46,320 research outputs found

    Solving Linearized Equations of the NN-body Problem Using the Lie-integration Method

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    Several integration schemes exits to solve the equations of motion of the NN-body problem. The Lie-integration method is based on the idea to solve ordinary differential equations with Lie-series. In the 1980s this method was applied for the NN-body problem by giving the recurrence formula for the calculation of the Lie-terms. The aim of this works is to present the recurrence formulae for the linearized equations of motion of NN-body systems. We prove a lemma which greatly simplifies the derivation of the recurrence formulae for the linearized equations if the recurrence formulae for the equations of motions are known. The Lie-integrator is compared with other well-known methods. The optimal step size and order of the Lie-integrator are calculated. It is shown that a fine-tuned Lie-integrator can be 30%-40% faster than other integration methods.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS (13 pages, 4 figures); see http://cm.elte.hu/lie (cm.elte.hu/lie) for softwar

    Factorization of weakly continuous holomorphic mappings

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    We prove a basic property of continuous multilinear mappings between topological vector spaces, from which we derive an easy proof of the fact that a multilinear mapping (and a polynomial) between topological vector spaces is weakly continuous on weakly bounded sets if and only if it is weakly {\it uniformly\/} continuous on weakly bounded sets. This result was obtained in 1983 by Aron, Herv\'es and Valdivia for polynomials between Banach spaces, and it also holds if the weak topology is replaced by a coarser one. However, we show that it need not be true for a stronger topology, thus answering a question raised by Aron. As an application of the first result, we prove that a holomorphic mapping ff between complex Banach spaces is weakly uniformly continuous on bounded subsets if and only if it admits a factorization of the form f=g∘Sf=g\circ S, where SS is a compact operator and gg a holomorphic mapping

    Labour Market Developments in Europe 2013

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    10siopenopenAlfonso Arpaia; Pedro Cardoso; Antonio Dias da Silva; Matteo Duiella; Clarisse Goffard; Aron Kiss; Benedicta Marzinotto; Balázs Pálvölgyi, Fabiana Pierini, Alessandro Turrini.Alfonso, Arpaia; Pedro, Cardoso; Antonio Dias da, Silva; Matteo, Duiella; Clarisse, Goffard; Aron, Kiss; Marzinotto, Benedicta; Balázs, Pálvölgyi; Fabiana, Pierini; Alessandro, Turrin


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    Neculau, Andrei. Habib, Stephanie. Henriksson, Aron. Magarian Kenaraki, Miganoush Katrin. Liu, Yuanchang. 2009. Alignment of Business and IS/IT Strategy at Telenor Sweden.strategic alignment, IS/IT strategy, business strategy, organizational strategy, case study, Telenor

    Forty-three percent of eligible rural families can claim a larger credit with EITC expansion

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    This policy brief on the changes to the Earned Income Tax Credit in the ARRA also shows that families with three or more children and married couples will receive an increased refund under these new EITC rules for tax years 2009 and 2010. Many families in urban and suburban communities will also see increased benefits under these new provisions

    The Aron Museum at Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom in Montreal

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    In 1953, when the Aron Museum at the Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom in Montreal opened it was the first museum of Jewish ceremonial objects in Canada. In its early years, Rabbi Stern—in his vision of the collection, the Aron family as benefactors and the artist Sam Borenstein who helped to select the pieces, played significant roles in the development of the museum. This article explores the original description of the Aron Museum to show how the humanistic and aesthetic values attributed to the items followed the pattern of pre-Holocaust Jewish museums and exhibitions. For a variety of reasons the religious, ethnographic and historical interpretations of the ceremonial objects of the Aron Museum were initially minimized in its public display. Today, the provenance and memory associations of these objects as well as an explanation of Jewish rituals more fully express the multi-layered meaning of Jewish ceremonial art. Résumé Lorsque le musée Aron ouvrit ses portes en 1953, au temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom à Montréal, il était le premier musée d’objets cérémoniels juifs au Canada. Durant ses premières années d’existence, le rabbin Stern, avec sa conception de la collection, les membres de la famille Aron en tant que bienfaiteurs et l’artiste Sam Borenstein, qui contribua à sélectionner les objets, jouèrent des rôles significatifs dans son développement. Cet article explore la description originelle du musée Aron afin de montrer la manière dont les valeurs humanistes et esthétiques attribuées aux pièces exposées suivaient le schéma des musées et expositions juives d’avant l’Holocauste. Pour des raisons variées, les interprétations religieuses, ethnographiques et historiques des objets cérémoniels du musée Aron était initialement minimisées dans l’exposition publique. Aujourd’hui, la provenance et les associations mémorielles de ces objets, aussi bien que l’explication des rituels juifs, expriment plus pleinement la signification multi-niveaux de l’art cérémoniel juif

    Institutional Change, Growth, and Poverty Levels in Pakistan

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    It is now well-recognised that institutions matter in the growth process both directly and indirectly. Well-functioning institutions lead to higher investment levels, better policies, increase in social capital stock of a community, and better management of ethnic diversity and conflicts [see for example North (1990, 1994); Jutting (2003); Rodrik, et al. (2002); Dollar and Kray (2002); World Bank (2002); Aron (2000); Chu (2001) and Frischtak (1995)]. That the decay of institutions has led to poor governance—and the urgent need for improved governance in Pakistan particularly—has been well-documented in DRI/McGraw-Hill (1998); Pakistan (1999) and Hassan (2002). Transparent, participatory, and efficient working of institutions ensures correct priorities and appropriate policies; their effective and efficient implementation results in high growth, better income distribution, and alleviation of poverty
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