25 research outputs found

    Business performance assessment and the EFQM Excellence Model 2010 (case study)

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    The application of the latest management methods becomes today, during the ongoing European integration processes, a requisite for the success of the business within the environment of international markets. In this paper, the authors pay attention to the expansion of the organizational knowledge base with an application of a new management method. They are dealing with assessment of the organization performance, the issue of its effectiveness and the increasing economic efficiency, on an example of a selected mining company as a case study. In order to detect weaknesses in the company reviewed and to offer suggestions for improvement, which may move the company towards prosperity, the authors carried out the performance assessment by using the EFQM Excellence Model 2010. The aim of this paper is to introduce the business performance assessment model in terms of the European standards that will allow the use of latest management methods in the environment of both the Slovak and European companies

    Eurointegration tendencies in implementation of industry 4.0 within the scope of European companies

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    The current level of technological development made it possible to predict upcoming changes, the expected commercial availability of breakthrough technologies and the impact they will have on business organization, manufacturing and labor market. The fourth industrial revolution, driven by automation, digital technology and Big Data, is expected to start in a few years. The number one external risk currently perceived by companies is digital disruption. The aim of the paper is to examine the current trends in terms of technological development and workforce transition for the preparedness of companies and labor market for the upcoming changes. The paper reviews the results of research, indicating the dominant orientation of companies, with regards to the expected digital disruption, trends shaping the fourth industrial revolution and strategies for preparation for the upcoming changes

    Business performance assessment and the EFQM Excellence Model 2010 (case study)

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    The application of the latest management methods becomes today, during the ongoing European integration processes, a requisite for the success of the business within the environment of international markets. In this paper, the authors pay attention to the expansion of the organizational knowledge base with an application of a new management method. They are dealing with assessment of the organization performance, the issue of its effectiveness and the increasing economic efficiency, on an example of a selected mining company as a case study. In order to detect weaknesses in the company reviewed and to offer suggestions for improvement, which may move the company towards prosperity, the authors carried out the performance assessment by using the EFQM Excellence Model 2010. The aim of this paper is to introduce the business performance assessment model in terms of the European standards that will allow the use of latest management methods in the environment of both the Slovak and European companies

    Risk factors' prediction model for the investment evaluation

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    The article deals with the issue of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and their long-term sustainability based on the efficiency of investment processes. Implementing new approaches to the company's decision-making processes will allow companies to overcome the pitfalls of the market environment created by the post-COVID period and the current energy crisis that has affected the world markets after the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The article aims to verify the application of the methodology for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises based on the use of a model creating a fusion of traditional and sophisticated tools. The analyses carried out are based on the investment decisions of a real company operating in the Slovak Republic's territory in the production and supply of security products. Mathematical modelling and Monte Carlo simulation are based on the company's accounting and operational financial outputs (profit and loss statement, balance sheet). The methodology is based on mathematical modelling through static traditional financial approaches and their verification through sensitivity analysis, regression analysis and Monte Carlo simulation based on distributional distributions of risk factors. The output is the assessment of risk factors and their significance for the criterion value Net Present Value (NPV)

    Efficient use of critical raw materials for optimal resource management in EU countries

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    The European Commission has established a Critical Raw Materials List (CRM) for the European Union (EU), which is subject to regular review and updating. CRMs are needed in many key industries such as automotive, steel, aerospace, renewable energy, etc. To address this issue, we studied publicly available data from databases developed by the EU for monitoring the progress of individual countries in key areas for the development of society. The paper analyzes indicators of import reliance, net additions to stock, domestic material consumption (DMC), resource productivity, and circular material use rate. Prospective products and technologies, in electromobility, digitalization, Industry 4.0, and energy transformation, are changing and increasing the demand for raw materials. The aim of this article is to look at the ways forward in order to use critical raw materials as efficiently as possible while at the same time ensuring the optimal economy of the countries. From the sources and databases of data available for the EU, we analyzed a number of variables and suggested options for future developments in the efficient use of critical raw materials. We defined what we believed to be the optimal management means in relation to critical raw materials and worked backwards to find a path to efficient use of critical raw materials.Web of Science1411art. no. 655

    Benchmarking research of steel companies in Europe

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    In present time steelworks are at a stage of permanent changes that are marked with still stronger competition pressure. Therefore managers must solve questions of how to decrease production costs, how to overcome competition and how to survive in the world market. Still more attention should be paid to the modern managerial methods of market research and comparison with competition. Benchmarking research is one of the effective tools for such research. The goal of this contribution is to compare chosen steelworks and to indicate new directions for their development with the possibility of increasing the productivity of steel production

    Intangible cultural heritage of Spain as a potential for tourism development

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    Práca sa zameriava na využitie potenciálu nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva Španielska, ako lákadla pre segment turistov z Českej republiky. Definuje vzťah medzi kultúrnym dedičstvom a rozvojom trvalo udržateľného cestovného ruchu a charakterizuje nehmotné kultúrne pamiatky Španielska. Hlavným cieľom práce bolo zvýšenie návštevnosti španielskych nehmotných kultúrnych pamiatok českými turistami, prostredníctvom konkrétneho návrhu na rozšírenie a zefektívnenie ich propagácie na českom trhu. Naplnenie cieľa bolo uskutočnené pomocou analýzy ponuky nehmotných kultúrnych pamiatok Španielska na českom trhu a analýzy dopytu českých turistov po daných pamiatkach. Analyzovaná bola ponuka zájazdov zameraných na nehmotné kultúrne dedičstvo Španielska, dostupných na českom trhu a propagácia daných pamiatok prostredníctvom riadeného rozhovoru so zástupkyňou inštitútu Turespaña. Analýza dopytu českých turistov po týchto pamiatkach bola zrealizovaná pomocou dotazníkového šetrenia. Z výsledkov analýz vyplýva, že českí turisti majú záujem o poznávanie Španielska prostredníctvom jeho nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva, avšak ponuka takto zameraných zájazdov na českom trhu zatiaľ neexistuje. Neuspokojivo hodnotená je aj propagácia španielskych nehmotných kultúrnych pamiatok na českom trhu, v spojitosti s ktorou sú v závere práce uvedené návrhy pre jej rozšírenie a zefektívnenie.The thesis is focused on exploiting the potential of the intangible cultural heritage of Spain as attraction for the segment of Czech tourists. It defines the existing relation between cultural heritage and the development of sustainable tourism and describes the intangible cultural heritage of Spain. The main aim of this thesis as to enhance the Czech tourists to visit the intangible cultural elements of Spain, through the proposal of making their promotion on the Czech market more effective and expanded. In order to reach the aim, there was an offer analysis of the Spanish intangible cultural elements on the Czech market and a demand analysis of the Czech tourists in relation with these attractions done. The offer analysis was focused on the package tours available on the Czech market that were oriented at the intangible cultural heritage of Spain, and on its promotion. The promotion was examined trough a structural interview with a representative of the Institute Tourspain. The demand analysis was done by a questionnaire survey. The results found out that the Czech tourists are interested in exploring Spain through its intangible cultural heritage, however there are no package tours especially aimed at this kind of tourist attraction. The promotion of the intangible cultural heritage of Spain on the Czech market is also considered rather insufficient than enough. In relation with findings, there are some proposals on how to make the promotion in question more effective included in the thesis.Práce je zaměřena na využití potenciálu nehmotného kulturního dědictví Španělska, jako lákadla pro segment turistů z Český republiky. Definuje vztah mezi kulturním dědictvím a rozvojem trvalo udržitelného cestovního ruchu, a také charakterizuje nehmotné kulturní památky Španělska. Hlavním cílem práce bylo zvýšení návštěvnosti španělských nehmotných kulturních památek českými turisty, prostřednictvím konkrétního návrhu na rozšíření a zefektivnění jejich propagace na českém trhu. Naplnění cíle bylo provedeno pomocí analýzy nabídky nehmotných kulturních památek Španělska na českém trhu a analýzy poptávky českých turistů po daných památkách. Analyzovaná byla nabídka zájezdů zaměřených na nehmotné kulturní dědictví Španělska, dostupných na českém trhu a propagace daných památek prostřednictvím strukturovaného rozhovoru se zástupkyní institutu Turespaña. Analýza poptávky českých turistů po tyhle památkách byla provedena pomocí dotazníkového šetření. Z výsledků analýz vyplývá, že čeští turisté mají zájem o poznávaní Španělska prostřednictvím jeho nehmotného kulturního dědictví, avšak nabídka tahle zaměřených zájezdů na českém trhu zatím neexistuje. Neuspokojivě hodnocená je také propagace španělských nehmotných kulturních památek na českém trhu, ve spojitosti s kterou jsou v závěru práce uvedené návrhy pro její rozšíření a zefektivnění