23 research outputs found

    Evaluation of pilot day and employment services in south Essex: final report

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    This final report draws together results from three strands of an evaluation of mental health day and employment services: stakeholder focus groups, analysis of monitoring information and an outcomes survey of day and employment service users

    North Essex community services review: service user and carer focus groups and final report

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    The consultations, which are the subject of this report, were designed to meet the need for more information on the views of individuals who were eligle to use the services already commissioned but had not done so. The satisfaction questionaires concentrated on providing information from a user perspective on contract performance. The consultations however, were designed to provide additional information on service user awareness of the support available, the priority given to employment support by professionals working in recovery based services, barriers to employment and any potential gaps in service provision

    Making Involvement Matter in Essex

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    This report presents an evaluation of the three-year Making Involvement Matter in Essex (MIME project, commissioned by heath and social care mental health commissioners in Essex). The report describes the background to the project and the evaluation, assesses the quality and value of the work carried out, and reflects on the progress made

    Report from consultations with service users and carers

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    The brief was to assess how day services have been implemented since the review that informed the modernisation initiative. The aim was to assist commissioners to assess how services are performing against their service specifications and to make a judgement on whether the service specification and subsequent delivery has met their expectations around impact and outcomes

    Impact of changes to day services commissioned by Essex County Council in North Essex, Wickford, Rochford & Castlepoint: web survey report

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    The questions were developed initially from the day service specification documents and the length of the questionaire was aimed at enabling useful information to be collected whilst not creating a questionaire that was too long or unwieldy to complete. The first question acted as a filter and utilised 'skip logic' to direct informants to the appropriate set of questions, depending on their pattern of service use. Respondents who were currently receiving a service were very positive about their services, with some perceiving the help and approach as ‘life changing’. Alongside these positive views, some of those who used the ‘old style’ services were concerned about the loss of valued social support and self-help together with perceived reductions in levels of service, which was thought to have caused considerable distress for some people. The current services are clearly working very well for some people but others may be 'falling through the net'

    Evaluation of the Mid Essex GP consortium pilot project

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    Evaluation of the Essex mental health personal budgets pilot: interim report

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    The original aim of the pilot was to allocate a personal budget to 90 people in North Essex and 90 in South Essex over a nine to 12 month period. However, progress has been condiderably slower than hoped, although take up of personal budgets is now increasing. MIME has therefore been asked to produce this interim report based on the evaluation data it has been possible to collect so far in order to inform decisions about the direction of the evaluation and related work

    Review of employment support services in North Essex: report on service user consultations

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    'Big conversation': report on consultations across Essex, Southend and Thurrock

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    A request from the Essex health and social care mental health commissioners for a series of broad consultations to seek the views of service users and carers emerged as a response to the potential need for service redesign engendered by a new mental health policy framework (New Horizons 2009) for mental health and the continuing development of the personalisation agenda in a challenging economic climate. The ‘Big Conversation’ consultation was carried out by the MIME (Making Involvement Matter in Essex) during 2010. A total of seven events were held, attended by 122 mental health service users and cares and interested members of the general public. Participants were asked to address the following questions in small groups: 1) What do you do to keep yourself well? 2) We want you to dream – if you were designing a mental health service, what would it look like, what staff would work in it, what skills/knowledge would they have, what services would be provided? With the exception of one group, all the groups were facilitated by service user members of MIME. The main themes of the discussions revolved around 12 issues: 1) The importance of peer support; 2) The need for all service staff to have good listening skills; 3) A preference for services delivered in local generic centres close to home; 4) Improved provision of information conditions, treatment options and services; 5) Better inter-agency communication; 6) Increased employment of an increased number of people with personal experience of mental ill health in provider organisations; 7) Increased access to talking therapies including for people with complex needs who may need longer-term therapy; 8) The further development of service user and carer involvement in commissioning; 9) Greater prominence for social models of service delivery; 10) Service user involvement in risk management; 11) Development of cultural awareness in provider organisations; 12) Problems experienced by service users and carers when services are re-tendered and the provider changes

    Revisited the modelling of underground gasifier system

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    У даній статті висвітлені основні аспекти впровадження якісно нових підходів щодо технологій термохімічного перетворення вуглецевмісної сировини, зокрема підземної газифікації вугілля. При трансформації зв’язку «гірничодобувне підприємство → комунальне господарство» з однією направленістю виробних процесів комунальне господарство також стає постачальником енергетичної сировини. При моделюванні системи підземного газогенератора раціональні принципи та допуски при їх побудові дають можливість встановити основні закономірності процесів, а також знехтувати другорядними факторами, що впливають на її формування. Закладення термодинамічних характеристик в нульмерну постановку задачі при моделюванні системи підземного газогенератора дозволяє кількісно спрогнозувати склад та властивості складних гетерогенних, багатоелементних, мультифазних систем в широкому діапазоні температур та тисків з урахуванням хімічних і фазових перетворень. Визначення функції зміни температури (T) від співвідношення дуттьової суміші та вихідної сировини (k m ) на основі проведення термодинамічного розрахунку в нульмерній постановці дозволяє обґрунтувати параметри розповсюдження теплового поля навколо підземного газогенератора як за довжиною вогневого вибою, так і за довжиною виймального стовпа.This article highlights the main aspects of the implementation of qualitatively new approaches to technologies of thermochemical conversion of carbon-containing raw materials during underground coal gasification. With the transformation of the connection “mining company → public utility company” with one direction of production processes, utilities also become a supplier of energy raw materials. When modeling an underground gasifier system, rational principles and tolerances in their construction make it possible to establish the basic patterns of processes, as well as to neglect the secondary factors influencing its formation. Establishing thermodynamic composition and properties of complex heterogeneous, multi-element, multiphase systems in a wide range of temperatures and pressures, considering chemical and phase transformations, can be predicted in several ways. Determining the function of temperature change (T) from the ratio of blast mixture and raw material (k m ) based on thermodynamic calculation in zero-dimensional formulation allows to substantiate the parameters of thermal field propagation around the underground gasifier by the length of the combustion face and the length of the extraction column