280 research outputs found

    A physicochemical environmental control/life support system for the Mars transit vehicle

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    The environmental control/life support system (ECLSS) must be small and maintenance free as possible to allow maximum mission flexibility. A physiocochemical ECLSS concept similar in many ways to several of the partially closed ECLSS concepts proposed for the space station is discussed. However, this concept elmininates several of the space station ECLSS subsystems and potentially eliminates the use of cryogenics and high-pressure gaseous storage

    Physiological and technological considerations for Mars mission extravehicular activity

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    The nature of the suit is a function of the needs of human physiology, the ambient environment outside the suit, and the type of activity to be accomplished while in the suit. The physiological requirements that must be provided for in the Martian Extravehicular Activity (EVA) suit will be reviewed. The influence of the Martian environment on the EVA suit and EVA capabilities is elaborated, and the Martian environment is compared with the lunar environment. The differences that may influence the EVA design are noted. The type, nature, and duration of activities to be done in transit to Mars and on the Martian surface will be evaluated and the impact of these activities on the requirements for EVA systems will be discussed. Furthermore, the interaction between Martian surface transportation systems and EVA systems will be covered. Finally, options other than EVA will be considered such as robotics, nonanthropometric suits, and vehicles with anthropometric extremities or robotic end effectors

    The effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) in posledice za gorski gozdni ekosistem

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    Rastline, ki uspevajo v gorah, so pogosto izpostavljene stresnim razmeram, predvsem povečani jakosti sevanja UV-B, skrajnim temperaturnim razmeram ter pomanjkanju vode in hranil. Odziv smreke na okoljske razmere je kompleksen. Pri enoletnih iglicah v visokogorju smo izmerili manjšo fotokemično učinkovitost in vsebnost klorofilov, kar kaže na občutljivost mladih iglic, kjer zaščitni mehanizmi še niso dokončno razviti. Pri starejših iglicah razlika ni bila več statistično značilna, zato sklepamo, da se poškodbe v drugem in tretjem letu preprečijo ali popravijo. Pri dveletnih iglicah smreke z visokogorskega rastišča je bil dihalni potencial značilno manjši in vsebnostUV-B absorbirajočih snovi značilno večja, kar pojasnjujemo s tem, da so dveletne iglice z visokogorskega rastišča med tremi starostnimi razredi najbolj odporne proti UV-B sevanju. Iz rezultatov sicer ne moremo sklepati, v kolikšni meri je k odzivu rastline prispeval posamezni stresni dejavnik, vendar lahko trdimo, da je smreka razmeroma dobro prilagojena na velike jakosti UV-B sevanja in stresne razmere, kakršne vladajo v visokogorju

    Application of Machine Learning Models with Numerical Simulations of an Experimental Microwave Induced Plasma Gasification Reactor

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    This thesis aims to contribute to the future development of this technology by providing an in-depth literature review of how this technology physically operates and can be numerically modeled. Additionally, this thesis reviews literature of machine learning models that have been applied to gasification to make accurate predictions regarding the system. Finally, this thesis provides a framework of how to numerically model an experimental plasma gasification reactor in order to inform a variety of machine learning models

    The effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) in posledice za gorski gozdni ekosistem

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    Rastline, ki uspevajo v gorah, so pogosto izpostavljene stresnim razmeram, predvsem povečani jakosti sevanja UV-B, skrajnim temperaturnim razmeram ter pomanjkanju vode in hranil. Odziv smreke na okoljske razmere je kompleksen. Pri enoletnih iglicah v visokogorju smo izmerili manjšo fotokemično učinkovitost in vsebnost klorofilov, kar kaže na občutljivost mladih iglic, kjer zaščitni mehanizmi še niso dokončno razviti. Pri starejših iglicah razlika ni bila več statistično značilna, zato sklepamo, da se poškodbe v drugem in tretjem letu preprečijo ali popravijo. Pri dveletnih iglicah smreke z visokogorskega rastišča je bil dihalni potencial značilno manjši in vsebnostUV-B absorbirajočih snovi značilno večja, kar pojasnjujemo s tem, da so dveletne iglice z visokogorskega rastišča med tremi starostnimi razredi najbolj odporne proti UV-B sevanju. Iz rezultatov sicer ne moremo sklepati, v kolikšni meri je k odzivu rastline prispeval posamezni stresni dejavnik, vendar lahko trdimo, da je smreka razmeroma dobro prilagojena na velike jakosti UV-B sevanja in stresne razmere, kakršne vladajo v visokogorju.Norway spruce trees from the subalpine stand are exposed not only to high UV-B radiation but also to a complex of other environmental factors, suchas high photosynthetically active radiation, extreme temperature conditions, deficient water and mineral supply, which might cause stress responses. Current year needles from the subalpine stand exhibited lower photochemical efficiency and total chlorophyll content compared to samples from lower altitudes. The result suggested that young needles were most vulnerable to stress factors, since the protective mechanisms were not fully developed. Current+1 year needles from the subalpine stand exhibited lower ETSvalues and higher total UV-B absorbing compounds, which may be interpreted as most successful protection against UVB radiation of current+1 year needles among the three needle age classes. Despite the obtained results, the effect of a single stress factor on spruce could not be easily drawn out. Still, we may assume that the spruce is quite tolerant to high UV-B radiation and other extreme environmental factors in the mountains

    Mechanisms of Ca2+-Triggered Arrhythmias

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    Reverse arthroplasty - alternative to conventional surgical methods in communitive proximal humerus fracture and severe rotator cuff tear.

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    INTRODUCTION The reverse shoulder arthroplasty is a type of shoulder replacement in which the normal ball and socket relationship of glenohumeral joint is reversed, creating a more stable joint with a fixed fulcrum. It was developed as a potential solution in response to the cases which could not be managed effectively with a conventional shoulder arthroplasty. The most common post-surgical complication is instability. CASE REPORT This case report includes two patients that had undergone this type of arthroplasty. The first patient was admitted after suffering a comminuted proximal humerus fracture. The second patient suffered a total rotator cuff tear. Both of our patients had severely restricted mobility and pain in the shoulder prior to the procedure and reverse arthroplasty was considered to give the best results. After the surgery they started with physical rehabilitation for several weeks. We noticed considerable improvement in range of motion and reduced pain compared to the condition before the surgery. CONCLUSION Reverse shoulder arthroplasty is utilized in cases in which conventional shoulder replacement surgery would result in poor outcomes and high failure rates. The most common such cases are massive rotator cuff tear, shoulder fractures and failed prior shoulder replacement procedures. Indications continue to expand and the number of prostheses implanted is rapidly growing

    Deep vein thrombosis: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is an obstruction of the vein caused by thrombus. It most commonly occurs is the deep veins of the lower extremity. DVT is divided into distal and proximal vein thrombosis. Symptoms of DVT include warmth, swelling, pain and erythema of the involved extremity. Risk factors are old age, pregnancy, synthetic estrogen, trauma, surgery, past DVT, cancer, obesity, immobility and thrombophilia. Wells score evaluates the likelihood of DVT. D-dimer assay should be routinely performed. It has a negative predictive value for GVT. Ultrasound evaluation is recommended for patients with likely DVT according to the Wells score or a positive D-dimer assay. Treat with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) immediately. Start warfarin simultaneously with LMWH for 3-6 months. CASE PRESENTATION 80-year old female presents to the outpatient department due to a week of right leg swelling with calf tenderness. She denies having any difficulties breathing. Her regular therapy consists of antihypertensive drugs. On physical examination her vitals are: blood pressure 140/80 mmHg, heart rate 80/min, oxygen saturation 98 %, body temperature 36,5 °. Right calf is warm and painful on palpation. Her Wells score is 3. There is no D-dimer assay available in the outpatient department. She is urgently referred to the nearby hospital for further evaluation. CONCLUSION Proximal vein thrombosis is most commonly associated with the development of pulmonary embolism (PE). PE is a medical emergency. Anticoagulant therapy is indicated for patients with DVT, since PE will occur in 50 % of untreated individuals