33 research outputs found

    Image-Based Scene Analysis for Computer-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery

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    This thesis is concerned on image-based scene analysis for computer-assisted laparoscopic surgery. The focus lies on how to extract different types of information from laparoscopic video data. Methods for semantic analysis can be used to determine what instruments and organs are currently visible and where they are located. Quantitative analysis provides numerical information on the size and distances of structures. Workflow analysis uses information from previously seen images to estimate the progression of surgery. To demonstrate that the proposed methods function in real-world scenarios, multiple evaluations on actual laparoscopic image data recorded from surgeries were performed. The proposed methods for semantic and quantitative analysis were successfully evaluated in live phantom and animal studies and also used during a live gastric bypass on a human patient

    Non-rigid Point Cloud Registration for Middle Ear Diagnostics with Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Purpose: Middle ear infection is the most prevalent inflammatory disease, especially among the pediatric population. Current diagnostic methods are subjective and depend on visual cues from an otoscope, which is limited for otologists to identify pathology. To address this shortcoming, endoscopic optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides both morphological and functional in-vivo measurements of the middle ear. However, due to the shadow of prior structures, interpretation of OCT images is challenging and time-consuming. To facilitate fast diagnosis and measurement, improvement in the readability of OCT data is achieved by merging morphological knowledge from ex-vivo middle ear models with OCT volumetric data, so that OCT applications can be further promoted in daily clinical settings. Methods: We propose C2P-Net: a two-staged non-rigid registration pipeline for complete to partial point clouds, which are sampled from ex-vivo and in-vivo OCT models, respectively. To overcome the lack of labeled training data, a fast and effective generation pipeline in Blender3D is designed to simulate middle ear shapes and extract in-vivo noisy and partial point clouds. Results: We evaluate the performance of C2P-Net through experiments on both synthetic and real OCT datasets. The results demonstrate that C2P-Net is generalized to unseen middle ear point clouds and capable of handling realistic noise and incompleteness in synthetic and real OCT data. Conclusion: In this work, we aim to enable diagnosis of middle ear structures with the assistance of OCT images. We propose C2P-Net: a two-staged non-rigid registration pipeline for point clouds to support the interpretation of in-vivo noisy and partial OCT images for the first time. Code is available at: https://gitlab.com/nct\_tso\_public/c2p-net

    2017 Robotic Instrument Segmentation Challenge

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    In mainstream computer vision and machine learning, public datasets such as ImageNet, COCO and KITTI have helped drive enormous improvements by enabling researchers to understand the strengths and limitations of different algorithms via performance comparison. However, this type of approach has had limited translation to problems in robotic assisted surgery as this field has never established the same level of common datasets and benchmarking methods. In 2015 a sub-challenge was introduced at the EndoVis workshop where a set of robotic images were provided with automatically generated annotations from robot forward kinematics. However, there were issues with this dataset due to the limited background variation, lack of complex motion and inaccuracies in the annotation. In this work we present the results of the 2017 challenge on robotic instrument segmentation which involved 10 teams participating in binary, parts and type based segmentation of articulated da Vinci robotic instruments

    Comparative evaluation of instrument segmentation and tracking methods in minimally invasive surgery

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    Intraoperative segmentation and tracking of minimally invasive instruments is a prerequisite for computer- and robotic-assisted surgery. Since additional hardware like tracking systems or the robot encoders are cumbersome and lack accuracy, surgical vision is evolving as promising techniques to segment and track the instruments using only the endoscopic images. However, what is missing so far are common image data sets for consistent evaluation and benchmarking of algorithms against each other. The paper presents a comparative validation study of different vision-based methods for instrument segmentation and tracking in the context of robotic as well as conventional laparoscopic surgery. The contribution of the paper is twofold: we introduce a comprehensive validation data set that was provided to the study participants and present the results of the comparative validation study. Based on the results of the validation study, we arrive at the conclusion that modern deep learning approaches outperform other methods in instrument segmentation tasks, but the results are still not perfect. Furthermore, we show that merging results from different methods actually significantly increases accuracy in comparison to the best stand-alone method. On the other hand, the results of the instrument tracking task show that this is still an open challenge, especially during challenging scenarios in conventional laparoscopic surgery