20 research outputs found

    Seasonal variation of the Malascostraca (Crustacea) fauna and their relationship with physicochemical parameters in Seyhan Basin, Türkiye

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal distribution of Malacostraca fauna in the Seyhan Basin by examining their relationship with physicochemical parameters. Field studies were conducted at 23 stations during the spring, summer, and autumn of 2019, resulting in the examination of 4302 individuals. The orders Amphipoda and Decapoda were represented by 5 families (Niphargidae, Gammaridae, Palemonidae, and Potamidae) and 10 species. Echinogammarus ischnus, Gammarus mladeni, and G. pseudanatoliensis are the first recorded species in this basin. The Shannon-Wiener diversity (H) index showed that the highest diversity was at station 11th in the spring (0.72), at station 22nd (0.66) in the summer and autumn, and the lowest diversity was recorded at station 3rd in the spring (0.22) and autumn (0.05), and at station 1st in the summer (0.17). Based on Shannon Evenness (E), the most balanced distribution was observed at station 22nd during the spring and summer seasons (0.97), and at station 1st during the autumn season (0.96). The least homogeneous stations were identified as station 3 during the spring (0.22) and autumn (0.53) seasons, and station 1 during the summer season (0.59). Based on the results of the clustering analysis, the 3rd and 5th stations showed the highest similarity (89%), while the 2nd station was the least similar, separating from all other stations. The Pearson correlation analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between DO and temperature and total nitrogen and a significant positive correlation between temperature and EC (P<0.01). When examining the water quality classes of the stations according to the Water Quality Regulation criteria, it is observed that the stations have either 1st class (very clean) or 2nd class (moderately polluted) water quality

    Morphological flexibility of oxynoemacheilus seyhanensis in different habitats of Turkish inland waters: A case of error in describing a populations as distinct species

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    This study was conducted to investigate the morphological variation between seven populations of Oxynoemacheilus seyhanensis inhabiting three basins of Turkish inland waters. For this purpose, a total of 71 specimens were collected from Yildizeli, Taşköprü, Suşehri rivers (Kizilirmak basin), Büyükpotuklu, Pinarbaşi and Örenşehir rivers (Seyhan basin) and Akdağmadeni River (Yesilirmak basin). A total of 31 morphometric characteristics were measured. After standardization, data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Duncan, Kruskal-Wallis tests, principal component analysis (PCA), canonical variate analysis (CVA), non-parametric MANOVA and cluster analysis. The results showed significant differences in 26 traits between the studied populations of O. seyhanensis (P<0.05) revealing a high morphological flexibility of this deep-bodied species

    Morphometric analysis of cobitis (teleostei:Cobitidae) species distribution in Dalaman river basin

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    Çalışma 2014 Haziran-2017 Temmuz tarihlerinde Batı Akdeniz Havzasında yer alan Dalaman Çayı Havzasındaki Cobitis türlerinin belirlenmesi, daha önce alandan bildirilen türlerin yeniden değerlendirilmesi, türlerin dağılım alanlarının belirlenmesi, türlerin morfometrik ve meristik karakterlerinin kıyaslanması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma alanında Cobitis dorademiri, Cobitis battalgili ve Cobitis sp. olmak üzere 3 tür tespit edilmiştir. Dalaman Çayında C. dorademiri ile Cobitis sp. türleri, Gölhisar Gölünde C. battalgili, Namnam çayında ise C. dorademiri türünün dağılım gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Literatür çalışmalarında bölgede dağılım gösterdiği bildirilen C. simplicispina, C. turcica, C. vardarensis ve C. taenia türlerinin bölgede dağılım göstermediği belirlenmiştir.The study was carried out to determine the distribution areas and morphometric and meristic characters of the Cobitis species in the Dalaman Stream, Western Mediterranean Basin at June 2014-July 2017. A total of three species which are named Cobitis dorademiri, Cobitis battalgili and Cobitis sp. determinated in research area. Cobitis dorademiri sampled from in Dalaman and Namnam Streams, C. battalgili in Gölhisar Lake and Cobitis sp. in Dalaman Stream. On the other hand the species which are C. simplicispina, C. turcica, C. vardarensis and C. taenia reported in previous studies in the study area. It is determined that these species not distributed in this area

    Capoeta kosswigi Karaman, 1969 a junior synonym of capoeta damascina (Valenciennes, 1842) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).

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    Capoeta kosswigi was described from Lake Van basin, Turkey, being close to C. damascina and C. umbla. It is distinguished from them by a pointed snout and a small horseshoe-shaped mouth, and differing from C. damascina by having smaller scales, and from the C. umbla by processing larger scales. In this study, we tested the suggested synonymy hypothesis of C. kosswigi and C. damascina by comparing the morphometric and meristic data. The results revealed that all morphometric and meristic characters of C. kosswigi overlap with those of C. damascina. In line with previous molecular studies that COI, cytb and 16S rDNA genes of C. kosswigi and C. damascina are identical, therefore, without having any diagnostic characters, we treat C. kosswigi as a junior synonym of C. damascina

    Freshwater fish fauna of Niğde

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    This study was carried out from March 2016 and april 2017 in order to determine freshwater fish fauna of Niğde. As a result of the systematic investigation of the samples obtained from the field studies 7 species belonging to 3 families were determined. The species are Capoeta angorae, Squalius cappadocicus, Cyprinus carpio, Gobio gymnostethus, Oxynoemacheilus angorae, Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo labecula. According to the IUCN categories S. cappadocicus and G. gymnostethus are CR, O. angorae are LC, Capoeta angorae and Salmo labecula are NE. In addition, it has been found that O. mykiss trout farms are located in the area and C. carpio species are included in the fauna by diving into dams

    Improvements of Strawberries Production and Foreign Trade in Turkey

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    Türkiye’de çilek üretimi ve dış ticareti gün geçtikçe önem kazanmakta, üreticilere ve ihracat yoluyla ülke ekonomisine gelir sağlaması açısından sık sık gündeme gelmektedir. Tükiye’de 2001-2017 yılları arasında çilek üretimi 3,42 kat artarak 400.167 tona yükselmiştir. Yurtiçi üretim büyük oranda (%69,50) Mersin, Aydın, Bursa ve Antalya illerinden karşılanmaktadır. Ele alınan dönemde ihracat miktarı ise 2,44 kat artarak 27.577 ton olmuştur. İhracat yapılan ülkeler itibariyle de yoğunlaşma mevcuttur. Özellikle taze çilek ihracatında gerçekleşen bu yoğunlaşma herhangi bir sorunla karşılaşıldığında önemli gelir kayıplarına sebep olabilir. Bu nedenle çilek üretim bölgelerinin genişletilmesi ve yeni ihracat pazarlarının bulunması yönünde çabalar teşvik edilmelidir.In Turkey, strawberry production and foreign trade is getting importance, in terms of providing income to producers and exports revenues. Strawberry production quantity has increased to 400.167 tonnes in the year 2001-2017 increased by 3.42 times in Turkey. This production is mostly (%69,5) met by Mersin, Aydın, Bursa and Antalya. In this period, the export quantity increased by 2.44 times to 27,577 tons. There is an concentration of export by countries. Especially, this concentration of fresh strawberries may result to loose income. For this reason, ıt is important to expand strawberry production regions and find new export markets

    Determination of some population dynamical parameters of squalius cappadocicus özuluğ & freyhof, 2011 for Melendiz river (Konya endorheic basin)

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    Bu çalışma, Melendiz Çayı’ndaki Squalius cappadocicus popülasyonuna ait bazı popülasyon dinamiği değişkenlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örnekleme çalışmaları Haziran 2016 - Ağustos 2017 dönemlerinde gerçekleştirilmiş olup toplam 357 birey incelenmiştir. İncelenen bireylerin 0-VI yaş grupları arasında değişiklik gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Örneklenen bireyler içerisinde I. yaş grubunun en baskın (%30,53) olduğu bunu sırasıyla 0. (%28,29) ve II. (%20,44) yaş gruplarının izlediği görülmüştür. İncelenen bireylerin boy değerlerinin 2,6-24,5 cm, ağırlık değerlerinin ise 0,44202,99 g arasında değişim gösterdiği belirlenmiş ve ortalama boy ve ağırlık değerleri sırasıyla 11,27±3,88 cm, 23,57±25,32 g olarak hesaplanmıştır. Boy ağırlık ilişkisi W=0,0120*L olarak belirlenmiştir. Populasyon değişkenlerinden L ∞ : 44,21 cm, k: 0,098, t o : -1,47, Φꞌ: 2,28 ve K: 1,13 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ölüm oranları ve stoktan yararlanma düzeyi ise Z: 0,37, M: 0,32, F: 0,05 ve E: 0,13 olarak tahmin edilmiştir. Tahmin edilen bu değerler ışığında popülasyon üzerinde aşırı avcılık baskısının bulunmadığı kanısına varılmıştır. 2,9882The aim of this study was to determine population parameters of Squalius cappadocicus in Melendiz River. A total of 357 specimens, collected 2016 June-2017August. Age of the specimens ranged from 0th to 5th age groups and dominant age group was found I (30,53%) followed by 0th (%28,29) and 2nd (%20,44) age groups. Total length varied from 2.6-24.5 cm with the mean of 11.27±3.88 cm, total weight ranged from 0.44 to 202.99 with the mean of 23.57±25.32 g. Length-weight relationship were estimated W=0.0120*L 2.9882. Estimated population parameters were calculated as L∞: 44.21 cm, k: 0.098, to: -1.47, Φꞌ: 2.28 and K: 1.13 for the population. Mortality and exploitation rates estimated as Z: 0.37, M: 0.32, F: 0.05 and E: 0.13, respectively. These values suggested that there is no over fishing pressure on the population

    Ichthyofauna of Aksaray province (Turkey)

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    Özet Aksaray ili ihtiyofaunasını belirlemek amacıyla Eylül 2015-Ağustos 2018 tarihleri arasında yapılan arazi çalışmaları sonucunda Aksaray ilinde 11 familyaya ait 19 tür tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar; Anatolichthys anatoliae, Atherina boyeri, Capoeta mauricii, C. tinca, Cobitis turcica, Cyprinus carpio, Gambusia holbrooki, Gobio gymnostethus, Oxynoemacheilus eregliensis, O. angorae, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Paraphanius similis, Pseudophoxinus crassus, Sander lucioperca, Seminemacheilius ekmekciae, Silurus glanis, Squalius cappadocicus, S. pursakensis ve Tinca tinca. Bu türlerden A. anatoliae, P. similis, C. mauricii, C. tinca, C. turcica, G. gymnostethus, O. eregliensis, O. angorae, P. crassus, S. cappadocicus, S. pursakensis ve S. ekmekciae endemik türlerdir. Squalius pursakensis, C. tinca, O. mykiss, O. angorae ve G. holbrooki ise il için yeni kayıt niteliği taşımaktadır.As a result of the field studies carried out between September 2015 and August 2018, 19 species, including 11 families, were identified to determine the Ichthyofauna of Aksaray. These are Anatolichthys anatoliae, Atherina boyeri, Capoeta mauricii, C. tinca, Cobitis turcica, Cyprinus carpio, Gambusia holbrooki, Gobio gymnostethus, Oxynoemacheilus eregliensis, O. angorae, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Paraphanius similis, Pseudophoxinus crassus, Sander lucioperca, Seminemacheilius ekmekciae, Silurus glanis, Squalius cappadocicus, S. pursakensis, and Tinca tinca. Of these species, A. anatoliae, P. similis, C. mauricii, C. tinca, C. turcica, G. gymnostethus, O. eregliensis, O. angorae, P. crassus, S. cappadocicus, S. pursakensis, and S. ekmekciae are endemic species. Squalius pursakensis, C. tinca, O. mykiss, O. angorae, and G. holbrooki species are new records for the province

    Freshwater fish fauna of Aksaray

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    This study was carried out from February and August 2016 in order to determine freshwater fish fauna of Aksaray. As a result of the systematic investigation of the samples obtained from the field studies 10 species belonging to 5 families were determined. The species are Aphanius anatoliae, Capoeta pestai, Cobitis turcica, Cyprinus carpio, Gobio gymnostethus, Gambusia holbrooki, Oxynoemacheilus angorae, Pseudophoxinus crassus, Tinca tinca, Squalius cappadocicus. According to the IUCN categories C. pestai, C. turcica and P. crassus are EN, S. cappadocicus and G. gymnostethus are CR, A. anatoliae are NT, O. angorae, T. tinca and G. holbrooki are LC

    Age, growth and mortality parameters of squalius fellowesii (günther, 1868) from eşen stream

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    This study aims to determine age, growth and mortality parameters of Squalius fellowesii sampled from Eşen in May to September 2014. River. Totally 404 specimens were analyzed. Age of sampled specimens varied from age groups of 0 to V. Total length ranged from 3.6 to 20.2 cm and total weight varied from 0.43 to 108.65 g and the mean of these variables are 9.48±2.79 cm and 13.54±13.44 g, respectively. The relationship between length and weight (LWR) was determined as W=0.0066*L3.2584 and growth parameters were estimated as L∞: 35.97 cm, to: 0.004 year -1, k: 0.134 year, K: 1.12 and Φꞌ: 2.24. Total, natural and fishing mortalities were calculated as Z: 0.457, M: 0.324, F: 0.133, respectively and the exploitation rates were estimated as E: 0.29.Bu çalışma Mayıs-Eylül 2014 tarihleri arasında Eşen Çayı’ndan toplanan Squalius fellowesii'nin yaş, büyüme ve ölüm parametrelerini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Toplamda 404 birey incelenmiştir. İncelenen bireylerin 0-V. yaş grubu arasında oldukları belirlenmiştir. Toplam uzunluk 3,6 ile 20,2 cm arasında, toplam ağırlık ise 0,43 ile 108,65 g arasında değişmekte olup bu değişkenlerin ortalaması sırasıyla 9,48 ± 2,79 cm ve 13,54 ± 13,44 g'dır. Boy-ağırlık ilişkisi (LWR) W=0.0066*L3.2584 şeklinde belirlenmiş olup büyüme parametreleri ise L∞: 35.97 cm, k: 0.134 yıl, to: - 0.004 yıl -1, Φꞌ: 2.24 ve K: 1.12 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Toplam, doğal ve balıkçılık ölüm oranları sırasıyla Z: 0.457, M: 0.324 ve F: 0.133 olarak tahmin edilmiş ve stoktan yararlanma düzeyi ise E: 0.29 olarak hesaplanmıştır