118 research outputs found

    A de Finetti Representation Theorem for Quantum Process Tomography

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    In quantum process tomography, it is possible to express the experimenter's prior information as a sequence of quantum operations, i.e., trace-preserving completely positive maps. In analogy to de Finetti's concept of exchangeability for probability distributions, we give a definition of exchangeability for sequences of quantum operations. We then state and prove a representation theorem for such exchangeable sequences. The theorem leads to a simple characterization of admissible priors for quantum process tomography and solves to a Bayesian's satisfaction the problem of an unknown quantum operation.Comment: 10 page

    Audio-based anomaly detection on edge devices via self-supervision and spectral analysis

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    In real-world applications, audio surveillance is often performed by large models that can detect many types of anomalies. However, typical approaches are based on centralized solutions characterized by significant issues related to privacy and data transport costs. In addition, the large size of these models prevented a shift to contexts with limited resources, such as edge devices computing. In this work we propose conv-SPAD, a method for convolutional SPectral audio-based Anomaly Detection that takes advantage of common tools for spectral analysis and a simple autoencoder to learn the underlying condition of normality of real scenarios. Using audio data collected from real scenarios and artificially corrupted with anomalous sound events, we test the ability of the proposed model to learn normal conditions and detect anomalous events. It shows performances in line with larger models, often outperforming them. Moreover, the model’s small size makes it usable in contexts with limited resources, such as edge devices hardware

    Entanglement in the quantum Ising model

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    We study the asymptotic scaling of the entanglement of a block of spins for the ground state of the one-dimensional quantum Ising model with transverse field. When the field is sufficiently strong, the entanglement grows at most logarithmically in the number of spins. The proof utilises a transformation to a model of classical probability called the continuum random-cluster model, and is based on a property of the latter model termed ratio weak-mixing. Our proof applies equally to a large class of disordered interactions

    Contrasting Cases: The Lotka-Volterra Model Times Three

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    How do philosophers of science make use of historical case studies? Are their accounts of historical cases purpose-built and lacking in evidential strength as a result of putting forth and discussing philosophical positions? We will study these questions through the examination of three different philosophical case studies. All of them focus on modeling and on Vito Volterra, contrasting his work to that of other theoreticians. We argue that the worries concerning the evidential role of historical case studies in philosophy are partially unfounded, and the evidential and hermeneutical roles of case studies need not be played against each other. In philosophy of science, case studies are often tied to conceptual and theoretical analysis and development, rendering their evidential and theoretic/hermeneutic roles intertwined. Moreover, the problems of resituating or generalizing local knowledge are not specific to philosophy of science but commonplace in many scientific practices—which show similarities to the actual use of historical case studies by philosophers of science

    Ecological and genetic models of host-pathogen coevolution

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    A model is presented to analyse the forces that maintain genetic polymorphism in interactions between host plants and their pathogens. Genetic variability in hosts occurs for specific resistance to different pathogen races and variability in pathogens occurs for specific virulence to different host races. The model tracks both fluctuating population sizes and changing gene frequencies. Analyses over a range of parameters show that ecological and demographic factors, such as birth and death rates, often have a more profound effect on the amount of polymorphism than genetic parameters, such as the pleiotropic costs of resistance and virulence associated with different alleles. A series of simple measures are proposed to predict the amount of genetic polymorphism expected in particular host-pathogen interactions. These measures can be used to develop and test a comparative theory of genetic polymorphism in host-pathogen coevolution
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