82 research outputs found

    TcoF-DB: dragon database for human transcription co-factors and transcription factor interacting proteins

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    The initiation and regulation of transcription in eukaryotes is complex and involves a large number of transcription factors (TFs), which are known to bind to the regulatory regions of eukaryotic DNA. Apart from TF–DNA binding, protein–protein interaction involving TFs is an essential component of the machinery facilitating transcriptional regulation. Proteins that interact with TFs in the context of transcription regulation but do not bind to the DNA themselves, we consider transcription co-factors (TcoFs). The influence of TcoFs on transcriptional regulation and initiation, although indirect, has been shown to be significant with the functionality of TFs strongly influenced by the presence of TcoFs. While the role of TFs and their interaction with regulatory DNA regions has been well-studied, the association between TFs and TcoFs has so far been given less attention. Here, we present a resource that is comprised of a collection of human TFs and the TcoFs with which they interact. Other proteins that have a proven interaction with a TF, but are not considered TcoFs are also included. Our database contains 157 high-confidence TcoFs and additionally 379 hypothetical TcoFs. These have been identified and classified according to the type of available evidence for their involvement in transcriptional regulation and their presence in the cell nucleus. We have divided TcoFs into four groups, one of which contains high-confidence TcoFs and three others contain TcoFs which are hypothetical to different extents. We have developed the Dragon Database for Human Transcription Co-Factors and Transcription Factor Interacting Proteins (TcoF-DB). A web-based interface for this resource can be freely accessed at http://cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/tcof/ and http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/tcof/

    Network analysis of microRNAs and their regulation in human ovarian cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA molecules that repress the translation of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) or degrade mRNAs. These functions of miRNAs allow them to control key cellular processes such as development, differentiation and apoptosis, and they have also been implicated in several cancers such as leukaemia, lung, pancreatic and ovarian cancer (OC). Unfortunately, the specific machinery of miRNA regulation, involving transcription factors (TFs) and transcription co-factors (TcoFs), is not well understood. In the present study we focus on computationally deciphering the underlying network of miRNAs, their targets, and their control mechanisms that have an influence on OC development.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analysed experimentally verified data from multiple sources that describe miRNA influence on diseases, miRNA targeting of mRNAs, and on protein-protein interactions, and combined this data with <it>ab initio </it>transcription factor binding site predictions within miRNA promoter regions. From these analyses, we derived a network that describes the influence of miRNAs and their regulation in human OC. We developed a methodology to analyse the network in order to find the nodes that have the largest potential of influencing the network's behaviour (network hubs). We further show the potentially most influential miRNAs, TFs and TcoFs, showing subnetworks illustrating the involved mechanisms as well as regulatory miRNA network motifs in OC. We find an enrichment of miRNA targeted OC genes in the highly relevant pathways cell cycle regulation and apoptosis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We combined several sources of interaction and association data to analyse and place miRNAs within regulatory pathways that influence human OC. These results represent the first comprehensive miRNA regulatory network analysis for human OC. This suggests that miRNAs and their regulation may play a major role in OC and that further directed research in this area is of utmost importance to enhance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying human cancer development and OC in particular.</p

    DDEC: Dragon database of genes implicated in esophageal cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Esophageal cancer ranks eighth in order of cancer occurrence. Its lethality primarily stems from inability to detect the disease during the early organ-confined stage and the lack of effective therapies for advanced-stage disease. Moreover, the understanding of molecular processes involved in esophageal cancer is not complete, hampering the development of efficient diagnostics and therapy. Efforts made by the scientific community to improve the survival rate of esophageal cancer have resulted in a wealth of scattered information that is difficult to find and not easily amendable to data-mining. To reduce this gap and to complement available cancer related bioinformatic resources, we have developed a comprehensive database (Dragon Database of Genes Implicated in Esophageal Cancer) with esophageal cancer related information, as an integrated knowledge database aimed at representing a gateway to esophageal cancer related data.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Manually curated 529 genes differentially expressed in EC are contained in the database. We extracted and analyzed the promoter regions of these genes and complemented gene-related information with transcription factors that potentially control them. We further, precompiled text-mined and data-mined reports about each of these genes to allow for easy exploration of information about associations of EC-implicated genes with other human genes and proteins, metabolites and enzymes, toxins, chemicals with pharmacological effects, disease concepts and human anatomy. The resulting database, DDEC, has a useful feature to display potential associations that are rarely reported and thus difficult to identify. Moreover, DDEC enables inspection of potentially new 'association hypotheses' generated based on the precompiled reports.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We hope that this resource will serve as a useful complement to the existing public resources and as a good starting point for researchers and physicians interested in EC genetics. DDEC is freely accessible to academic and non-profit users at <url>http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/ddec/</url>. DDEC will be updated twice a year.</p

    Deciphering the transcriptional circuitry of microRNA genes expressed during human monocytic differentiation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Macrophages are immune cells involved in various biological processes including host defence, homeostasis, differentiation, and organogenesis. Disruption of macrophage biology has been linked to increased pathogen infection, inflammation and malignant diseases. Differential gene expression observed in monocytic differentiation is primarily regulated by interacting transcription factors (TFs). Current research suggests that microRNAs (miRNAs) degrade and repress translation of mRNA, but also may target genes involved in differentiation. We focus on getting insights into the transcriptional circuitry regulating miRNA genes expressed during monocytic differentiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We computationally analysed the transcriptional circuitry of miRNA genes during monocytic differentiation using <it>in vitro </it>time-course expression data for TFs and miRNAs. A set of TF→miRNA associations was derived from predicted TF binding sites in promoter regions of miRNA genes. Time-lagged expression correlation analysis was utilised to evaluate the TF→miRNA associations. Our analysis identified 12 TFs that potentially play a central role in regulating miRNAs throughout the differentiation process. Six of these 12 TFs (ATF2, E2F3, HOXA4, NFE2L1, SP3, and YY1) have not previously been described to be important for monocytic differentiation. The remaining six TFs are CEBPB, CREB1, ELK1, NFE2L2, RUNX1, and USF2. For several miRNAs (miR-21, miR-155, miR-424, and miR-17-92), we show how their inferred transcriptional regulation impacts monocytic differentiation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study demonstrates that miRNAs and their transcriptional regulatory control are integral molecular mechanisms during differentiation. Furthermore, it is the first study to decipher on a large-scale, how miRNAs are controlled by TFs during human monocytic differentiation. Subsequently, we have identified 12 candidate key controllers of miRNAs during this differentiation process.</p

    DDPC: Dragon database of genes associated with prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer (PC) is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men. PC is relatively difficult to diagnose due to a lack of clear early symptoms. Extensive research of PC has led to the availability of a large amount of data on PC. Several hundred genes are implicated in different stages of PC, which may help in developing diagnostic methods or even cures. In spite of this accumulated information, effective diagnostics and treatments remain evasive. We have developed Dragon Database of Genes associated with Prostate Cancer (DDPC) as an integrated knowledgebase of genes experimentally verified as implicated in PC. DDPC is distinctive from other databases in that (i) it provides pre-compiled biomedical text-mining information on PC, which otherwise require tedious computational analyses, (ii) it integrates data on molecular interactions, pathways, gene ontologies, gene regulation at molecular level, predicted transcription factor binding sites on promoters of PC implicated genes and transcription factors that correspond to these binding sites and (iii) it contains DrugBank data on drugs associated with PC. We believe this resource will serve as a source of useful information for research on PC.DST/NRF Research Chair National Bioinformatics Network grants National Research Foundation of South Afric

    Prioritizing genes of potential relevance to diseases affected by sex hormones: an example of Myasthenia Gravis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>About 5% of western populations are afflicted by autoimmune diseases many of which are affected by sex hormones. Autoimmune diseases are complex and involve many genes. Identifying these disease-associated genes contributes to development of more effective therapies. Also, association studies frequently imply genomic regions that contain disease-associated genes but fall short of pinpointing these genes. The identification of disease-associated genes has always been challenging and to date there is no universal and effective method developed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed a method to prioritize disease-associated genes for diseases affected strongly by sex hormones. Our method uses various types of information available for the genes, but no information that directly links genes with the disease. It generates a score for each of the considered genes and ranks genes based on that score. We illustrate our method on early-onset myasthenia gravis (MG) using genes potentially controlled by estrogen and localized in a genomic segment (which contains the MHC and surrounding region) strongly associated with MG. Based on the considered genomic segment 283 genes are ranked for their relevance to MG and responsiveness to estrogen. The top three ranked genes, HLA-G, TAP2 and HLA-DRB1, are implicated in autoimmune diseases, while TAP2 is associated with SNPs characteristic for MG. Within the top 35 prioritized genes our method identifies 90% of the 10 already known MG-associated genes from the considered region without using any information that directly links genes to MG. Among the top eight genes we identified HLA-G and TUBB as new candidates. We show that our <it>ab-initio </it>approach outperforms the other methods for prioritizing disease-associated genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have developed a method to prioritize disease-associated genes under the potential control of sex hormones. We demonstrate the success of this method by prioritizing the genes localized in the MHC and surrounding region and evaluating the role of these genes as potential candidates for estrogen control as well as MG. We show that our method outperforms the other methods. The method has a potential to be adapted to prioritize genes relevant to other diseases.</p

    Genome-wide profiling of transcribed enhancers during macrophage activation

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    Background: Macrophages are sentinel cells essential for tissue homeostasis and host defence. Owing to their plasticity, macrophages acquire a range of functional phenotypes in response to microenvironmental stimuli, of which M(IFN-γ) and M(IL-4/IL-13) are well known for their opposing pro- and anti-inflammatory roles. Enhancers have emerged as regulatory DNA elements crucial for transcriptional activation of gene expression. Results: Using cap analysis of gene expression and epigenetic data, we identify on large-scale transcribed enhancers in bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages, their time kinetics, and target protein-coding genes. We observe an increase in target gene expression, concomitant with increasing numbers of associated enhancers, and find that genes associated with many enhancers show a shift towards stronger enrichment for macrophage-specific biological processes. We infer enhancers that drive transcriptional responses of genes upon M(IFN-γ) and M(IL-4/IL-13) macrophage activation and demonstrate stimuli specificity of regulatory associations. Finally, we show that enhancer regions are enriched for binding sites of inflammation-related transcription factors, suggesting a link between stimuli response and enhancer transcriptional control. Conclusions: Our study provides new insights into genome-wide enhancer-mediated transcriptional control of macrophage genes, including those implicated in macrophage activation, and offers a detailed genome-wide catalogue of transcribed enhancers in bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages

    DES-ncRNA: A knowledgebase for exploring information about human micro and long noncoding RNAs based on literature-mining

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    Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), particularly microRNAs (miRNAs) and long ncRNAs (lncRNAs), are important players in diseases and emerge as novel drug targets. Thus, unraveling the relationships between ncRNAs and other biomedical entities in cells are critical for better understanding ncRNA roles that may eventually help develop their use in medicine. To support ncRNA research and facilitate retrieval of relevant information regarding miRNAs and lncRNAs from the plethora of published ncRNA-related research, we developed DES-ncRNA (www.cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/des_ncrna). DES-ncRNA is a knowledgebase containing text- and data-mined information from public scientific literature and other public resources. Exploration of mined information is enabled through terms and pairs of terms from 19 topic-specific dictionaries including, for example, antibiotics, toxins, drugs, enzymes, mutations, pathways, human genes and proteins, drug indications and side effects, mutations, diseases, etc. DES-ncRNA contains approximately 878,000 associations of terms from these dictionaries of which 36,222 (5,373) are with regards to miRNAs (lncRNAs). We provide several ways to explore information regarding ncRNAs to users including controlled generation of association networks as well as hypotheses generation. We show an example how DES-ncRNA can aid research on Alzheimer disease and suggest potential therapeutic role for Fasudil. DES-ncRNA is a powerful tool that can be used on its own or as a complement to the existing resources, to support research in human ncRNA. To our knowledge, this is the only knowledgebase dedicated to human miRNAs and lncRNAs derived primarily through literature-mining enabling exploration of a broad spectrum of associated biomedical entities, not paralleled by any other resource

    Differential Targeting of c-Maf, Bach-1, and Elmo-1 by microRNA-143 and microRNA-365 Promotes the Intracellular Growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Alternatively IL-4/IL-13 Activated Macrophages.

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) can subvert the host defense by skewing macrophage activation toward a less microbicidal alternative activated state to avoid classical effector killing functions. Investigating the molecular basis of this evasion mechanism could uncover potential candidates for host directed therapy against tuberculosis (TB). A limited number of miRNAs have recently been shown to regulate host-mycobacterial interactions. Here, we performed time course kinetics experiments on bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) and human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) alternatively activated with IL-4, IL-13, or a combination of IL-4/IL-13, followed by infection with Mtb clinical Beijing strain HN878. MiR-143 and miR-365 were highly induced in Mtb-infected M(IL-4/IL-13) BMDMs and MDMs. Knockdown of miR-143 and miR-365 using antagomiRs decreased the intracellular growth of Mtb HN878, reduced the production of IL-6 and CCL5 and promoted the apoptotic death of Mtb HN878-infected M(IL-4/IL-13) BMDMs. Computational target prediction identified c-Maf, Bach-1 and Elmo-1 as potential targets for both miR-143 and miR-365. Functional validation using luciferase assay, RNA-pulldown assay and Western blotting revealed that c-Maf and Bach-1 are directly targeted by miR-143 while c-Maf, Bach-1, and Elmo-1 are direct targets of miR-365. Knockdown of c-Maf using GapmeRs promoted intracellular Mtb growth when compared to control treated M(IL-4/IL-13) macrophages. Meanwhile, the blocking of Bach-1 had no effect and blocking Elmo-1 resulted in decreased Mtb growth. Combination treatment of M(IL-4/IL-13) macrophages with miR-143 mimics or miR-365 mimics and c-Maf, Bach-1, or Elmo-1 gene-specific GapmeRs restored Mtb growth in miR-143 mimic-treated groups and enhanced Mtb growth in miR-365 mimics-treated groups, thus suggesting the Mtb growth-promoting activities of miR-143 and miR-365 are mediated at least partially through interaction with c-Maf, Bach-1, and Elmo-1. We further show that knockdown of miR-143 and miR-365 in M(IL-4/IL-13) BMDMs decreased the expression of HO-1 and IL-10 which are known targets of Bach-1 and c-Maf, respectively, with Mtb growth-promoting activities in macrophages. Altogether, our work reports a host detrimental role of miR-143 and miR-365 during Mtb infection and highlights for the first time the role and miRNA-mediated regulation of c-Maf, Bach-1, and Elmo-1 in Mtb-infected M(IL-4/IL-13) macrophages