3,042 research outputs found

    Results of post-test psychological examinations of the crewmen from the 90-day manned test of an advanced regenerative life support system

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    The following material presents the results of two temporally remote administrations of an identical projective personality assessment device (Rorschach Inkblot) using crew members aboard the 90-day test. The first administration took place during preselection crew psychodiagnostic testing in the period extending from mid-December 1969 through mid-January 1970. Second administration took place in late May and early June, 1971, approximately one year after termination of the test. During the 90-day program duration, the subjects participated in the crew training program, were selected and served as onboard crew during the 90-day test. The testing was undertaken in order to determine the character and extent of change (if any) in basic personality dynamics accompanying or caused by participation in the 90-day test program. Results indicate that significant personality changes occurred in three of the four onboard crew members. A detailed discussion of the results is provided. Objective scores which served as the basis for the discussion are presented in the Appendix

    Beam dynamics issues in linear colliders

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    The primary goal of present and future linear colliders is to maximize the integrated luminosity for the experimental program. Beam dynamics plays a central role in the maximization of integrated luminosity. It is the major issue in the production of small beam sizes and low experimental backgrounds and is also an important factor in the production of particle numbers, in the acceleration process, and in the number of bunches. The beam dynamics effects on bunches which are extracted from the damping rings, accelerated in the linac, collimated, momentum analyzed, and finally delivered to the final focus are reviewed. The effects of bunch compression, transverse and longitudinal wakefields, BNS damping, energy definition, dispersion, emittance, bunch aspect ratio, feedback, and stability are all important. 11 refs., 1 tab

    First Observations of a "Fast Beam-Ion Instability"

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    We report the results of experiments on a "fast beam-ion instability" at the Advanced Light Source (ALS). This ion instability, which can arise even where the ions are not trapped over multiple beam passages, will likely be important for many future accelerators. In our experiments, we filled the ALS storage ring with helium gas, raising the pressure approximately two orders of magnitude above the nominal value. With gaps in the bunch train large enough to avoid conventional (multi-turn) ion trapping, we observed a factor of 2-3 increase in the vertical beam size along with coherent beam oscillations. The single-pass nature of this instability was demonstrated