2,088 research outputs found

    Generalizations of the Recursion Theorem

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    We consider two generalizations of the recursion theorem, namely Visser's ADN theorem and Arslanov's completeness criterion, and we prove a joint generalization of these theorems

    Effective Genericity and Differentiability

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    We prove that a real x is 1-generic if and only if every differentiable computable function has continuous derivative at x. This provides a counterpart to recent results connecting effective notions of randomness with differentiability. We also consider multiply differentiable computable functions and polynomial time computable functions.Comment: Revision: added sections 6-8; minor correction

    Switching to nonhyperbolic cycles from codimension two bifurcations of equilibria of delay differential equations

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    In this paper we perform the parameter-dependent center manifold reduction near the generalized Hopf (Bautin), fold-Hopf, Hopf-Hopf and transcritical-Hopf bifurcations in delay differential equations (DDEs). This allows us to initialize the continuation of codimension one equilibria and cycle bifurcations emanating from these codimension two bifurcation points. The normal form coefficients are derived in the functional analytic perturbation framework for dual semigroups (sun-star calculus) using a normalization technique based on the Fredholm alternative. The obtained expressions give explicit formulas which have been implemented in the freely available numerical software package DDE-BifTool. While our theoretical results are proven to apply more generally, the software implementation and examples focus on DDEs with finitely many discrete delays. Together with the continuation capabilities of DDE-BifTool, this provides a powerful tool to study the dynamics near equilibria of such DDEs. The effectiveness is demonstrated on various models

    Flow-based reputation with uncertainty: Evidence-Based Subjective Logic

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    The concept of reputation is widely used as a measure of trustworthiness based on ratings from members in a community. The adoption of reputation systems, however, relies on their ability to capture the actual trustworthiness of a target. Several reputation models for aggregating trust information have been proposed in the literature. The choice of model has an impact on the reliability of the aggregated trust information as well as on the procedure used to compute reputations. Two prominent models are flow-based reputation (e.g., EigenTrust, PageRank) and Subjective Logic based reputation. Flow-based models provide an automated method to aggregate trust information, but they are not able to express the level of uncertainty in the information. In contrast, Subjective Logic extends probabilistic models with an explicit notion of uncertainty, but the calculation of reputation depends on the structure of the trust network and often requires information to be discarded. These are severe drawbacks. In this work, we observe that the `opinion discounting' operation in Subjective Logic has a number of basic problems. We resolve these problems by providing a new discounting operator that describes the flow of evidence from one party to another. The adoption of our discounting rule results in a consistent Subjective Logic algebra that is entirely based on the handling of evidence. We show that the new algebra enables the construction of an automated reputation assessment procedure for arbitrary trust networks, where the calculation no longer depends on the structure of the network, and does not need to throw away any information. Thus, we obtain the best of both worlds: flow-based reputation and consistent handling of uncertainties
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