992 research outputs found

    Hybrid waveguide-bulk multi-path interferometer with switchable amplitude and phase

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    We design and realise a hybrid interferometer consisting of three paths based on integrated as well as on bulk optical components. This hybrid construction offers a good compromise between stability and footprint on one side and means of intervention on the other. As experimentally verified by the absence of higher-order interferences, amplitude and phase can be manipulated in all paths independently. In conjunction with single photons, the setup can, therefore, be applied for fundamental investigations on quantum mechanics.Comment: accepted in APL Photonic

    Effect of Different Drying Methods on Nutrient Quality of the Yellow Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.)

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    Yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) represents a sustainable source of proteins and fatty acids for feed and food. Industrial production of mealworms necessitates optimized processing techniques, where drying as the first postharvest procedure is of utmost importance for the quality of the final product. This study examines the nutritional quality of mealworm larvae processed by rack oven drying, vacuum drying or freeze drying, respectively. Proximate composition and fatty acid profile were comparable between the dried larvae. In contrast, larvae color impressions and volatile compound profiles were very much dependent on processing procedure. High-temperature rack oven drying caused pronounced darkening with rather low content of volatiles, pointing toward the progress of Maillard reaction. On the other hand, vacuum drying or freeze drying led to enrichment of volatile Maillard reaction and lipid oxidation intermediates, whose actual sensory relevance needs to be clarified in the future. Beyond sensory and visual importance drying intermediates have to be considered with regard to their metal ion chelating ability; in particular for essential trace elements such as Zn2+. This study found comparable total zinc contents for the differently dried mealworm samples. However, dried larvae, in particular after rack oven drying, had only low zinc accessibility, which was between 20% and 40%. Therefore, bioaccessibility rather than total zinc has to be considered when their contribution to meeting the nutritional requirements for zinc in humans and animals is evaluated.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli

    Precipitation sensitivity to the uncertainty of terrestrial water flow in WRF-Hydro: An ensemble analysis for central Europe

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    Precipitation is affected by soil moisture spatial variability. However, this variability is not well represented in atmospheric models that do not consider soil moisture transport as a three-dimensional process. This study investigates the sensitivity of precipitation to the uncertainty in the representation of terrestrial water flow. The tools used for this investigation are the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model and its hydrologically enhanced version, WRF-Hydro, applied over central Europe during April–October 2008. The model grid is convection permitting, with a horizontal spacing of 2.8 km. The WRF-Hydro subgrid employs a 280-m resolution to resolve lateral terrestrial water flow. A WRF/WRF-Hydro ensemble is constructed by modifying the parameter controlling the partitioning between surface runoff and infiltration and by varying the planetary boundary layer (PBL) scheme. This ensemble represents terrestrial water flow uncertainty originating from the consideration of resolved lateral flow, terrestrial water flow uncertainty in the vertical direction, and turbulence parameterization uncertainty. The uncertainty of terrestrial water flow noticeably increases the normalized ensemble spread of daily precipitation where topography is moderate, surface flux spatial variability is high, and the weather regime is dominated by local processes. The adjusted continuous ranked probability score shows that the PBL uncertainty improves the skill of an ensemble subset in reproducing daily precipitation from the E-OBS observational product by 16%–20%. In comparison to WRF, WRF-Hydro improves this skill by 0.4%–0.7%. The reproduction of observed daily discharge with Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficients generally above 0.3 demonstrates the potential of WRF-Hydro in hydrological science

    Пигменты для окрашивания строительных материалов

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    Получены керамические пигменты с использованием техногенного кремнезёмсодержащего отхода - ванадиевого катализатора. В составе пигментов наряду с преобладающей фазой муллита идентифицируется корунд. По результатам рентгенофазового анализа установлено, что оксиды хрома и железа встраиваются в структуру вплоть до концентрации 10 мас. % и не выделяются в свободном виде. В кобальтсодержащих пигментах образуется шпинель CoAl2O4. Разработанные пигменты выдерживают температуру обжига 1200 ?С, их можно рекомендовать для получения керамических красок, цветных глазурей, для окрашивания строительных материалов

    Dynamics of myelin content decrease in the rat stroke model

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    A majority of studies were usually focused on neuronal death after brain ischemia, however, stroke affects all cell types including oligodendrocytes that form myelin sheath in the CNS. Our study is focused on the changes of myelin content in ischemic core and neighbor structures in early terms (1, 3 and 10 days) after stroke. Stroke modeled with middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) in 15 male rats that were divided in three groups by time-points after operation. Brain sections were histologically stained with Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) for myelin quantification. The significant demyelination was found in the ischemic core, corpus callosum, anterior commissure, whereas myelin content was increased in caudoputamen, internal capsule and piriform cortex compared with the contralateral hemisphere. The motor cortex showed a significant increase of myelin content on the 1st day and a significant decrease on the 3rd and 10th days after MCAo. These results suggest stroke influences myelination not only in ischemic core but also in distant structures

    Создание опытного образца геохода. Временной фактор изготовления компонентов и их сборки в конечное изделие

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    Изложен опыт реализации проекта №02.G25.31.0076 в рамках открытого конкурса Министерства образования и науки РФ и Постановления Правительства РФ №218 от 09.04.2010 г. Дано описание временных рамок реализации проекта, в частности, работы над созданием опытного образца щитового проходческого агрегата - геохода, диаметром 3,2 м. В настоящее время проект находится в стадии завершения. Главная идея статьи - поделиться опытом создания новой техники и показать, сколько времени затрачивается на решение тех или иных производственных процессов по созданию опытных образцов горных машин на примере геохода. Данная статья будет полезна организациям, планирующим участие в реализации проектов по созданию высокотехнологичного производства, и может являться ориентиром для составления Плана-графика реализации подобных проектов. Автор статьи лично принимал участие в реализации данного проекта и принимал решения по планированию и организации работ.The experience of the project №02.G25.31.0076 is presented. The project was operated in the framework of the open competition of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation and the RF Government Decree №218 from 09.04.2010. Description of the time frame of the project implementation, particularly the activities of the TBM prototype creation - geokhod, with a diameter of 3.2 m. is presented. Currently, the project is closer to complete. The main idea of the article is to share the experience of creating new technology and show how much time is spent on the decision of production processes to create prototypes of mining machines on the example of a geokhod. This article will be useful for organizations planning to participate in the implementation of projects to create high-tech production, and can be a guide for drawing up a Plan-schedule of such projects. The author of this article personally participated in the implementation of this project and made decisions on planning and organization of activities

    Systematic Studies on the Antioxidant Capacity and Volatile Compound Profile of Yellow Mealworm Larvae (T. molitor L.) under Different Drying Regimes

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    The yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L., Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) is an edible insect and due to its ubiquitous occurrence and the frequency of consumption, a promising candidate for the cultivation and production on an industrial scale. Moreover, it is the first insect to be approved by EFSA 2021 following the Novel Food Regulation. Industrial production of mealworms necessitates optimized processing techniques, where drying as the first postharvest procedure is of utmost importance for the quality of the final product. The focus of the present study was to analyse the chemical composition, antioxidant capacity, volatile compound profile and colouring of mealworm larvae dried in various regimes (freeze-drying, microwave drying, infrared drying, rack-oven drying and high-frequency drying). Proximate composition and fatty acid profile were similar for all dried larvae. Freeze dried larvae were predominantly marked by lipid oxidation with significantly higher peroxide values, secondary/tertiary oxidation products in the headspace GC-MS profiles and lower antioxidant capacity. High-temperature treatment in the rack oven—and to some extent also infrared or microwave drying—led to mealworm larvae darkening and the appearance of volatile Maillard secondary products such as 2-methylpropanoic acid, 2-/3-methylbutanoic acid and alkylpyrazines. High-frequency drying as a new emerging technology in insect processing was the most cost-effective method with energy costs of solely 0.09 Є/kg T. molitor L. leading to final larval material characterized by both lipid oxidation and nonenzymatic Maillard-browning

    Анализ эффективности использования ремонтной конструкции дефектного участка нефтепровода с применением программного комплекса ANSYS

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    To investigate the performance of semi-automated measurements (RECIST, volume) of hepatic metastases in multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) under normal-dose- and simulated low-dose-protocols.Thirty-five patients (67 +/- 13 years) with a total of 79 hepatic metastases underwent 16-MDCT (120 kv, 160 mAseff, pitch 1, 3 mm slice thickness, 2 mm reconstruction increment, B30f standard soft tissue kernel) for either initial staging or therapy monitoring. Corresponding raw data from these standard-dose scans were simulated at lower radiation doses of 80/60/40 mAseff (Somatom Noise Vers.6.1 beta, Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany). A semi-automated software tool (SyngoCT Oncology, Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany) was applied to each dose setting to evaluate size parameters (RECIST, volume). These measurements were compared by applying repeated-measures analysis of variance and displayed graphically.For RECIST measurements no statistically significant differences were found between standard dose (Mean RECIST diameter: 20.46 +/- 8.37 mm) and different simulated low radiation doses (80 mAseff: 20.95 +/- 8.20 mm/60 mAseff: 20.50 +/- 8.35 mm/40 mAseff: 19.95 +/- 8.16 mm): P = 0.0774.Statistically significant differences of volume quantification (P 0.05) between 160 mAseff- and either 80 mAseff-(3.46 +/- 4.31 mL) or 60 mAseff-protocols (3.44 +/- 4.35 mL).Software-assisted assessment of RECIST criteria and volume demonstrated valid performances under different dose-settings in MDCT; therefore, substantial radiation dose reduction could be possible with the use of semi-automated measurements in follow-up studies

    Aleksandr Puškin and the Caucasus. Literature. History. Images

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    Der Band Aleksandr Puškin und der Kaukasus. Literatur. Geschichte. Bilder beleuchtet jene Phase der russischen Geschichte und Kultur, als im Zuge der Expansionspolitik des Zarenreiches neue, ferne Gebiete in den Blick gerieten. Gerade die Kaukasusregion bildete mit ihrer atemberaubenden Bergwelt und den dort seit alters her ansässigen Völkern mit unterschiedlichen Religionen, Sitten und Gebräuchen für die Konstituierung des Selbstverständnisses des Dichters Aleksandr Puškin (1799-1837) und der russischen Gesellschaft eine Herausforderung. Die Beiträge von Rolf-Dietrich Keil, Elisabeth von Erdmann, Leonid Arinštejn, Wolfgang Stephan Kissel, Andreas Ebbinghaus, Thomas Grob, Ada Raev und Sebastian Kempgen bewegen sich räumlich, zeitlich und methodisch zwischen unterschiedlichen Polen. Die Zugangsweisen umfassen biographische, macht- und geopolitische, literaturwissenschaftliche, ideengeschichtliche, kulturwissenschaftliche, kunsthistorische und wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Fokussierungen. In der Zusammenschau von unterschiedlichen Quellen, literarischen Werken und bildkünstlerischen Zeugnissen wird herausgearbeitet, dass der Kaukasus aus russischer Sicht im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts viele Gesichter hatte: Er war gleichermaßen mythengesättigter „Mundus Imaginalis“, Ort romantischer Sehnsucht und orientalischer Phantasien, „imperiale Landschaft“ und vielgestaltige Kulturlandschaft. Darüber hinaus diente er als Inspirationsquelle für neue literarische und bild-künstlerische Genres, als Erkenntnisraum und Prüfstein für den Begriff der Zivilisation. Neben Besonderheiten des russischen Orientdiskurses wird abschließend der Umgang des modernen Georgien mit dem kulturellen Erbe der einstigen Besatzer thematisiert.The volume Aleksandr Puškin and the Caucasus. Literature. History. Images examines a period of Russian history and culture in which new distant territories came into view as a consequence of Russian expansionism. The Caucasus region with its stunning mountain landscapes and its ancient peoples of various religions, habits and customs posed a challenge both to the development of Aleksandr Puškin’s (1799-1837) self-concept as a poet as well as to the formation of the identity of the Russian society as a whole. The articles written by Rolf-Dietrich Keil, Elisabeth von Erdmann, Leonid Arinštejn, Wolfgang Stephan Kissel, Andreas Ebbinghaus, Thomas Grob, Ada Raev and Sebastian Kempgen encompass different aspects of time, space and methodology. The theoretical approaches include biographical, power-political, geopolitical and literary focuses, as well as an emphasis on the history of ideas, cultural science, history of art and history of science. In the synopsis of diverse source material, including works of literature and visual arts, it becomes apparent that from the Russian perspective in the first third of the 19th century, the Caucasus had many faces. It simultaneously was a mythological “Mundus Imaginalis”, a place of romantic longing and oriental phantasies, an “imperial landscape” and a territory with multifarious cultural landscapes. It served as a source of inspiration for new literary and artistic genres, a place of cognition and a touchstone for the concept of civilization. Apart from specific aspects of the Russian orientalist discourse, it is also discussed how modern Georgia deals with the cultural heritage of its former occupiers

    Improving compliance to colorectal cancer screening using blood and stool based tests in patients refusing screening colonoscopy in Germany

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    Background Despite strong recommendations for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening, participation rates are low. Understanding factors that affect screening choices is essential to developing future screening strategies. Therefore, this study assessed patient willingness to use non-invasive stool or blood based screening tests after refusing colonoscopy. Methods Participants were recruited during regular consultations. Demographic, health, psychological and socioeconomic factors were recorded. All subjects were advised to undergo screening by colonoscopy. Subjects who refused colonoscopy were offered a choice of non-invasive tests. Subjects who selected stool testing received a collection kit and instructions; subjects who selected plasma testing had a blood draw during the office visit. Stool samples were tested with the Hb/Hp Complex Elisa test, and blood samples were tested with the Epi proColon® 2.0 test. Patients who were positive for either were advised to have a diagnostic colonoscopy. Results 63 of 172 subjects were compliant to screening colonoscopy (37%). 106 of the 109 subjects who refused colonoscopy accepted an alternative non-invasive method (97%). 90 selected the Septin9 blood test (83%), 16 selected a stool test (15%) and 3 refused any test (3%). Reasons for blood test preference included convenience of an office draw, overall convenience and less time consuming procedure. Conclusions 97% of subjects refusing colonoscopy accepted a non-invasive screening test of which 83% chose the Septin9 blood test. The observation that participation can be increased by offering non-invasive tests, and that a blood test is the preferred option should be validated in a prospective trial in the screening setting