17 research outputs found


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    The ideal of transparency in interface design is questioned on basis of postphenomenological studies in the field of philosophy of technology. It is argued that technologies establish several types of user relations, without ever becoming completely transparent to human experience. A study of the iPhone gives the analysis empirical suport.O ideal da transparência no design de interfaces é questionado com base em estudos pós-fenomenológicos no campo da filosofia da tecnologia. Argumenta-se que tecnologias estabelecem diversos tipos de relação com usuários sem nunca se tornarem completamente transparente à experiência humana. Um estudo do iPhone dá suporte empírico à análise

    Educating for a systems design approach to complex societal problems

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    Design education has devoted little attention to the topic of societal systems transformation in the context of sustainable development. This paper reports on a master‘s-level course that aims to build the capacity for design engineering students to adopt a Systems Design Approach comprised of the integration of Product-Service System (PSS) and Systems Thinking, in order to develop sustainable energy systems concepts. We identify key factors for skilful performance when designing solutions for complex societal problems. The findings suggest that design approaches grounded in systems thinking are promising for dealing with the increasing complexity of the societal problems which future generations of design professionals are expected to solve. An Open Learning E-Package (OLEP) was offered to support Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to introduce Product-Services Systems and Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) models into their design curricula. We argue that capacity building for a systems design approach to complex societal problems, such as those faced in low-income energy markets, can support future generations of design engineers to take an active role in the development and widespread implementation of sustainable energy systems

    Book Review of Things we could design:: For more than human-centered worlds by Ron Wakkary, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2021) (2021), 312 p. ISBN 978-0-26-254299-9

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    Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Methodologie en Organisatie van Desig

    Interface design in services: A postphenomenological approach

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    Service Blueprinting for Better Collaboration in Human-Centric AI: The Design of a Digital Scribe for Orthopedic Consultations

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    This case study explored the application of the service blueprinting method during the conceptual design of an AI-enabled digital scribe— an intelligent documentation support system—tailored for orthopedic consultations. In this paper, we discuss how this method can be used to enhance collaboration between user experience designers and machine learning engineers. Specifically, we show how service blueprinting can help innovation teams create a common foundation for understanding design challenges, enrich data with user-related insights, and highlight the value of AI capabilities as an organizational resource. Building on recent academic research in the field of human-computer interaction, our findings provide additional insights for addressing the design challenges associated with developing human-centric AI and incorporating service design approaches.Methodologie en Organisatie van DesignCreative Processe

    Interface design in services: A postphenomenological approach

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    OLD Design Theory and MethodologyMarketing and Consumer Researc

    The Object of Service Design

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    Towards Systems-Oriented Energy Solutions: A Multilevel Analysis of a Low-Income Energy Efficiency Program in Brazil

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    There is a consensus among scholars and practitioners that energy solutions, such as electricity services and related products and systems, are paramount to the ability of nations to overcome environmental and social issues. As a result, policymakers and problem solvers in emerging economies have shown a keen interest in the transition to sustainable energy systems. Nevertheless, the design of sustainable energy solutions in low-income markets presents many challenges, such as those related to limited financial resources and poor infrastructure. In low-income markets, the adoption of a systems-oriented approach to product–service combinations may represent a promising alternative to traditional design approaches and result in a more socially and environmentally sound path to economic development. Building on design theory grounded in systems theory, this paper analyzes multiple aggregation levels of the sociotechnical system of a low-income energy efficiency program in Brazil. In this study, the authors examined findings from the literature, carried out field observations, and had discussions with practitioners and experts. The study identifies constraints that hinder energy solutions that could achieve higher levels of socioeconomic and environmental benefits in low-income energy markets. Based on the findings, the paper provides insights into sustainable energy transitions and concludes that low-income energy efficiency programs can be improved through design-led policy and stakeholder collaboration