11 research outputs found


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    Offspring data is in ‘smolt-data.csv’ as follows: Column 1: PIT: Passive Integrated Transponder number used for individual ID Column 2: FL: Fork length in mm Column 3: mass: in grams Column 4: Sex: Male, Female, or NA (i.e. failed to assign) Column 5: cross: AA or BB (i.e. pure above-barrier cross or pure below-barrier cross) Column 6: Ma: Individual ID of mother Column 7: MOM: A or B (origin of Ma) Column 8: Pa: Individual ID of father Column 9: DAD: A or B (origin of Pa) Column 10: score: smolt condition: 1, 2, 3, 4, or NA (see explanation below) Column 11: smolt: 0 or 1 (non-smolt or smolt


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    movement-data.csv Column 1: PIT: Passive Integrated Transponder number used for individual ID Column 2: cross: AxA, BxB, Hybrid, AxF1, BxF1, F1 (The latter four crosses are from a separate study not discussed in the corresponding manuscript. They were raised in the same manner as the AxA and BxB crosses discussed in the corresponding manuscript) Column 3: FL: Fork length in mm Column 4: mass: in grams Column 5: score: 1, 2, 3, 4 or NA (see explanation below) Column 6: smolt: 0 or 1 (i.e. non-smolt or smolt) Column 7: detect: 0 or 1 (i.e. not detected or detected


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    Data from the seawater challenge experiment are in saltwater-challenge-data.csv as follows: Column 1: PIT: Passive Integrated Transponder number used for individual ID Column 2: cross: AxA, BxB, Hybrid, AxF1, BxF1, F1 (The latter four crosses are from a separate study not discussed in the corresponding manuscript. They were raised in the same manner as the AxA and BxB crosses discussed in the corresponding manuscript) Column 3: FL: Fork length in mm Column 4: mass: in grams Column 5: score: 1, 2, 3, 4 or NA (see explanation below) Column 6: smolt: 0 or 1 (non-smolt or smolt) Column 7: sex: Male, Female, or NA (i.e. failed to assign) Column 8: fate: 0 or 1: (i.e. dead or alive at the end of the experiment) Column 9: Date: date individual was declared dead Column 10: Time: time individual was declared dea

    Ecosystem processes in the comparative study.

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    <p>Each point represents a different study pool. (a). Rate of algal accrual on elevated tiles. The gray polygon denotes the 95% confidence interval. (b). Rate of breakdown of leaves. Also shown in this panel in the open polygon and dashed line is the prediction interval and predicted line from the 2008 experimental relationship between leaf litter breakdown rate and crayfish.</p

    Consumption of leaf litter by three detritivores: the invasive signal crayfish (<i>P. leniusculus</i>), and the native caddisflies <i>Lepidostoma spp</i>. and <i>Psychoglypha</i> spp. (order: Tricoptera) in feeding trials.

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    <p>Individual mass is dry mass of the individual after the experiment. Consumption is the amount of leaves eaten, normalized by background loss rate (see Methods). Also shown is the best fit allometric relationship.</p

    Invertebrate communities and the comparative study of crayfish.

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    <p>Each point represents the average for a study pool. (a) Invertebrate biomass (average biomass for coarse mesh leaf litter bags) as a function of crayfish density. Shown is the best fit exponential decay relationship (invertebrate biomass = 42.7 * exp (crayfish * −3.2)). (b). Average individual invertebrate mass as a function of crayfish density. White symbols with the solid line are caddisflies (Tricoptera), corresponding to the left y-axis and gray symbols with the dashed line correspond to stoneflies (Plecoptera), corresponding to the right y-axis. If pools did not contain any individuals, these points are not shown.</p

    Results from the experimental manipulation of crayfish densities.

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    <p>Each point represents a study pool. Total non-crayfish benthic invertebrate abundance corresponds to open white symbols and gray confidence interval while total non-crayfish biomass corresponds to the gray symbols and darker gray confidence intervals. Benthic invertebrates were negatively associated with crayfish for both non-crayfish benthic invertebrate numerical density (log (invertebrates m<sup>−2</sup>) = −0.087 * crayfish +3.38, <i>R<sup>2</sup></i> = 0.59, <i>P</i><0.001) and biomass density (log (invertebrates m<sup>−2</sup>) = −0.046 * crayfish +2.82; <i>R<sup>2</sup></i> = 0.33, <i>P</i> = 0.02). The solid lines denote these best fit linear model and the polygons indicate 95% confidence intervals. Note data are log-transformed.</p

    Schemata of the direct and indirect effects of crayfish (<i>P. leniusculus</i>).

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    <p>Direct effects are solid arrows, indirect effects are dashed arrows. The direction of the impact is shown in parenthesis.</p

    Ecosystem processes and crayfish density manipulation.

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    <p>Each point represents a study pool. (a). Rate of algal accrual on elevated tiles. Algal accrual was negatively associated with crayfish density (algal accrual rate = 0.13 * crayfish +1.05; <i>R<sup>2</sup></i> = 0.29, <i>P</i> = 0.03). (b). Rate of breakdown of leaves. A higher k value corresponds to more rapid breakdown and k was higher at higher crayfish densities (k = 0.010 * crayfish +0.036; <i>R<sup>2</sup></i> = 0.64, <i>P</i> = 0.0002). For both relationships, the solid line denotes the best fit linear model and the gray polygon indicates the 95% confidence interval.</p