16 research outputs found

    Institutions for Asian Integration: Innovation and Reform

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    The formation of regional production networks in East Asia has occurred mainly through market forces, without much help from regional institutions in promoting the creation of a single Asian market. While this approach has served the region well in the past, the drastic changes experienced since the 2008 - 2009 financial crisis and the challenges Asian countries are facing - rowing inequalities and competition, on the one hand, and enhanced threats to the environment and people's health on the other - have rendered more urgent the need for intergovernmental cooperation at global and regional levels. Asia's institutions for regionalism need strengthening through reform and innovation such as better governance and resourcing, greater and more effective participation and delegation of powers, overall streamlining of regional architecture, including the phasing out of outdated or irrelevant institutions and, where needed, the creation of new ones. Ultimately, given its rootedness in regional order, institutional efficacy is a function of the ability and willingness of its members, especially influential stakeholders, to collaborate

    Accurate segmentation of prostate cancer histomorphometric features using a weakly supervised convolutional neural network.

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    Purpose: Prostate cancer primarily arises from the glandular epithelium. Histomophometric techniques have been used to assess the glandular epithelium in automated detection and classification pipelines; however, they are often rigid in their implementation, and their performance suffers on large datasets where variation in staining, imaging, and preparation is difficult to control. The purpose of this study is to quantify performance of a pixelwise segmentation algorithm that was trained using different combinations of weak and strong stroma, epithelium, and lumen labels in a prostate histology dataset. Approach: We have combined weakly labeled datasets generated using simple morphometric techniques and high-quality labeled datasets from human observers in prostate biopsy cores to train a convolutional neural network for use in whole mount prostate labeling pipelines. With trained networks, we characterize pixelwise segmentation of stromal, epithelium, and lumen (SEL) regions on both biopsy core and whole-mount H&E-stained tissue. Results: We provide evidence that by simply training a deep learning algorithm on weakly labeled data generated from rigid morphometric methods, we can improve the robustness of classification over the morphometric methods used to train the classifier. Conclusions: We show that not only does our approach of combining weak and strong labels for training the CNN improve qualitative SEL labeling within tissue but also the deep learning generated labels are superior for cancer classification in a higher-order algorithm over the morphometrically derived labels it was trained on

    Radio-pathomic Maps of Epithelium and Lumen Density Predict the Location of High-Grade Prostate Cancer

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    PURPOSE: This study aims to combine multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and digitized pathology with machine learning to generate predictive maps of histologic features for prostate cancer localization. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Thirty-nine patients underwent MRI prior to prostatectomy. After surgery, tissue was sliced according to MRI orientation using patient-specific 3-dimensionally printed slicing jigs. Whole-mount sections were annotated by our pathologist and digitally contoured to differentiate the lumen and epithelium. Slides were co-registered to the T2-weighted MRI scan. A learning curve was generated to determine the number of patients required for a stable machine-learning model. Patients were randomly stratified into 2 training sets and 1 test set. Two partial least-squares regression models were trained, each capable of predicting lumen and epithelium density. Predicted density values were calculated for each patient in the test dataset, mapped into the MRI space, and compared between regions confirmed as high-grade prostate cancer. RESULTS: The learning-curve analysis showed that a stable fit was achieved with data from 10 patients. Maps indicated that regions of increased epithelium and decreased lumen density, generated from each independent model, corresponded with pathologist-annotated regions of high-grade cancer. CONCLUSIONS: We present a radio-pathomic approach to mapping prostate cancer. We find that the maps are useful for highlighting high-grade tumors. This technique may be relevant for dose-painting strategies in prostate radiation therapy