19 research outputs found

    Playful and physical active storytelling in day care settings

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    This paper is about playful and physically active storytelling (PPAST) with children in day care. It is highlighting why this way of telling a story, combined with pedagogical tact for maintaining play mood during the story, can support 2–5-year-old children®s imaginary play. From 2016 to 2020 three prototypes of physical active stories for kindergartens and seven for nurseries and home-nurseries were designed to facilitate PPAST in day care. The stories were designed in a design-based research approach drawing on qualitative as well as quantitative data generation. The material was distributed to 3.000 day care facilities in Denmark. This paper aims at answering two questions: How does PPAST work for different groups of children? What makes PPAST playful? According to the participating pedagogues the children that benefit the most from PPAST are children in vulnerable positions. Seven principles of significance for play to emerge during or after PPAST can be deduced from the empirical data. PPAST must include children’s co-determination, children®s as well as the pedagogue’s embodiment of the story rituals, an imaginative open storyline that can be combined with aesthetic improvisations and the inclusion of affordances in the physical environment and finally, storytelling object(s) that inspire the story and remain when the storytelling ends are essential. And perhaps most importantly, the story must give room for children’s differentiated participation

    LĂŠring, praksis og kvalitet i idrĂŠtstimerne

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    A survey of students’ attitudes to implementing physical activity in Danish vocational education schools

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    Abstract Background With the purpose of increasing the level of physical activity (PA) among Danish adolescents the Danish government initiated a large scale vocational school reform in 2015 requiring that vocational schools must ensure that students are physically active 45 min every day. Purpose To investigate how many students’ experience 45 min of PA per day as required by the Danish vocational school reform and to study possible associations between attitudes to PA and different student characteristics for instance students’ self-reported fitness level. Methods Using a cross-sectional questionnaire vocational education students’ attitudes and experiences with PA in school was assessed and combined with background questions about age, gender, self-reported PA in school and self-reported fitness level. Results 678 students with an average age of 17.2 (SD = 2.1) answered all questions. This study showed that Danish vocational school students self-reported 23.6 (SD = 16.6) minutes of PA per day. Only 18.3% of male students and 13.3% of female students self-reported 45 min of PA per day as required by the vocational school reform. This study also showed that Danish vocational school students had a relatively positive attitude to implementing PA in school. Self-reported fit students had a more positive attitude than self-reported unfit students and likewise students in the PA-high group presented a more positive attitude compared to the PA-low group. In addition, significantly more students with PA allocated on their lesson timetable were in the PA-high group. Students that were glad to attend the BP1 in general also had a more positive attitude towards implementing PA in school. Furthermore, students who were highly satisfied with the vocational schools’ facilities for PA were more likely to be in the PA-high group

    Videns- og beslutningsgrundlag hos kommunale beslutningstagere pÄ sundhedsomrÄdet

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    Danske kommuner har overtaget hovedansvaret for den borgerrettede sundhedsfremme og forebyggelse efter kommunalreformen i 2007. Dette, sammen med pres fra Ăžkonomien og den demografiske udvikling, betyder at kravet til gode beslutningsprocesser med kvalificerede vidensgrundlag er hĂžje. Dette projekt har til formĂ„l at afdĂŠkke, hvilke typer af viden, de kommunale beslutningstagere (administrative og politikere) lĂŠgger vĂŠgt pĂ„, nĂ„r de skal trĂŠffe beslutning om ivĂŠrksĂŠttelse og drift af borgerrettet forebyggelse eller sundhedsfremmende tiltag. Gennem et interviewstudie af henholdsvis en politiker fra sundhedsudvalget, direktĂžren for sundhedsomrĂ„det, samt en chef/mellemleder fra sundhedsomrĂ„det i tre danske kommuner, beskrives de vigtigste kilder til den viden, de tre niveauer trĂŠkker pĂ„. Politikerne trĂŠkker primĂŠrt pĂ„ forvaltningens egne analyser, pĂ„ oversat forskning, og pĂ„ borgerne via en kombination af forskellige rĂ„d og eget lokalkendskab. Tilmed beskrives etik som primĂŠrt et politisk domĂŠne. DirektĂžrerne trĂŠkker primĂŠrt pĂ„ eget kendskab til og viden om borgernes Ăžnsker og behov, forvaltningens medarbejdere som kilder til fagspecifik viden, samt pĂ„ Ăžkonomi, jura og etik. Cheferne trĂŠkker primĂŠrt pĂ„ Ăžkonomi, budgettet, lovgivningen, egne analyser og oversat forskning fra Sundhedsstyrelsen, KL og VIVE