12 research outputs found
The paper analyzes the situation of clusters in Romania and their areas of activity and innovation in entrepreneurship Romanian state. It is made also a territorial distribution of clusters on the eight regions. The findings lead to the conclusion that there are some clusters that have the vocation to become poles of competitiveness in areas such as renewable energy, automotive, electronics, health, biotechnology, mechatronics or ICT (Information and Communication Technology) which represent the resources for future of the Romanian economy. Regarding the degree of innovation of Romanian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the level is relatively modest, 30.8% of all enterprises being innovative. If we were to answer the question the title suggests, we would say "yes" to both since the innovative cluster as well as the competitiveness pole promotes par excellence, innovation through study, research and stimulation of creativity. And this is more than enough to support economic growth of Romania and maintain the competitiveness worldwide
The paper analyses two models of successful clusters at the international level, namely, the model of French competitiveness poles and the American model of innovative clusters. In this regard it was considered the study of the policies regarding the structure of organization and governance of the French and the American clusters, their principles of operation, funding systems, and their specific peculiarities. The paper also provides a comparative analysis of the main features of these two models of clusters, highlighting the factors that contribute to their success at the international level, aspects that are part of the competitiveness policy supported by the respective states
The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the codes of conduct of successful companies in Romania, in terms of their content and the message they convey. We consider the analysis of their design criteria, the vision and the values according to which companies are guided in business, what are the particularities of these codes, to what extent the code contributes to the company's success. If the organizational culture comprise a set of unwritten values and principles according to which a company is guided in business, the code of conduct represents a series of values and principles in written form. Can codes of conduct contribute to a company's success? This is the question we intend to answer in this approach that we undertake through this paper. The analysis reveals that all successful companies declare through the code of conduct the mission, the values and principles that guide them in business.There are certain keywords referring to the policies adopted and there are also values and principles that are particularly found in codes depending on the industry in which the companies operate. We have also identified certain particular features of codes of conduct
The present study proposes the construction of a successful innovative cluster model which will help creating strategies and policies to support the Romanian economic growth and development in the medium and long term. One such architecture designed for supporting innovative clusters, including by attracting foreign capital within clusters order to increase their competitiveness, addresses some concrete measures both in terms of organizational system and management strategy as well as the funding system of clusters. The paper is also emphasizing the multiplicity of factors that are contributing to the creation, to the progressive development and to the success of clusters, the activities developed and the relationships established internationally, so as to ensure that the clusters remain on the market and have a good visibility at national and international levels, essentially contributing to the success of cluster
The main theme of the paper is the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of companies, based on the fundamental principles of business ethics. CSR is perceived as an evolving concept, In the 50s, being seen as a philanthropic act on the part of companies for the community in which they conduct their business; as a multiple approach, at the end of the twentieth and beginning of the Twenty-First Century, which includes economic, social and environmental aspects and, currently, as a complex vision and a responsibility totally assumed by companies, based on the UN Sustainable Development requirements of today's society. As a case study, the situation of CSR in Romania in its evolution in the last almost 10 years is presented, considering the number of companies that participated in the evaluation of their activity regarding the CSR approach, which are the companies that conduct business in Romania responsibly, what is their field of activity, what industries do they come from, etc. The conclusions that emerge from the analysis show that CSR has evolved slowly in Romania, but more and more, has gradually increased the number of companies that have a responsible behavior towards society as a whole, through the publication of sustainability reports, the industries from which these companies come, being more and more numerous. The top of the most involved companies is almost the same for the analyzed period, with some additions along the way
The paper put in antithesis, theoretically, two models of development and evolution of mankind, namely, economic development based on consumption of the exhaustible resources and pollution and on the other hand the development based on the concepts of sustainable development, involving a new mentality on human life and environment. Economic development includes economic growth, quantified in particular through the GDP, aspect that leads to a reduced analysis taking into account a limited number of variables such as household income, employment labour, consumption of goods and services, etc.. Perpetuation of this model has led, over time, to the company's inability to solve the problems facing mankind today and serious discrepancies regarding current levels of human development. This type of model does not take into account variables such as unemployment, poverty, education, health, environmental pollution, population migration, urban overcrowding, social inclusion etc. At the opposite side of this type of development, which proves to be beyond the crowd problems currently facing humanity, is a new alternative model, that of sustainable development, which provides an integrated view of all these variables and hence the chance of the human society to a new level of evolution. The sustainable development model of mankind put, among others, the zero growth issue or even sustained decrease for some countries. This model requires also reducing resource consumption and increase sustainability of assets created. It also offers practical solutions to many current problems of mankind, among which we can mention providing food for a growing world population and producing clean alternative energy
Hepatita autoimună la adult: protocol clinic naţional (ediția III) PCN-73
Protocolul clinic naţional a fost elaborat în conformitate cu ghidurile internaţionale recente privind
hepatita autoimună: Asociația Europeană pentru Studiul Ficatului (EASL) - 2015, Asociația
Americană pentru Studiul Bolilor Ficatului (AASLD) - 2020 şi va servi drept referință pentru
elaborarea protocoalelor instituţionale. La recomandarea MSMPS pentru monitorizarea
protocoalelor instituţionale pot fi folosite formulare suplimentare, care nu sunt incluse în protocolul
clinic naţional
Clusters are now seen as the most effective way out of the crisis and of economic recovery and also a way to increase competitiveness. The EU clustering policy has proved effective in many countries where the process began a long time ago and is now closed. Romania is in the process of clustering, so that our country records in territorial plan a dynamic which is now changing due to the creation of new clusters. The work captures both initiatives to identify potential clusters in Romania and their fields of activity, carried out over a period of several years and the current status of existing clusters in Romania. The areas identified are different, from traditional industries of Romania, to new areas of smart specialization which the EU aims to promote mainly in the 2014-2020 in order to support the amplification of research and innovation, support of competitiveness in the world