26 research outputs found

    A historical account on characterizations of C1-manifolds in Euclidean spaces by tangent cones

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    Abstract A historical account on characterizations of C 1 -manifolds in Euclidean spaces by tangent cones is provided. Old characterizations of smooth manifold (by tangent cones), due to Valiron (1926, 1927) and Severi (1929, 1934) are recovered; modern characterizations, due to Gluck (1966, 1968) and Tierno (1997) are restated. All these results are consequences of the Four-cones coincidence theorem due to [1]

    Classical flows of vector fields with exponential or sub-exponential summability

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    We show that vector fields bb whose spatial derivative DxbD_xb satisfies a Orlicz summability condition have a spatially continuous representative and are well-posed. For the case of sub-exponential summability, their flows satisfy a Lusin (N) condition in a quantitative form, too. Furthermore, we prove that if DxbD_xb satisfies a suitable exponential summability condition then the flow associated to bb has Sobolev regularity, without assuming boundedness of divxb{\rm div}_xb. We then apply these results to the representation and Sobolev regularity of weak solutions of the Cauchy problem for the transport and continuity equations.Comment: 35 page