1,782 research outputs found

    Uso de tecnologia de treinamento na preparação de estudantes de especialidades de engenharia

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    The content of higher education is influenced by the market economy, computerization and technological development of society. To discover the potential of students, new approaches to learning are required. In Russia, in the field of vocational education, the technology of project training is implemented, which meets the new emerging requirements of the state and society. Project training technology contributes to the most productive training of students as highly qualified specialists, and also allows them to consciously address their activities, establish professional tasks and perform them independently. The purpose of the article is to consider the experience of using technology in the training of projects in graduates of engineering specialties. As a result of the theoretical analysis of the pedagogical literature, we selected the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of these technologies (didactic, psychological, social, pedagogical, organizational and pedagogical). At the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin, the study was conducted among the students on the "Construction" and "Technology" training profiles. The total number of respondents was 212 people. According to the data received, 88% of the students noticed the effectiveness of the application of the project method in the study of the graphic disciplines, 72% indicated that the design method promotes a deeper study of the material. In general, the experiment showed that the level of training using the project's training technology was significantly higher.El contenido de la educación superior está influenciado por la economía de Mercado, la informatización y el desarrollo tecnológico de la sociedad. Para descubrir el potencial de los estudiantes, se requieren nuevos enfoques para el aprendizaje. En Rusia, en el campo de la educación vocacional, se implementa la tecnología de capacitación de proyectos, que cumple con los nuevos requisitos emergentes del estado y la sociedad. La tecnología de capacitación en proyectos contribuye a la formación más productiva de los estudiantes como especialistas altamente calificados, y también les permite abordar conscientemente sus actividades, poder establecer tareas profesionales y realizarlas de manera independiente. El propósito del artículo es considerar la experiencia de utilizar la tecnología en la capacitación de proyectos en graduados de especialidades de ingeniería. Como resultado del análisis teórico de la literatura pedagógica, seleccionamos las condiciones pedagógicas para la implementación de estas tecnologías (didáctica, psicológica, social, pedagógica, organizativa y pedagógica). En la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod que lleva el nombre de Kozma Minin, el estudio se realizó entre los estudiantes sobre los perfiles de capacitación "Construcción" y "Tecnología". El número total de encuestados fue de 212 personas. De acuerdo con los datos recibidos, el 88% de los estudiantes notó la efectividad de la aplicación del método del proyecto en el estudio de las disciplinas gráficas, el 72% indicó que el método de diseño promueve un estudio más profundo del material. En general, el experimento mostró que el nivel de capacitación utilizando la tecnología de capacitación del proyecto fue significativamente mayor.O conteúdo do ensino superior é influenciado pela economia de mercado, informatização e desenvolvimento tecnológico da sociedade. Para descobrir o potencial dos estudantes, novas abordagens para a aprendizagem são necessárias. Na Rússia, no campo da educação profissional, implementa-se a tecnologia de treinamento em projetos, que atende às novas exigências emergentes do estado e da sociedade. A tecnologia de treinamento do projeto contribui para a formação mais produtiva dos alunos como especialistas altamente qualificados, e também permite que eles abordem conscientemente suas atividades, estabeleçam tarefas profissionais e as executem de forma independente. O objetivo do artigo é considerar a experiência de usar a tecnologia na formação de projetos em graduados de especialidades de engenharia. Como resultado da análise teórica da literatura pedagógica, selecionamos as condições pedagógicas para a implementação dessas tecnologias (didáticas, psicológicas, sociais, pedagógicas, organizacionais e pedagógicas). Na Universidade Pedagógica do Estado de Nizhny Novgorod, em homenagem a Kozma Minin, o estudo foi conduzido entre os estudantes nos perfis de treinamento "Construção" e "Tecnologia". O número total de entrevistados foi de 212 pessoas. De acordo com os dados recebidos, 88% dos estudantes notaram a eficácia da aplicação do método de projeto no estudo das disciplinas gráficas, 72% indicaram que o método de projeto promove um estudo mais profundo do material. Em geral, o experimento mostrou que o nível de treinamento usando a tecnologia de treinamento do projeto foi significativamente maior

    Politician's linguistic personality as key figure of institutional discourse

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    The article deals with the approaches to studying a politician's linguistic personality. The communicative potential of the manifestation means of a politician's personality is analyzed. The authors present the algorithm of studying the characteristics of an institutional linguistic personalit

    Features of French, American and Russian intercultural interaction

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    The article deals with the functioning of cultural stereotypes in French, American and Russian linguistic consciousness. Cross-cultural interaction is interpreted within the framework of mastering linguocultural communication codes and the worldview of allophones. The analysis of factual data is based on the linguosemiotic approach to its interpretation within a discursive utterance

    Specific verbal representation of the time category

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    The article aims to describe the verbal representation of the time category as exemplified by languages with different structures. The authors consider semantic features of temporal vocabulary, namely, the semantics and functioning of temporal verbs, adjectives and adverbs in english, french and russian from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. The article presents the possible themed classification of these lexical units. The authors conduct their comparative analysis, highlight issues of their semantization and metaphorization, as well as analyze their roles and functions in the formation of the speaker's worldvie

    Toponymic phraseological unit, linguistic thinking and discourse: Russia, France and Italy

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    Studies phraseological units with a toponymic component on the material of linguistic and discursive manifestations in Russian, French and Italian linguistic cultures. National discourse in correlation with linguistic thinking is studied based on interpretative analysis of phraseology. In the context of the anthropocentric paradigm, the authors carry out a linguistic interpretation of systemic toponymic phraseological mean

    Emotive-expressive potential of phraseology of linguistic identity: Vladimir Putin

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    Deals with the linguistic identity of the politician on the material of statements of V.V. Putin. The politician's discourse is studied based on the interpretative analysis of phraseolog

    Bilingualism and biculturalism and teaching of modern languages: point of view of a teacher of french from Russia

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    More than 50% of the world's inhabitants are bilingual, and this percentage is expected to be increasing due to the increasing global mobility. Some people are bilingual because of the characteristics of their families, others because of migration, or because they live in a border area or a country that has several languages. Bilingualism is extremely widespread in Russia and in France. In this article, the actual and complex phenomenon of bilingualism in the contemporary cultural situation, in particular in the teaching of foreign languages, is considere

    Modern philological knowledge: anthropocentrism and linguistic identity

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    The article aims at analyzing the actual status of the "linguistic persona" category in the modern linguistic studies both in Russia and abroad. It is shown that the anthropocentric paradigm dominates in modern scientific knowledg

    Cognitive-perceptive features and communicative orientation of nominative meaning of the verbs of olfactory semantics in French

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    The article deals with systemic-structural possibilities of the verbal nomination of the French language in the field of description of a smell as a result of the olfactory perceptio

    Color terms and phraseological units of sports jargon: russian and french languages

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    The study discusses some aspects of sports communication and linguistic worldview with due regard to national and cultural parameters. In particular, the authors of the article study sport phraseological units with coloronim-components in Russian and Frenc