279 research outputs found

    Robust permanence for interacting structured populations

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    The dynamics of interacting structured populations can be modeled by dxidt=Ai(x)xi\frac{dx_i}{dt}= A_i (x)x_i where xiRnix_i\in \R^{n_i}, x=(x1,,xk)x=(x_1,\dots,x_k), and Ai(x)A_i(x) are matrices with non-negative off-diagonal entries. These models are permanent if there exists a positive global attractor and are robustly permanent if they remain permanent following perturbations of Ai(x)A_i(x). Necessary and sufficient conditions for robust permanence are derived using dominant Lyapunov exponents λi(μ)\lambda_i(\mu) of the Ai(x)A_i(x) with respect to invariant measures μ\mu. The necessary condition requires maxiλi(μ)>0\max_i \lambda_i(\mu)>0 for all ergodic measures with support in the boundary of the non-negative cone. The sufficient condition requires that the boundary admits a Morse decomposition such that maxiλi(μ)>0\max_i \lambda_i(\mu)>0 for all invariant measures μ\mu supported by a component of the Morse decomposition. When the Morse components are Axiom A, uniquely ergodic, or support all but one population, the necessary and sufficient conditions are equivalent. Applications to spatial ecology, epidemiology, and gene networks are given

    Generalized Urn Models of Evolutionary Processes

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    Generalized Polya urn models can describe the dynamics of finite populations of interacting genotypes. Three basic questions these models can address are: Under what conditions does a population exhibit growth? On the event of growth, at what rate does the population increase? What is the long-term behavior of the distribution of genotypes? To address these questions, we associate a mean limit ordinary differential equation (ODE) with the urn model. Previously, it has been shown that on the event of population growth, the limiting distribution of genotypes is a connected internally chain recurrent set for the mean limit ODE. To determine when growth and convergence occurs with positive probability, we prove two results. First, if the mean limit ODE has an ``attainable'' attractor at which growth is expected, then growth and convergence toward this attractor occurs with positive probability. Second, the population distribution almost surely does not converge to sets where growth is not expecte

    Species coexistence in stochastic environments

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    Protected polymorphisms and evolutionary stability of patch-selection strategies in stochastic environments

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    We consider a population living in a patchy environment that varies stochastically in space and time. The population is composed of two morphs (that is, individuals of the same species with different genotypes). In terms of survival and reproductive success, the associated phenotypes differ only in their habitat selection strategies. We compute invasion rates corresponding to the rates at which the abundance of an initially rare morph increases in the presence of the other morph established at equilibrium. If both morphs have positive invasion rates when rare, then there is an equilibrium distribution such that the two morphs coexist; that is, there is a protected polymorphism for habitat selection. Alternatively, if one morph has a negative invasion rate when rare, then it is asymptotically displaced by the other morph under all initial conditions where both morphs are present. We refine the characterization of an evolutionary stable strategy for habitat selection from [Schreiber, 2012] in a mathematically rigorous manner. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an ESS that uses all patches and determine when using a single patch is an ESS. We also provide an explicit formula for the ESS when there are two habitat types. We show that adding environmental stochasticity results in an ESS that, when compared to the ESS for the corresponding model without stochasticity, spends less time in patches with larger carrying capacities and possibly makes use of sink patches, thereby practicing a spatial form of bet hedging.Comment: Revised in light of referees' comments, Published on-line Journal of Mathematical Biology 2014 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00285-014-0824-