41 research outputs found

    Using environmental monitoring to complement in-depth qualitative interviews in cold homes research

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    Cold homes contribute to twenty to forty thousand excess winter deaths each year in the UK and approximately 300,000 hospital admissions. Using fuel poverty as an identifier for those at risk does not always capture everyday exposure to cold homes due to variations in financial trade-offs and behavioural factors. Few fuel poverty studies have combined environmental measurements with qualitative data on lived experiences of fuel poverty and cold homes. This paper looks at the strengths and limitations of using a mixed method, environmental and qualitative interviewing approach. A series of six discreet studies were conducted between 2001 and 2015 using a similar methodology with a mixed methods design where in-depth interviews were conducted alongside temperature and humidity measurements. The research studies found that combining environmental monitoring with qualitative research methods allows both cross validation and triangulation of data in order to provide a richer and more insightful examination into the lives of people living in cold homes. The studies demonstrate how a combined methodological approach can help explain the choices, decisions and behaviour of households experiencing cold homes and fuel poverty. The paper concludes with recommendations for future development and implementation of the research method

    Thermodynamics of aqueous acetic and propionic acids and their anions over a wide range of temperatures and pressures

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    The apparent molar volumes of aqueous acetic acid were determined [italic v (to differentiate from Times ital nu)]ia density measurements at 298 K<T<573 K and 10 MPa<p<38 MPa. The results were corrected for acid ionization and extrapolated to the standard state of infinite dilution. The new data have been combined with literature values of the standard molar volumes and standard molar heat capacities of acetic and propionic acids, and of acetate and propionate ions. Three correlation models were tested in the description of the standard thermodynamic properties at superambient conditions for the two acids and their anions. The most dependable model, inspired by the fluctuation solution theory, has been selected for generation of the recommended data. Adjustable parameters of the model were obtained by simultaneous correlation of the volumes and heat capacities together with experimental dissociation constants of the acid. It is shown that this model can be used for precise and consistent calculations of standard thermodynamic properties of the two acids and their conjugate ions over a wide range of temperatures and pressures

    Textiler Verbundwerkstoff am Beispiel eines Wärmedämmverbundsystems

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    Im Bereich der Bekleidungsindustrie und der technischen Textilien gibt es eine Vielzahl hoch technisierter Produkte, die auch für bauphysikalische Einsatzbereiche gute Produkte darstellen können, mit Eigenschaften, die herkömmliche Systeme nicht oder nur in eingeschränktem Maße bieten. Von besonderem Interesse sind dabei bekannte Produkte aus dem Outdoorbereich, die einen hohen Regenschutz und Wasserabweisung mit einer extremen Diffusionsoffenheit und Wasserdampfdurchlässigkeit kombinieren

    Nachhaltiges Bauen: Zukunftsfähige Konzepte für Planer und Entscheider

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    Im Rahmen der Reihe Beuth Forum beleuchten hier Experten verschiedener Disziplinen das Thema Nachhaltiges Bauen aus ihrer jeweiligen Perspektive und geben Prognosen für die Zukunft. Der Leser erhält erstmalig einen Einblick in den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion und kann sich anhand der umfangreichen Materialien ein eigenes Bild machen. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Norm DIN EN 15643, die sich mit Kriterien der Nachhaltigkeitsbeschreibung befasst

    Bauteilintegrierte Heiz- und Haustechnik fuer zukuenftige Baukonzepte (Hybride Heizsysteme). Phase 2 Abschlussbericht

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    The report describes heating systems (hybrid systems) for future building concepts: Thermal and energetic characteristics of hollow components (passive and active ceiling systems); Thermal and energetic characteristics of buildings with optimized hollow components; Development of low-cost air-filled collector systems integrated in the outer walls of a building; Thermal interactions between heating systems and hybrid systems; Economic criteria. (HW)Es wird berichtet ueber Heizsysteme (Hybridsysteme) fuer zukuenftige Baukonzepte: Thermisches und energetisches Verhalten der Hohlbauteile (passives und aktives Deckensystem); thermisches und energetisches Verhalten von Gebaeuden mit optischen Hohlbauteilen; Entwicklung einer preisguenstigen Fassadenluftkollektive; thermisches Zusammenspiel von Heizung und Hybridsystem; Wirtschaftlichkeitskriterien. (HW)Available from TIB Hannover: RO 5074(1994,114)+a+b / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman