91 research outputs found

    Wavelet Inverse Neutron Scattering Study of Layered Metallic NiC-Ti Composites

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    Composites are prevalent in high technology devices such as aircraft, computers, automobiles and communications systems. They improve brittleness and provide a lower density which enhances mechanical strength. Electron and light manipulating composites will be used more and more in the future. It is necessary to have a capability of inspecting composites, both to assure production quality and as a baseline for later NDE. In this paper, we present a study using wavelet, inverse neutron optics and the grazing angle neutron spectrometer, GANS, at the Missouri University Research Reactor, MURR

    Neutron Scattering and Its Application to Strongly Correlated Systems

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    Neutron scattering is a powerful probe of strongly correlated systems. It can directly detect common phenomena such as magnetic order, and can be used to determine the coupling between magnetic moments through measurements of the spin-wave dispersions. In the absence of magnetic order, one can detect diffuse scattering and dynamic correlations. Neutrons are also sensitive to the arrangement of atoms in a solid (crystal structure) and lattice dynamics (phonons). In this chapter, we provide an introduction to neutrons and neutron sources. The neutron scattering cross section is described and formulas are given for nuclear diffraction, phonon scattering, magnetic diffraction, and magnon scattering. As an experimental example, we describe measurements of antiferromagnetic order, spin dynamics, and their evolution in the La(2-x)Ba(x)CuO(4) family of high-temperature superconductors.Comment: 31 pages, chapter for "Strongly Correlated Systems: Experimental Techniques", edited by A. Avella and F. Mancin

    Unambiguous detection of nitrated explosive vapours by fluorescence quenching of dendrimer films

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    Unambiguous and selective standoff (non-contact) infield detection of nitro-containingexplosives and taggants is an important goal but difficult to achieve with standard analyticaltechniques. Oxidative fluorescence quenching is emerging as a high sensitivity method fordetecting such materials but is prone to false positives—everyday items such as perfumeselicit similar responses. Here we report thin films of light-emitting dendrimers that detectvapours of explosives and taggants selectively—fluorescence quenching is not observed for arange of common interferents. Using a combination of neutron reflectometry, quartz crystalmicrobalance and photophysical measurements we show that the origin of the selectivity isprimarily electronic and not the diffusion kinetics of the analyte or its distribution in the film.The results are a major advance in the development of sensing materials for the standoffdetection of nitro-based explosive vapours, and deliver significant insights into the physicalprocesses that govern the sensing efficacy

    Effects of temperature on the crystal structure of epidote: a neutron single-crystal diffraction study at 293 and 1070K

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    The effects of temperature on the crystal structure of a natural epidote [Ca1.925 Fe0.745Al2.265Ti0.004Si3.037O12(OH), a = 8.890(6), b = 5.630(4), c = 10. 50(6) \uc5 and \u3b2 = 115.36(5)\ub0, Sp.Gr. P21/m] have been investigated by means of neutron single-crystal diffraction at 293 and 1,070 K. At room conditions, the structural refinement confirms the presence of Fe3+ at the M3 site [%Fe(M3) = 73.1(8)%] and all attempts to refine the amount of Fe at the M(1) site were unsuccessful. Only one independent proton site was located. Two possible hydrogen bonds, with O(2) and O(4) as acceptors [i.e. O(10)-H(1)\ub7\ub7\ub7O(2) and O(10)-H(1)\ub7\ub7\ub7O(4)], occur. However, the topological configuration of the bonds suggests that the O(10)-H(1)\ub7\ub7\ub7O(4) is energetically more favourable, as H(1)\ub7\ub7\ub7O(4) = 1.9731(28) \uc5, O(10)\ub7\ub7\ub7O(4) = 2.9318(22) \uc5 and O(10)-H(1)\ub7\ub7\ub7O4 = 166.7(2)\ub0, whereas H(1)\ub7\ub7\ub7O(2) = 2.5921(23) \uc5, O(10)\ub7\ub7\ub7O(2) = 2.8221(17)\uc5 and O(10)-H(1)\ub7\ub7\ub7O2 = 93.3(1)\ub0. The O(10)-H(1) bond distance corrected for "riding motion" is 0.9943 \uc5. The diffraction data at 1,070 K show that epidote is stable within the T-range investigated, and that its crystallinity is maintained. A positive thermal expansion is observed along all the three crystallographic axes. At 1,070 K the structural refinement again shows that Fe3+ share the M(3) site along with Al3+ [%Fe(M3)1,070K = 74(2)%]. The refined amount of Fe3+ at the M(1) is not significant [%Fe(M1)1,070K = 1(2)%]. The tetrahedral and octahedral bond distances and angles show a slight distortion of the polyhedra at high-T, but a significant increase of the bond distances compared to those at room temperature is observed, especially for bond distances corrected for "rigid body motions". The high-T conditions also affect the inter-polyhedral configurations: the bridging angle Si(2)-O(9)-Si(1) of the Si2O7 group increases significantly with T. The high-T structure refinement shows that no dehydration effect occurs at least within the T-range investigated. The configuration of the H-bonding is basically maintained with temperature. However, the hydrogen bond strength changes at 1,070 K, as the O(10)\ub7\ub7\ub7O(4) and H(1)\ub7\ub7\ub7O(4) distances are slightly longer than those at 293 K. The anisotropic displacement parameters of the proton site are significantly larger than those at room condition. Reasons for the thermal stability of epidote up to 1,070 K observed in this study, the absence of dehydration and/or non-convergent ordering of Al and Fe3+ between different octahedral sites and/or convergent ordering on M(3) are discussed
