420 research outputs found

    Quantum annealing with ultracold atoms in a multimode optical resonator

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    A dilutely filled NN-site optical lattice near zero temperature within a high-QQ multimode cavity can be mapped to a spin ensemble with tailorable interactions at all length scales. The effective full site to site interaction matrix can be dynamically controlled by the application of up to N(N+1)/2N(N+1)/2 laser beams of suitable geometry, frequency and power, which allows for the implementation of quantum annealing dynamics relying on the all-to-all effective spin coupling controllable in real time. Via an adiabatic sweep starting from a superfluid initial state one can find the lowest energy stationary state of this system. As the cavity modes are lossy, errors can be amended and the ground state can still be reached even from a finite temperature state via ground state cavity cooling. The physical properties of the final atomic state can be directly and almost non-destructively read off from the cavity output fields. As example we simulate a quantum Hopfield associative memory scheme.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; extended paper: added figures, further explanations and appendice

    Large-scale disasters and the insurance industry

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    We investigate the effect of the 20 largest – in terms of insured losses – man-made or natural disasters on the insurance industry. We show via an event study that insurance markets worldwide are quite resilient to unexpected losses to capital and are even outperforming the general market subsequent to great disasters. --disaster,insurance industry,event-study

    Oberflächentemperaturmessungen als Methode des intraoperativen Monitorings einer endoskopisch-thorakalen Sympathikusausschaltung bei Hyperhidrosis palmo-axillaris

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    Objectives: Patients with hyperhidrosis suffer from an extreme perspiration that cannot be aligned with natural or situ- ational standards. Endoscopic sympathectomy is a meaningful option for palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis. A stan- dardized method of monitoring the immediate intraoperative success has not been established yet. The presented investigation shows one proposed sollution by monitoring skin surface temperature. The main aspect is to demonstrate a sig- nificant rise in temperature with utility for monitoring the immediate success of surgery. Methods: Twenty patients with primary hyperhidrosis were observed and treated in a standardized setting against a control group (n = 10). We obtained diverse data that permit determination of a point of time of measurement of surface temperature and definition of a degree of temperature variance. Results: After 5 minutes a significant change of 0.5 ĚŠ Celcius was noted on the palms; after 10 minutes on average 1.2 ĚŠ Celcius. Axillary temperature had significantly changed after 10 minutes with a mean temperature variation of 0.8 ĚŠ Celcius on the right side and 0.6 ĚŠ Celcius on the left side. Conclusions: Under consideration of appropriate time intervals of measurement and determined changes in surface temperature an early control of correct clip application in ETS is possible. In the palmar aspect an increase of 0.5 ĚŠ Celcius at an 5 minutes interval, and more than 1 ĚŠ Celcius at 10 minutes after placement of the clip as compared to basic values before application of the clip can be proposed

    Developmental pruning of sensory neurites by mechanical tearing in Drosophila

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    Mechanical forces actively shape cells during development, but little is known about their roles during neuronal morphogenesis. Developmental neurite pruning, a critical circuit specification mechanism, often involves neurite abscission at predetermined sites by unknown mechanisms. Pruning of Drosophila sensory neuron dendrites during metamorphosis is triggered by the hormone ecdysone, which induces local disassembly of the dendritic cytoskeleton. Subsequently, dendrites are severed at positions close to the soma by an unknown mechanism. We found that ecdysone signaling causes the dendrites to become mechanically fragile. Severing occurs during periods of increased pupal morphogenetic tissue movements, which exert mechanical forces on the destabilized dendrites. Tissue movements and dendrite severing peak during pupal ecdysis, a period of strong abdominal contractions, and abolishing ecdysis causes non-cell autonomous dendrite pruning defects. Thus, our data establish mechanical tearing as a novel mechanism during neurite pruning

    First Results of the PixelGEM Central Tracking System for COMPASS

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    For its physics program with a high-intensity hadron beam of up to 2e7 particles/s, the COMPASS experiment at CERN requires tracking of charged particles scattered by very small angles with respect to the incident beam direction. While good resolution in time and space is mandatory, the challenge is imposed by the high beam intensity, requiring radiation-hard detectors which add very little material to the beam path in order to minimize secondary interactions. To this end, a set of triple-GEM detectors with a hybrid readout structure consisting of pixels in the beam region and 2-D strips in the periphery was designed and built. Successful prototype tests proved the performance of this new detector type, showing both extraordinary high rate capability and detection efficiency. The amplitude information allowed to achieve spatial resolutions about a factor of 10 smaller than the pitch and a time resolution close to the theoretical limit imposed by the layout. The PixelGEM central tracking system consisting of five detectors, slightly improved with respect to the prototype, was completely installed in the COMPASS spectrometer in spring 2008

    Steigende Inflationsraten: Ist die Zinserhöhung der EZB die richtige Reaktion?

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    In letzter Zeit sind die Inflationsraten weltweit kräftig gestiegen. Als Reaktion erhöhte die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) Anfang Juli ihren Leitzins. Jörg Krämer, Commerzbank, sieht diese Zinserhöhung als notwendig an, da die entscheidenden, langfristigen Inflationserwartungen im Laufe des Jahres gestiegen waren und deutlich über der 2-Prozentmarke der EZB lagen. Senken sollte die EZB den Leitzins dann, wenn die langfristigen Inflationserwartungen merklich gefallen und im Einklang mit ihrer Definition von Preisstabilität sind. Ulrich Kater, DekaBank, sieht hinter dem Handeln der EZB die Absicht, Einfluss auf die Inflationserwartungen zu nehmen und keine Kursänderung in Richtung restriktiver Geldpolitik. In diesem Sinn verstanden sei der Zinsschritt der EZB vom Juli zu rechtfertigen. Und auch Werner Becker, Deutsche Bank Research, ist der Ansicht, dass „die moderate Zinsanhebung Anfang Juli ein psychologisch wichtiges Signal zur Stabilisierung der Inflationserwartungen“ war: »Im Übrigen dürfte ein kleiner Leitzinsschritt keinen großen Flurschaden bei der Konjunktur anrichten.« Dieser Meinung widerspricht Sebastian Dullien, Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin: »Zwar mag diese Reaktion auf den ersten Blick angesichts der hohen Teuerung vernünftig erscheinen, bei genauerer Betrachtung spricht allerdings reichlich wenig für den Schritt. Viel deutet darauf hin, dass der bereits eingesetzte Abschwung auch ohne die EZB-Zinserhöhung völlig gereicht hätte, um die Inflationsrisiken zu begrenzen. Statt mit Augenmaß die Inflation in Schach zu halten, droht die EZB mit ihrem Kurs den Abschwung im Währungsraum in eine ausgewachsene und tiefe Rezession zu verwandeln.«Inflationsrate, Zins, Inflation, Inflationserwartung, Geldpolitik, Deutschland, EU-Staaten

    Chest Compression-Related Flail Chest Is Associated with Prolonged Ventilator Weaning in Cardiac Arrest Survivors

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    Chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) may be associated with iatrogenic chest wall injuries. The extent to which these CPR-associated chest wall injuries contribute to a delay in the respiratory recovery of cardiac arrest survivors has not been sufficiently explored. In a single-center retrospective cohort study, surviving intensive care unit (ICU) patients, who had undergone CPR due to medical reasons between 1 January 2018 and 30 June 2019, were analyzed regarding CPR-associated chest wall injuries, detected by chest radiography and computed tomography. Among 109 included patients, 38 (34.8%) presented with chest wall injuries, including 10 (9.2%) with flail chest. The multivariable logistic regression analysis identified flail chest to be independently associated with the need for tracheostomy (OR 15.5; 95% CI 2.77–86.27; p = 0.002). The linear regression analysis identified pneumonia (β 11.34; 95% CI 6.70–15.99; p < 0.001) and the presence of rib fractures (β 5.97; 95% CI 1.01–10.93; p = 0.019) to be associated with an increase in the length of ICU stay, whereas flail chest (β 10.45; 95% CI 3.57–17.33; p = 0.003) and pneumonia (β 6.12; 95% CI 0.94–11.31; p = 0.021) were associated with a prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation. Four patients with flail chest underwent surgical rib stabilization and were successfully weaned from the ventilator. The results of this study suggest that CPR-associated chest wall injuries, flail chest in particular, may impair the respiratory recovery of cardiac arrest survivors in the ICU. A multidisciplinary assessment may help to identify patients who could benefit from a surgical treatment approach
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