4 research outputs found


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    Banks as intermediary institutions and trust institutions as the driving force of a country's economy, in their activities, cannot be separated from the use of information technology to support their operations. The use of information technology by banks in addition to having a positive impact also has a negative impact that will threaten and harm the bank and its customers, if not managed properly. Banking crimes that use information technology, especially against bank products and services that use computers and internet networks (Cybercrime) will cause losses to customers and the bank itself.This research is normative juridical research that is descriptive-analytical with a case approach to identify and analyze forms of crime in the banking world and the efforts made by the government CQ. financial authorities in providing legal protection for customers and banks from criminals who use information technology.The results of this study indicate that cybercrime is a crime using information technology that can be carried out without recognizing territorial boundaries and no direct interaction between perpetrators and victims of crime is required; so that the government, as well as the monetary authority (BI) and the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as supervisors in the financial and banking sectors, need to protect the public (customers) and banking institutions, namely by taking preventive and repressive actions by implementing existing laws and regulations and coordinating with law enforcement officers in preventing the occurrence of Cybercrime and providing severe penalties for the perpetrators of these crimes.


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    The tendency of consumers to buy and use famous brands is a lifestyle for some people in this modern era. Considering that generally goods/services of well-known brands have a relatively more expensive sale value when compared to non-branded goods/services, so their existence is often used by parties who are not responsible for producing counterfeit goods/ services or selling counterfeit goods/services with us and utilize well-known brands. Therefore the use of a well-known trademark that has been registered by another unauthorized party will bring legal impact and loss to many parties, the first party that loses is the owner of the registered brand, and this will lead to fraudulent competition, the second party to be disadvantaged is the consumer community who buy and consume counterfeit products using well-known brands which should be protected from misleading behavior, other parties who are also disadvantaged by the use of well-known brands are the government/country in addition to not getting fees from the distribution of these well-known brands will also affect the country's image from the international business environment. In this study, the author tries to find out how the form of legal protection against "Famous brand holders" and against "Cosmetics" from the illegal use of famous brands and what needs to be done by the government to protect the practice of using registered (well-known) brands from the use of parties who are not entitled to


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    Hukum adalah subsistem dalam sistem kehidupan bangsa dan negara. Hukum bertujuan untuk menciptakan keadilan, ketertiban dan kepastian hukum di masyarakat. Namun dalam perkembangannya saat ini hukum tidak hanya bertujuan untuk mencapai keadilan, ketertiban dan kepastian hukum tetapi juga diinstruksikan sebagai alat untuk perubahan sosial. Undang-undang diharapkan memiliki peran optimal untuk mendorong perubahan yang mengarah pada pembaruan orang Indonesia yang sadar akan hukum. Untuk pencapaian masyarakat Indonesia yang sadar akan hukum, perlu ada reformasi di bidang hukum, yaitu melalui; Peningkatan Sistem Pendidikan; Menghidupkan Kembali Budaya Hukum; Penegakan Hukum (Penegakan Hukum); Contoh dari Administrator Negara (Pemerintah); dan peran media massa, yaitu dalam bentuk sosialisasi nilai-nilai hukum dengan memilih pertunjukan yang inspiratif, selektif dan berbobot sehingga mereka akan menghasilkan generasi yang sadar akan hukum

    Know Your Customer (KYC) Principles Relates to Bank Confidentiality as an Effort to Prevent Money Laundering Crimes

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    Anti-money laundering laws also create a major dilemma for banks, the banks also could be held liable as constructive trustee for the rightful owner of the corrupted funds. Hence, this study aims to find out and explain the essences of know your customer principles relates to bank confidentiality in accordance with the Indonesian Anti-Money Laundering Laws. Type of the research was an empirical legal research. The research was conducted in the Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, precisely in several public and private-owned banks. The results show that the know your customer principle is carried out in the context of applying prudential banking to protect banks from various risks in dealing with customers and counter-parties. For this reason, it is necessary to have a common perception and understanding between the Bank and the costumers regarding the urgency of applying the KYC principles. In supporting the application of the principle of knowing customers, it is necessary to support adequate technology and information systems that can monitor each customer transaction that is tailored to the character and profile of the customer. For instance, support for systems and information technology like this is certainly very necessary even though it requires a large investment or cost. The application of the principle of knowing customers is part of the implementation of bank risk management in general. Keywords: Bank; Know Your Customer Principles; Money Laundering DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/81-1