56 research outputs found

    Flow Simulation in an Elbow Diffuser : Verification and Validation

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    Numerical simulation of the unsteady turbulent flow in a three-dimensional draft tube geometry is performed. The investigation is carried out with a commercial finite volume solver implementing the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The modeling of most practically relevant turbulent flows continues to be based on this equation system. For this reason it is important to evaluate the limitations of this approach. Verification and validation are presented; detailed measurements are compared with computations over a wide range of operating conditions

    Proposta sobre l’ordenació de la cirurgia bariàtrica en població adulta als hospitals públics de Catalunya

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    Cirugía bariátrica; Hospitales públicos; AdultosBariatric surgery; Public hospitals; AdultsCirurgia bariàtrica; Hospitals públics; AdultsL'objectiu és definir les indicacions de cirurgia bariàtrica en població adulta i disminuir la variabilitat entre centres hospitalaris; analitzar i definir els diferents nivells quirúrgics segons la complexitat de la cirurgia bariàtrica en població adulta; definir el seguiment a curt/mitjà i llarg termini de la postcirurgia bariàtrica en població adulta i establir els criteris i requeriments mínims dels centres hospitalaris per dur a terme cirurgia bariàtrica en població adulta. L’àmbit d’aplicació del consens és el Sistema sanitari integral d’utilització pública de Catalunya (SISCAT).El objetivo es definir las indicaciones de cirugía bariátrica en población adulta y disminuir la variabilidad entre centros hospitalarios; analizar y definir los diferentes niveles quirúrgicos segundos la complejidad de la cirugía bariátrica en población adulta; definir el seguimiento a corto/medio y largo plazo de la postcirugía bariátrica en población adulta y establecer los criterios y requerimientos mínimos de los centros hospitalarios para llevar a cabo cirugía bariátrica en población adulta. El ámbito de aplicación del consenso es el Sistema sanitario integral de utilización pública de Cataluña (SISCAT).The aim is to define the indications for bariatric surgery in the adult population and to decrease the variability between hospitals; analyze and define the different surgical levels according to the complexity of bariatric surgery in the adult population; define the short / medium and long-term follow-up of bariatric surgery in the adult population and establish the minimum criteria and requirements for hospitals to carry out bariatric surgery in the adult population. The scope of the consensus is the Comprehensive Health System for Public Use in Catalonia (SISCAT)

    Euclid Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer instrument concept and first test results obtained for different breadboards models at the end of phase C

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    The Euclid mission objective is to understand why the expansion of the Universe is accelerating through by mapping the geometry of the dark Universe by investigating the distance-redshift relationship and tracing the evolution of cosmic structures. The Euclid project is part of ESA's Cosmic Vision program with its launch planned for 2020 (ref [1]). The NISP (Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer) is one of the two Euclid instruments and is operating in the near-IR spectral region (900- 2000nm) as a photometer and spectrometer. The instrument is composed of: - a cold (135K) optomechanical subsystem consisting of a Silicon carbide structure, an optical assembly (corrector and camera lens), a filter wheel mechanism, a grism wheel mechanism, a calibration unit and a thermal control system - a detection subsystem based on a mosaic of 16 HAWAII2RG cooled to 95K with their front-end readout electronic cooled to 140K, integrated on a mechanical focal plane structure made with molybdenum and aluminum. The detection subsystem is mounted on the optomechanical subsystem structure - a warm electronic subsystem (280K) composed of a data processing / detector control unit and of an instrument control unit that interfaces with the spacecraft via a 1553 bus for command and control and via Spacewire links for science data This presentation describes the architecture of the instrument at the end of the phase C (Detailed Design Review), the expected performance, the technological key challenges and preliminary test results obtained for different NISP subsystem breadboards and for the NISP Structural and Thermal model (STM)

    Werlé-legendre separation in a hydraulic machine draft tube

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    International audienceThe three-dimensional turbulent flow in a compact hydraulic machine elbow draft tube is numerically investigated for several operating conditions, covering an extended range around the best efficiency point. Comparisons with the experimental data are presented as validation. The interest is focused on the experimentally observed pressure recovery drop occurring near the best efficiency point. The flow is first analyzed locally by means of a topological analysis, then globally with an energetic approach. The study provides evidence for the role played by a Werlé-Legendre separation originating in the bend. The separation is due to the contrasting flow angles imposed by the blades, and the angle resulting from the secondary flow
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