166 research outputs found

    Logical Message Passing Networks with One-hop Inference on Atomic Formulas

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    Complex Query Answering (CQA) over Knowledge Graphs (KGs) has attracted a lot of attention to potentially support many applications. Given that KGs are usually incomplete, neural models are proposed to answer logical queries by parameterizing set operators with complex neural networks. However, such methods usually train neural set operators with a large number of entity and relation embeddings from zero, where whether and how the embeddings or the neural set operators contribute to the performance remains not clear. In this paper, we propose a simple framework for complex query answering that decomposes the KG embeddings from neural set operators. We propose to represent the complex queries in the query graph. On top of the query graph, we propose the Logical Message Passing Neural Network (LMPNN) that connects the \textit{local} one-hop inferences on atomic formulas to the \textit{global} logical reasoning for complex query answering. We leverage existing effective KG embeddings to conduct one-hop inferences on atomic formulas, the results of which are regarded as the messages passed in LMPNN. The reasoning process over the overall logical formulas is turned into the forward pass of LMPNN that incrementally aggregates local information to predict the answers' embeddings finally. The complex logical inference across different types of queries will then be learned from training examples based on the LMPNN architecture. Theoretically, our query-graph representation is more general than the prevailing operator-tree formulation, so our approach applies to a broader range of complex KG queries. Empirically, our approach yields a new state-of-the-art neural CQA model. Our research bridges the gap between complex KG query answering tasks and the long-standing achievements of knowledge graph representation learning.Comment: Accepted by ICLR 2023. 20 pages, 4 figures, and 9 table

    Complex Hyperbolic Knowledge Graph Embeddings with Fast Fourier Transform

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    The choice of geometric space for knowledge graph (KG) embeddings can have significant effects on the performance of KG completion tasks. The hyperbolic geometry has been shown to capture the hierarchical patterns due to its tree-like metrics, which addressed the limitations of the Euclidean embedding models. Recent explorations of the complex hyperbolic geometry further improved the hyperbolic embeddings for capturing a variety of hierarchical structures. However, the performance of the hyperbolic KG embedding models for non-transitive relations is still unpromising, while the complex hyperbolic embeddings do not deal with multi-relations. This paper aims to utilize the representation capacity of the complex hyperbolic geometry in multi-relational KG embeddings. To apply the geometric transformations which account for different relations and the attention mechanism in the complex hyperbolic space, we propose to use the fast Fourier transform (FFT) as the conversion between the real and complex hyperbolic space. Constructing the attention-based transformations in the complex space is very challenging, while the proposed Fourier transform-based complex hyperbolic approaches provide a simple and effective solution. Experimental results show that our methods outperform the baselines, including the Euclidean and the real hyperbolic embedding models.Comment: Aceepted by the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP22

    Extremal Optimization of Graph Partitioning at the Percolation Threshold

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    The benefits of a recently proposed method to approximate hard optimization problems are demonstrated on the graph partitioning problem. The performance of this new method, called Extremal Optimization, is compared to Simulated Annealing in extensive numerical simulations. While generally a complex (NP-hard) problem, the optimization of the graph partitions is particularly difficult for sparse graphs with average connectivities near the percolation threshold. At this threshold, the relative error of Simulated Annealing for large graphs is found to diverge relative to Extremal Optimization at equalized runtime. On the other hand, Extremal Optimization, based on the extremal dynamics of self-organized critical systems, reproduces known results about optimal partitions at this critical point quite well.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex, 9 ps-figures included, as to appear in Journal of Physics

    TILFA: A Unified Framework for Text, Image, and Layout Fusion in Argument Mining

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    A main goal of Argument Mining (AM) is to analyze an author's stance. Unlike previous AM datasets focusing only on text, the shared task at the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining introduces a dataset including both text and images. Importantly, these images contain both visual elements and optical characters. Our new framework, TILFA (A Unified Framework for Text, Image, and Layout Fusion in Argument Mining), is designed to handle this mixed data. It excels at not only understanding text but also detecting optical characters and recognizing layout details in images. Our model significantly outperforms existing baselines, earning our team, KnowComp, the 1st place in the leaderboard of Argumentative Stance Classification subtask in this shared task.Comment: Accepted to the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining, co-located with EMNLP 202

    Machine Learning-Driven Multiscale Modeling: Bridging the Scales with a Next-Generation Simulation Infrastructure

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    Interdependence across time and length scales is common in biology, where atomic interactions can impact larger-scale phenomenon. Such dependence is especially true for a well-known cancer signaling pathway, where the membrane-bound RAS protein binds an effector protein called RAF. To capture the driving forces that bring RAS and RAF (represented as two domains, RBD and CRD) together on the plasma membrane, simulations with the ability to calculate atomic detail while having long time and large length- scales are needed. The Multiscale Machine-Learned Modeling Infrastructure (MuMMI) is able to resolve RAS/RAF protein-membrane interactions that identify specific lipid-protein fingerprints that enhance protein orientations viable for effector binding. MuMMI is a fully automated, ensemble-based multiscale approach connecting three resolution scales: (1) the coarsest scale is a continuum model able to simulate milliseconds of time for a 1 μm2 membrane, (2) the middle scale is a coarse-grained (CG) Martini bead model to explore protein-lipid interactions, and (3) the finest scale is an all-atom (AA) model capturing specific interactions between lipids and proteins. MuMMI dynamically couples adjacent scales in a pairwise manner using machine learning (ML). The dynamic coupling allows for better sampling of the refined scale from the adjacent coarse scale (forward) and on-the-fly feedback to improve the fidelity of the coarser scale from the adjacent refined scale (backward). MuMMI operates efficiently at any scale, from a few compute nodes to the largest supercomputers in the world, and is generalizable to simulate different systems. As computing resources continue to increase and multiscale methods continue to advance, fully automated multiscale simulations (like MuMMI) will be commonly used to address complex science questions

    Identification and validation of clinical predictors for the risk of neurological involvement in children with hand, foot, and mouth disease in Sarawak

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    Background: Human enterovirus 71 (HEV71) can cause Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) with neurological complications, which may rapidly progress to fulminant cardiorespiratory failure, and death. Early recognition of children at risk is the key to reduce acute mortality and morbidity. Methods: We examined data collected through a prospective clinical study of HFMD conducted between 2000 and 2006 that included 3 distinct outbreaks of HEV71 to identify risk factors associated with neurological involvement in children with HFMD. Results: Total duration of fever ≥ 3 days, peak temperature ≥ 38.5°C and history of lethargy were identified as independent risk factors for neurological involvement (evident by CSF pleocytosis) in the analysis of 725 children admitted during the first phase of the study. When they were validated in the second phase of the study, two or more (≥ 2) risk factors were present in 162 (65%) of 250 children with CSF pleocytosis compared with 56 (30%) of 186 children with no CSF pleocytosis (OR 4.27, 95% CI2.79–6.56, p < 0.0001). The usefulness of the three risk factors in identifying children with CSF pleocytosis on hospital admission during the second phase of the study was also tested. Peak temperature ≥ 38.5°C and history of lethargy had the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 28%(48/174), 89%(125/140), 76%(48/63) and 50%(125/251), respectively in predicting CSF pleocytosis in children that were seen within the first 2 days of febrile illness. For those presented on the 3rd or later day of febrile illness, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of ≥ 2 risk factors predictive of CSF pleocytosis were 75%(57/ 76), 59%(27/46), 75%(57/76) and 59%(27/46), respectively. Conclusion: Three readily elicited clinical risk factors were identified to help detect children at risk of neurological involvement. These risk factors may serve as a guide to clinicians to decide the need for hospitalization and further investigation, including cerebrospinal fluid examination, and close monitoring for disease progression in children with HFMD