433 research outputs found

    Foreword: Exploring Cardiometabolic Complications of Obesity and Related Risk Factors: Prevalence and Economic Consequences

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    Health Technology Assessment in Health-Care Decisions in the United States

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    Identification and cost of adverse events in metastatic breast cancer in taxane and capecitabine based regimens.

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    PurposeWe sought to compare the economic impact of treatment-related adverse events (AEs) in patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC) using taxane- or capecitabine-based treatment regimens as either first- or second-line (FL or SL) therapy in the US.MethodsWe used healthcare claims data from the Truven Health Analytics MarketScan® Commercial Databases to conduct a retrospective cohort study comparing the economic impact of AEs amongst taxane- and capecitabine-treated mBC patients in the US. We selected women diagnosed with mBC between 2008-2010 who received a taxane or capecitabine as first- or second-line (FL or SL) chemotherapy. Costs related to hospitalization, outpatient services, emergency department visits, chemotherapy and other medications were tabulated and combined to determine total healthcare costs. The incremental monthly costs associated with the presence of AEs compared to no AEs were estimated using generalized linear models, controlling for age and Charlson Comorbidity Index.ResultsWe identified 15,443 mBC patients meeting inclusion criteria. Adjusted total monthly costs were significantly higher in those who experienced AEs than in those without AEs in both lines of treatment (FL incremental cost: taxanes 1,142,capecitabine1,142, capecitabine 1,817; SL incremental cost: taxanes 1,448,capecitabine1,448, capecitabine 4,437). Total costs increased with the number of AEs and were primarily driven by increased hospitalization amongst those with AEs.ConclusionsAdverse events in taxane- or capecitabine-treated mBC patients are associated with significant increases in costs. Selecting treatment options associated with fewer AEs may reduce costs and improve outcomes in these patients

    Economic Evaluation of Tocilizumab Monotherapy Compared to Adalimumab Monotherapy in the Treatment of Severe Active Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    AbstractObjectivesTo estimate the cost-effectiveness of tocilizumab (TCZ) monotherapy (Mono) versus adalimumab (ADA) Mono from the US payer perspective in patients with rheumatoid arthritis for whom methotrexate is inappropriate.MethodsWe compared TCZ Mono (8 mg/kg monthly) with ADA Mono (40 mg every other week), using efficacy results from a head-to-head study, ADalimumab ACTemrA (ADACTA). We calculated the incremental cost per responder (achievement of American College of Rheumatology [ACR] 20% improvement criteria, ACR 50% improvement criteria, ACR 70% improvement criteria, or low disease activity score) for TCZ versus ADA at 6 months. A patient-level simulation was used to estimate the lifetime incremental cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) of initiating treatment with TCZ Mono versus ADA Mono. Both drugs are followed by an etanercept-certolizumab-palliative care sequence. Nonresponders discontinue at 6 months; responders experience a constant probability of discontinuation. Discontinuers move to the next treatment. ACR responses produce changes in the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) score. We mapped the HAQ score to utility to estimate QALYs. Costs include those related to hospitalization and those related to treatment (drug acquisition, administration, and monitoring). Probabilistic and one-way sensitivity analyses were conducted, along with several scenario analyses.ResultsCompared with ADA, TCZ was more effective, with an estimated 6-month incremental cost ranging from 6,570peradditionallowdiseaseactivityscoreachieverto6,570 per additional low disease activity score achiever to 14,265 per additional ACR 70% improvement criteria responder. The lifetime incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was $36,944/QALY.ConclusionsTCZ Mono is projected to be cost-effective compared with ADA Mono in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis for whom methotrexate is not appropriate, from a US payer perspective

    Long-term outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving glimepiride combined with liraglutide or rosiglitazone

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poor control of type 2 diabetes results in substantial long-term consequences. Studies of new diabetes treatments are rarely designed to assess mortality, complication rates and costs. We sought to estimate the long-term consequences of liraglutide and rosiglitazone both added to glimepiride.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To estimate long-term clinical and economic consequences, we used the CORE diabetes model, a validated cohort model that uses epidemiologic data from long-term clinical trials to simulate morbidity, mortality and costs of diabetes. Clinical data were extracted from the LEAD-1 trial evaluating two doses (1.2 mg and 1.8 mg) of a once daily GLP-1 analog liraglutide, or rosiglitazone 4 mg, on a background of glimepiride in type 2 diabetes. CORE was calibrated to the LEAD-1 baseline patient characteristics. Survival, cumulative incidence of cardiovascular, ocular and renal events and healthcare costs were estimated over three periods: 10, 20 and 30 years.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In a hypothetical cohort of 5000 patients per treatment followed for 30 years, liraglutide 1.2 mg and 1.8 mg had higher survival rates compared to the group treated with rosiglitazone (15.0% and 16.0% vs. 12.6% after 30 years), and fewer cardiovascular, renal, and ocular events. Cardiovascular death rates after 30 years were 69.7%, 68.4% and 72.5%, for liraglutide 1.2 mg, 1.8 mg, and rosiglitazone, respectively. First and recurrent amputations were lower in the rosiglitazone group, probably due to a 'survival paradox' in the liraglutide arms (number of events: 565, 529, and 507, respectively). Overall cumulative costs per patient, were lower in both liraglutide groups compared to rosiglitazone (US38,963,38,963, 39,239, and $40,401 for liraglutide 1.2 mg, 1.8 mg, and rosiglitazone, respectively), mainly driven by the costs of cardiovascular events in all groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using data from LEAD-1 and epidemiologic evidence from the CORE diabetes model, projected rates of mortality, diabetes complications and healthcare costs over the long term favor liraglutide plus glimepiride over rosiglitazone plus glimepiride.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>LEAD-1 NCT00318422; LEAD-2 NCT00318461; LEAD-3 NCT 00294723; LEAD-4 NCT00333151; LEAD-5 NCT00331851; LEAD-6 NCT00518882.</p

    Professional Organizations and Healthcare Industry Support: Ethical Conflict?

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    A good deal of attention has been recently focused on the presumed advertising excesses of the healthcare industry in its promotion techniques to healthcare professionals, whether through offering gratuities such as gifts, honoraria, or travel support2-6 or through deception. Two basic concerns have been expressed: Does the acceptance of gratuities bias the recipient, tainting his or her responsibilities as the patient's agent? Does acceptance of the gratuity by the healthcare professional contribute to the high cost of healthcare products? The California Society of Hospital Pharmacists was recently asked by its members to formulate a policy for an appropriate relationship between the Society and the healthcare industry, addressing these concerns. In formulating its policy, it became clear that the Society depended on healthcare industry support, gathered through journal advertising, fees for booths at its various educational events, and grants for speaker

    Photoluminescence spectra of point defects in semiconductors: validation of first principles calculations

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    Optically and magnetically active point defects in semiconductors are interesting platforms for the development of solid-state quantum technologies. Their optical properties are usually probed by measuring photoluminescence spectra, which provide information on excitation energies and on the interaction of electrons with lattice vibrations. We present a combined computational and experimental study of photoluminescence spectra of defects in diamond and SiC, aimed at assessing the validity of theoretical and numerical approximations used in first principles calculations, including the use of the Franck-Condon principle and the displaced harmonic oscillator approximation. We focus on prototypical examples of solid-state qubits, the divacancy centers in SiC and the nitrogen-vacancy in diamond, and we report computed photoluminescence spectra as a function of temperature that are in very good agreement with the measured ones. As expected we find that the use of hybrid functionals leads to more accurate results than semilocal functionals. Interestingly our calculations show that constrained density functional theory (CDFT) and time-dependent hybrid DFT perform equally well in describing the excited state potential energy surface of triplet states; our findings indicate that CDFT, a relatively cheap computational approach, is sufficiently accurate for the calculations of photoluminescence spectra of the defects studied here. Finally, we find that only by correcting for finite-size effects and extrapolating to the dilute limit, one can obtain a good agreement between theory and experiment. Our results provide a detailed validation protocol of first principles calculations of photoluminescence spectra, necessary both for the interpretation of experiments and for robust predictions of the electronic properties of point defects in semiconductors

    Clinical outcomes in high-hypoglycaemia-risk patients with type 2 diabetes switching to insulin glargine 300 U/mL versus a first-generation basal insulin analogue in the United States: Results from the DELIVER High Risk real-world study

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    Aims: To compare 12-month clinical effectiveness of insulin glargine 300 units/mL (Gla-300) versus first-generation basal insulin analogues (BIAs) (insulin glargine 100 units/mL [Gla-100] or insulin detemir [IDet]) in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) who were at high risk of hypoglycaemia and switched from one BIA to a different one (Gla-300 or Gla-100/IDet) in a real-world setting. // Methods: DELIVER High Risk was a retrospective observational cohort study of 2550 patients with T2D who switched BIA to Gla-300 (Gla-300 switchers) and were propensity score-matched (1:1) to patients who switched to Gla-100 or IDet (Gla-100/IDet switchers). Outcomes were change in glycated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), attainment of HbA1c goals (<7% and <8%), and incidence and event rates of hypoglycaemia (all-hypoglycaemia and hypoglycaemia associated with an inpatient/emergency department [ED] contact). // Results: HbA1c reductions were similar following switching to Gla-300 or Gla-100/IDet (−0.51% vs. −0.53%; p = .67), and patients showed similar attainment of HbA1c goals. Patients in both cohorts had comparable all-hypoglycaemia incidence and event rates. However, the Gla-300 switcher cohort had a significantly lower risk of inpatient/ED-associated hypoglycaemia (adjusted odds ratio: 0.73, 95% confidence interval: 0.60–0.89; p = .002) and experienced significantly fewer inpatient/ED-associated hypoglycaemic events (0.21 vs. 0.33 events per patient per year; p < .001). // Conclusion: In patients with T2D at high risk of hypoglycaemia, switching to Gla-300 or Gla-100/IDet achieved similar HbA1c reductions and glycaemic goal attainment, but Gla-300 switchers had a significantly lower risk of hypoglycaemia associated with an inpatient/ED contact during 12 months after switching

    Recommendations for economic evaluations of cell and gene therapies: a systematic literature review with critical appraisal

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    Objective: No consensus exists on the ideal methodology to evaluate the economic impact and value of new, potentially curative gene therapies. We aimed to identify and describe published methodologic recommendations for the economic evaluation of gene therapies and assess whether these recommendations have been applied in published evaluations. Methods: This study was conducted in three stages: a systematic literature review of methodologic recommendations for economic evaluation of gene therapies; an assessment of the appropriateness of recommendations; and a review to assess the degree to which the recommendations were applied in published evaluations. Results: A total of 2,888 references were screened, 83 articles were reviewed to assess eligibility, and 20 papers were included. Fifty recommendations were identified, and 21 reached consensus thresholds. Most evaluations were based on naive treatment comparisons and did not apply consensus recommendations. Innovative payment mechanisms for gene therapies were rarely considered. The only widely applied recommendations related to modeling choices and methods. Conclusions: Methodological recommendations for economic evaluations of gene therapies are generally not being followed. Assessing the applicability and impact of the recommendations from this study may facilitate the implementation of consensus recommendations in future evaluations

    Cost-Effectiveness of Primary versus Secondary Prophylaxis with Pegfilgrastim in Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy

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    AbstractObjectiveProphylaxis with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) reduces the risk of febrile neutropenia (FN) in patients receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy. We estimated the incremental cost-effectiveness of G-CSF pegfilgrastim primary (starting in cycle 1 and continuing in subsequent cycles of chemotherapy) versus secondary (only after an FN event) prophylaxis in women with early-stage breast cancer receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy with a ≥20% FN risk.MethodsA decision-analytic model was constructed from a health insurer's perspective with a lifetime study horizon. The model considers direct medical costs and outcomes related to reduced FN and potential survival benefits because of reduced FN-related mortality. Inputs for the model were obtained from the medical literature. Sensitivity analyses were conducted across plausible ranges in parameter values.ResultsThe incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of pegfilgrastim as primary versus secondary prophylaxis was 48,000/FNepisodeavoided.AddingsurvivalbenefitfromavoidingFNmortalityyieldedanICERof48,000/FN episode avoided. Adding survival benefit from avoiding FN mortality yielded an ICER of 110,000/life-year gained (LYG) or $116,000/quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained. The most influential factors included FN case-fatality, FN relative risk reduction from primary prophylaxis, and age at diagnosis.ConclusionsCompared with secondary prophylaxis, the cost-effectiveness of pegfilgrastim as primary prophylaxis may be equivalent or superior to other commonly used supportive care interventions for women with breast cancer. Further assessment of the direct impact of G-CSF on short- and long-term survival is needed to substantiate these findings
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