28 research outputs found

    A link between LEAFY and B-gene homologues in Welwitschia mirabilis sheds light on ancestral mechanisms prefiguring floral development

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    - Flowering plants evolved from an unidentified gymnosperm ancestor. Comparison of the mechanisms controlling development in angiosperm flowers and gymnosperm cones may help to elucidate the mysterious origin of the flower. - We combined gene expression studies with protein behaviour characterization in Welwitschia mirabilis to test whether the known regulatory links between LEAFY and its MADS-box gene targets, central to flower development, might also contribute to gymnosperm reproductive development. - We found that WelLFY, one of two LEAFY-like genes in Welwitschia, could be an upstream regulator of the MADS-box genes APETALA3/PISTILLATA-like (B-genes). We demonstrated that, even though their DNA-binding domains are extremely similar, WelLFY and its paralogue WelNDLY exhibit distinct DNA-binding specificities, and that, unlike WelNDLY, WelLFY shares with its angiosperm orthologue the capacity to bind promoters of Welwitschia B-genes. Finally, we identified several cis-elements mediating these interactions in Welwitschia and obtained evidence that the link between LFY homologues and B-genes is also conserved in two other gymnosperms, Pinus and Picea. - Although functional approaches to investigate cone development in gymnosperms are limited, our state-of-the-art biophysical techniques, coupled with expression studies, provide evidence that crucial links, central to the control of floral development, may already have existed before the appearance of flowers.This work was supported by funding from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (ATIP+ to F.P.), the ANAgence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (Plant-TFcode to F.P. and C.P.S.), PhD fellowships from the University J. Fourier, Grenoble (to E.M. and M.M.), Grenoble Alliance for Cell and Structural Biology (ANR-10-LABX-49-01), the SYNTHESYS Project (to E.M.), the Floral Genome Project (National Science Foundation (NSF) Plant Genome Research Program project DBI-0115684 to M.W.F.) and NSF DEB-9974374 (to M.W.F.)

    Non-randomness of the anatomical distribution of tumors

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    Background: Why does a tumor start where it does within an organ? Location is traditionally viewed as a random event, yet the statistics of the location of tumors argues against this being a random occurrence. There are numerous examples including that of breast cancer. More than half of invasive breast cancer tumors start in the upper outer quadrant of the breast near the armpit, even though it is estimated that only 35 to 40% of breast tissue is in this quadrant. This suggests that there is an unknown microenvironmental factor that significantly increases the risk of cancer in a spatial manner and that is not solely due to genes or toxins. We hypothesize that tumors are more prone to form in healthy tissue at microvascular ‘hot spots’ where there is a high local concentration of microvessels providing an increased blood flow that ensures an ample supply of oxygen, nutrients, and receptors for growth factors that promote the generation of new blood vessels. Results: To show the plausibility of our hypothesis, we calculated the fractional probability that there is at least one microvascular hot spot in each region of the breast assuming a Poisson distribution of microvessels in two-dimensional cross sections of breast tissue. We modulated the microvessel density in various regions of the breast according to the total hemoglobin concentration measured by near infrared diffuse optical spectroscopy in different regions of the breast. Defining a hot spot to be a circle of radius 200 μm with at least 5 microvessels, and using a previously measured mean microvessel density of 1 microvessel/mm2, we find good agreement of the fractional probability of at least one hot spot in different regions of the breast with the observed invasive tumor occurrence. However, there is no reason to believe that the microvascular distribution obeys a Poisson distribution. Conclusions: The spatial location of a tumor in an organ is not entirely random, indicating an unknown risk factor. Much work needs to be done to understand why a tumor occurs where it does. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s41236-017-0006-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users