studied the clinical, pathological, and virological data collected so far on the ability of the virus to infect, and propose two definitions of related pathologies and their diagnosis criteria