48 research outputs found

    The psychology of voting action : on the psychological origins of electoral research, 1939-1964

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    This article examines the development of psychologically oriented voting behavior research between 1939-1964. It intends to show the psychological basis of the Columbia and Michigan approaches and its implications for the analysis of electoral behavior. It is argued that, in spite of the large differences commonly perceived between these two approaches, there is much similarity between them, both with regard to their psychological roots as to their principal conclusions

    Remembering the Role of Justice in Resolution: Insights from Procedural and Social Justice Theories

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    It is surely a luxury, at this point in the field of dispute resolution, to be invited to identify those concepts that I view as absolutely essential to our canon. Borrowing a bit from Chris Guthrie\u27s wine illustration, I think it is fair to suggest that today\u27s presentations reveal a very impressive wine cellar, with many bottles of fine wine from which to choose. I will spotlight one part of this wine cellar, where concepts regarding procedural and social justice theories can be found. I will focus primarily on procedural justice but will also reference those theories of social justice that link these two dimensions of justice, particularly in a democracy

    Fairness: Perceptions of Fairness in Negotiation

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    Influence of Procedural and Distributive Variables on Settlement Rates in Employment Discrimination Mediation, The

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    Mediators and scholars are interested in factors that contribute to a successful mediation. The settlement of the dispute is one measure of success. If one could identify certain key process or outcome variables that caused more disputes to be settled in mediation, a mediator could use this information to maximize settlement potential. We seek to add to this search for the holy grail of mediation settlement.\u27 Using an extensive database from the evaluation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) we attempt to determine whether certain procedural and distributive factors are significant predictors of case resolution. We also examine whether other factors, such as whether a party was represented at the mediation, are correlated with resolution of the dispute

    Perceptions of Fairness in Negotiation

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    In all of negotiation, there is no bigger trap than fairness. This chapter from the Negotiator\u27s Fieldbook explains why among multiple models of fairness, people tend to believe that the one that applies here is the one that happens to favor them. This often creates a bitter element in negotiation, as each party proceeds from the unexamined assumption that its standpoint is the truly fair one. For a negotiation to end well, it is imperative for both parties to assess the fairness of their own proposals from multiple points of view, not just their instinctive one – and to consider the fairness of their negotiation procedures as well as of their substantive proposals. Though the fairness of negotiation procedure appears to exercise greater influence upon some negotiators than others, perceptions of procedural fairness generally result in increased perceptions of substantive fairness, increased compliance with negotiated results, improved relations between the negotiators and perhaps even a reduced need to engage in the sort of face saving that can result in choices that are not in negotiators\u27 economic self-interest

    The Effects of Mediation in a Juvenile Incarceration Facility: Reduction of Violence Through Transformation

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    Using Bush and Folger’s transformative framework and psychological theory, the authors posit that mediation can play a role in changing the behavior of incarcerated juveniles by its focus on empathy and self-empowerment. After a brief description of their mediation clinic in Juvenile Hall, the authors assess the effects of the clinic in transforming its participants through data gathered

    Some Thoughts on Public Policy and Industrial Peace

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    On exprime des inquiétudes au sujet de l'état de santé de notre régime de négociations collectives et de relations professionnelles en général. De nombreuses suggestions ont été faites pour améliorer le dossier de nos relations professionnelles, mais il n'y a eu que peu d'efforts, s'il y en a eu, pour lier diverses propositions ou en faire la synthèse. Cette étude offre un cadre pour l'analyse des stratégies de rechange dans les relations de travail.Le vaste domaine des stratégies de rechange peut se diviser en quatre groupes ou catégories:1) la réforme politique;2) la réforme des structures;3) la réforme des mécanismes;4) la réforme des comportements.La réforme politique suppose des initiatives de la part du gouvernement pour favoriser le processus des négociations collectives. Le gouvernement peut aider de trois façons. D'abord, les organismes gouvernementaux peuvent faciliter le processus de négociation en fournissant l'aide de tierces parties (enquêtes factuelles). En second lieu, le gouvernement peut proposer et imposer des mécanismes de règlement des différends qui remplacent ou modifient les sanctions économiques auxquelles les parties recourent. Troisièmement, le gouvernement peut encourager la coopération entre les employeurs et les syndicats et favoriser la paix industrielle en fournissant des données objectives et en encourageant la formation et la compétence des tierces parties.Le but de la réforme des structures est d'élargir l'aire des négociations ou des conventions collectives de façon à diminuer le nombre des grèves. Le passage de la négociation locale à la négociation provinciale par législation en est un exemple. On peut en venir à des unités de négociations plus étendues, soit par l'action du gouvernement, soit à l'initiative des parties.Les deux réformes ci-dessus se rapportent aux effets des conflits de travail (les grèves) essentiellement par des techniques de règlement des différends et par la modification des unités de négociation. Les parties peuvent aussi adopter divers types de réformes au processus de négociation. Le recours à l'arbitrage volontaire, des efforts en vue de procéder à la négociation continue, des négociations anticipées, la fixation de dates-cibles pour le règlement, une formule commune de détermination des salaires sont autant d'exemples d'innovations possibles dans ce domaine.Enfin, un changement fondamental dans l'orientation des parties Tune envers l'autre est une méthode qui retient de plus en plus l'attention. La réforme des attitudes peut comporter l'accord entre les parties pour repousser le recours à la grève ou au lock-out, diminuer le nombre de participants à la table des négociations, faire un nouvel aménagement des sièges à cette même table, mettre au point des échanges de personnel entre les parties, recourir à des comités conjoints pour aider à la solution des problèmes ou encore fournir des formes variées d'intervention s'inspirant du behaviorisme. Des innovations quant à la qualité de la vie au travail entrent aussi dans cette catégorie.Jusqu'ici, les réformes de caractère politique ont eu tendance à considérer les négociations collectives comme une lutte pour le « pouvoir » par des formes directes d'intervention. Aussi, au Canada, avons-nous atteint un point où peu peut être fait pour favoriser la négociation par intervention coercitive et, en même temps, les substituts obligatoires viables à la grève ne semblent pas exister. Plus, le changement structurel opère, au mieux, des réformes et des améliorations temporaires. On a complètement ignoré en matière de politique publique le côté comportement du processus de négociation et de rapports entre les parties.En conséquence, les gouvernements devraient bien davantage mettre l'accent sur les deux dernières stratégies (la réforme des mécanismes et la réforme des comportements), car il s'agit d'approches beaucoup moins directes que celles qui consistent à essayer d'amorcer des changements par des modifications à la législation. Les premiers agents de changement dans un tel cas devraient être les tierces parties neutres du gouvernement, ce qui implique qu'elles doivent recevoir une formation plus large et plus intensive que celle qu'elles reçoivent actuellement.Finalement, il semble clair que, pour être efficace et durable, l'initiative des parties en vue d'améliorer leurs rapports doive porter sur les deux points — la réforme des mécanismes et la réforme des comportements. Une combinaison des deux stratégies semblerait, non seulement désirable, mais nécessaire, si l'on veut une amélioration significative du climat dans notre système de relations professionnelles.This paper examines various strategies for industrial peace. Strategies which attack both the root causes of conflict and the effects of labour-management strife are discussed. The author then draws some broad inferences for public policy and for the parties in collective bargaining

    Stories about Property

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    A Review of Carol M. Rose, Property and Persuasion: Essays on the History, Theory, and Rhetoric of Ownershi

    Searching for a Sense of Control: The Challenge Presented by Community Conflicts over Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

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    The growth in the number of concentrated animal feeding operations ( CAFOs ), particularly those involved in swine production, has brought with it increased community concern and outright conflict in many communities across the United States.\u27 Most commentators have focused upon anticipated outcomes to explain the contentiousness of CAFO-related disputes.2 Meanwhile, even though the social dynamics that contribute to the development and escalation of conflicts over CAFOs parallel those exhibited in other kinds of community conflicts, little research has systematically examined the social dynamics associated with CAFO conflicts. One exception to this deficiency is recent work conducted by a team of researchers that examined CAFO-related disputes in Pennsylvania in order to make recommendations for alternative models for the resolution of such disputes.4 The researchers found that Pennsylvania stakeholders\u27 perceived loss of direct and indirect control in the decision-making processes governing CAFOs was at the root of these conflicts.5 This Article highlights stakeholders\u27 concerns about the procedural fairness of the governmental decision-making surrounding CAFOs, including the negotiation, passage, and implementation of the Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Act ( Act 6 ); decisions regarding CAFOs\u27 requests for permits; and townships\u27 adoption of CAFO-related ordinances. The Article argues that these perceptions of procedural unfairness are among the primary factors contributing to Pennsylvania stakeholders\u27 perception of loss of control. Alternative mechanisms for the resolution of CAFO-related disputes, therefore, must respond quite explicitly to the need for procedural justice. In Part I, based on interviews with stakeholders in Pennsylvania, this Article will describe the model of how conflicts over CAFOs arise and will provide an overview of the stakeholders\u27 perceptions regarding uncertainty, risk, unfairness, threats to identity, and mistrust, and it will demonstrate the effect of these cognitive and affective responses upon perceptions of control. In Part II, the Article will explore the procedural justice implications of the central issues of fairness, identity maintenance, and trust, as well as stakeholders\u27 preferences for more productive resolution of CAFO-related conflicts. Finally, in Part III, the Article will propose five community participation and dispute resolution processes that have the potential to increase the reality and perception of procedural justice for all members of the communities affected by decision-making regarding CAFOs. The analysis in this Article is intended to help policy makers, regulators, and the disputants themselves to anticipate the social dynamics of these conflicts and to make informed choices about how to address them constructively