1 research outputs found

    Contribution Of The Activities Diary To The Pediatric Teaching [contribuição Do Diário De Atividades Ao Ensino De Pediatria]

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    Objective: To describe the fifth-year medical students' self-evaluation based on the reflexive discourse of the Activities Diaries (portfolio) from the Pediatric Internship I and Child Care Rotations.Methods: Cross sectional, qualitative and descriptive study using the collective subject discourse of the diaries used during the internship of the Medical School, in Catanduva, São Paulo, from January to November, 2011. The registered students' testimonials in the portfolio sections called self-assessment and students' impression were assessed according to their central ideas (discipline organization, breastfeeding outpatient clinic, number of admissions in the pediatric hospital ward and satisfaction with the Child Health training), related to the teaching of Pediatrics and Child Care. The portfolios with incomplete registers were excluded.Results: The testimonials of 47 interns (75% of the students) were analyzed, and 21.3% of them expressed satisfaction with the discipline organization and 27.7% praised the inclusion of the breastfeeding outpatient clinics in the course. For 25.5% of the academics, the number of admissions in the pediatric wards was insufficient for an ideal learning; however, 70.2% were satisfied with the Child Health training. Conclusions: This critical analysis allowed a summary of the reflections, suggestions and critics registered by the interns and can be used as a tool for improvement of the professional cycle.313366370Puga, T.F., Benguigui, Y., (2003) Ensino de pediatria em escolas de medicina da América Latina, , Washington: OPAS;Feuerwerker, L.C., (2002) Além do discurso de mudança na educação médica: Processos e resultados, , São Paulo: Hucitec;Gomes, A.P., Arcuri, M.B., Cristel, E.C., Ribeiro, R.M., Souza, L.M., Siqueira-Batista, R.S., Evaluation in medical education: The role of portfolio in curricula based on active methodologies (2010) Rev Bras Educ Med, 34, pp. 390-396Marin, M.J., Moreno, T.B., Moravcik, M.Y., Higa, E.F., Druzian, S., Franscischetti, I., Student's perception of the reflective portfolio in medical school (2010) Rev Bras Educ Med, 34, pp. 191-198Savaris, R.F., Formative assessment among fourth-year medical students: An experience report (2009) Rev Bras Educ Med, 33 (SUPPL. 1), pp. 111-115Veiga, E.Q., Batista, N.A., Undergraduate teaching of pediatrics in medical schools of the state of Rio de Janeiro (2006) J Pediatr (Rio J), 82, pp. 115-120Silva, R.F., Sá-Chaves, I., Reflexive formation: Teachers' representations about the use of reflexive portfolio in the forming of medical doctors and nurses (2008) Interface Comunic Saude Educ, 12, pp. 721-734Cotta, R.M., Silva, L.S., Lopes, L.L., Gomes, K.O., Cotta, F.M., Lugarinho, R., The construction of collective portfolios in traditional curriculums: An innovative approach in teaching-learning (2012) Cienc Saude Coletiva, 17, pp. 787-796Zeferino, A.M., Domingues, R.C., Amaral, E., Feedback as a teaching/learning strategy in medical education (2007) Rev Bras Educ Med, 31, pp. 176-179Silva, R.F., Francisco, M.A., Reflective portfolio: A strategy for medical education (2009) Rev Bras Educ Med, 33, pp. 562-570Cunha, M.I., (1998) O professor universitário na transição de paradigmas, , Araraquara: JM Editores;Vieira, V.M., Portfolio: One proposal of evaluation with remaking to learn process (2002) Psicol Esc Educ (Impr), 6, pp. 149-153Campos, S., Pessoa, V.I., Discutindo a formação de professoras e professores com Donald Shön (1998) Cartografias do trabalho docente: Professor(a)-pesquisador(a), pp. 183-206. , In: Geraldi CM, Fiorentini D, Pereira EM, editors. 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