18 research outputs found

    Droplet and cluster formation in freely falling granular streams

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    Particle beams are important tools for probing atomic and molecular interactions. Here we demonstrate that particle beams also offer a unique opportunity to investigate interactions in macroscopic systems, such as granular media. Motivated by recent experiments on streams of grains that exhibit liquid-like breakup into droplets, we use molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the evolution of a dense stream of macroscopic spheres accelerating out of an opening at the bottom of a reservoir. We show how nanoscale details associated with energy dissipation during collisions modify the stream's macroscopic behavior. We find that inelastic collisions collimate the stream, while the presence of short-range attractive interactions drives structure formation. Parameterizing the collision dynamics by the coefficient of restitution (i.e., the ratio of relative velocities before and after impact) and the strength of the cohesive interaction, we map out a spectrum of behaviors that ranges from gas-like jets in which all grains drift apart to liquid-like streams that break into large droplets containing hundreds of grains. We also find a new, intermediate regime in which small aggregates form by capture from the gas phase, similar to what can be observed in molecular beams. Our results show that nearly all aspects of stream behavior are closely related to the velocity gradient associated with vertical free fall. Led by this observation, we propose a simple energy balance model to explain the droplet formation process. The qualitative as well as many quantitative features of the simulations and the model compare well with available experimental data and provide a first quantitative measure of the role of attractions in freely cooling granular streams

    Cover slip external cavity diode laser

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    The design of a 671 nm diode laser with a mode-hop-free tuning range of 40 GHz is described. This long tuning range is achieved by simultaneously ramping the external cavity length with the laser injection current. The external cavity consists of a microscope cover slip mounted on piezoelectric actuators. In such a configuration the laser output pointing remains fixed, independent of its frequency. Using a diode with an output power of 5-7 mW, the laser linewidth was found to be smaller than 30 MHz. This cover slip cavity and feedforward laser current control system is simple, economical, robust, and easy to use for spectroscopy, as we demonstrate with lithium vapor and lithium atom beam experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Review of Scientific Instruments 7/29/0

    Thermodynamic lubrication in the elastic Leidenfrost effect

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    The elastic Leidenfrost effect occurs when a vaporizable soft solid is lowered onto a hot sur- face. Evaporative flow couples to elastic deformation, giving spontaneous bouncing or steady-state floating. The effect embodies an unexplored interplay between thermodynamics, elasticity, and lu- brication: despite being observed, its basic theoretical description remains a challenge. Here, we provide a theory of elastic Leidenfrost floating. As weight increases, a rigid solid sits closer to the hot surface. By contrast, we discover an elasticity-dominated regime where the heavier the solid, the higher it floats. We show that this elastic regime is characterized by Hertzian behavior of the solid’s underbelly and derive how the float height scales with materials parameters. Introducing a dimensionless elastic Leidenfrost number, we capture the crossover between rigid and Hertzian behavior. Our results provide theoretical underpinning for recent experiments, and point to the design of novel soft machines

    Coupling the Leidenfrost effect and elastic deformations to power sustained bouncing

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    The Leidenfrost effect occurs when an object near a hot surface vaporizes rapidly enough to lift itself up and hover. Although well-understood for liquids and stiff sublimable solids, nothing is known about the effect with materials whose stiffness lies between these extremes. Here we introduce a new phenomenon that occurs with vaporizable soft solids: the elastic Leidenfrost effect. By dropping hydrogel spheres onto hot surfaces we find that, rather than hovering, they energetically bounce several times their diameter for minutes at a time. With high-speed video during a single impact, we uncover high-frequency microscopic gap dynamics at the sphere-substrate interface. We show how these otherwise-hidden agitations constitute work cycles that harvest mechanical energy from the vapour and sustain the bouncing. Our findings unleash a powerful and widely applicable strategy for injecting mechanical energy into soft materials, with relevance to fields ranging from soft robotics and metamaterials to microfluidics and active matter

    Accurate determination of the shapes of granular charge distributions

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    Experiments have shown that charge distributions of granular materials are non-Gaussian, with broad tails that indicate many particles with high charge. This observation has consequences for the behavior of granular materials in many settings, and may bear relevance to the underlying charge transfer mechanism. However, there is the unaddressed possibility that broad tails arise due to experimental uncertainties, as determining the shapes of tails is nontrivial. Here we show that measurement uncertainties can indeed account for most of the tail broadening previously observed. The clue that reveals this is that distributions are sensitive to the electric field at which they are measured; ones measured at low (high) fields have larger (smaller) tails. Accounting for sources of uncertainty, we reproduce this broadening in silico. Finally, we use our results to back out the true charge distribution without broadening, which we find is still non-Guassian, though with substantially different behavior at the tails and indicating significantly fewer highly charged particles. These results have implications in many natural settings where electrostatic interactions, especially among highly charged particles, strongly affect granular behavior

    Asymmetries in triboelectric charging: Generalizing mosaic models to different-material samples and sliding contacts

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    Nominally identical materials exchange net electric charge during contact through a mechanism that is still debated. ‘Mosaic models’, in which surfaces are presumed to consist of a random patchwork of microscopic donor/acceptor sites, offer an appealing explanation for this phenomenon. However, recent experiments have shown that global differences persist even between same-material samples, which the standard mosaic framework does not account for. Here, we expand the mosaic framework by incorporating global differences in the densities of donor/acceptor sites. We develop an analytical model, backed by numerical simulations, that smoothly connects the global and deterministic charge transfer of different materials to the local and stochastic mosaic picture normally associated with identical materials. Going further, we extend our model to explain the effect of contact asymmetries during sliding, providing a plausible explanation for reversal of charging sign that has been observed experimentally

    Single-collision statistics reveal a global mechanism driven by sample history for contact electrification in granular media

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    Models for same-material contact electrification in granular media often rely on a local charge-driving parameter whose spatial variations lead to a stochastic origin for charge exchange. Measuring the charge transfer from individual granular spheres after contacts with substrates of the same material, we find instead a “global” charging behavior, coherent over the sample’s whole surface. Cleaning and baking samples fully resets charging magnitude and direction, which indicates the underlying global parameter is not intrinsic to the material, but acquired from its history. Charging behavior is randomly and irreversibly affected by changes in relative humidity, hinting at a mechanism where adsorbates, in particular, water, are fundamental to the charge-transfer process

    Microwave induced mechanical activation of hydrogel dimers

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    When grape-sized aqueous dimers are irradiated in a microwave oven, an intense electromagnetic hotspot forms at their point of contact, often igniting a plasma. Here we show that this irradiation can result in the injection of mechanical energy. By examining irradiated hydrogel dimers through high-speed imaging, we find that they repeatedly bounce off of each other while irradiated. We determine that an average of 1 lJ of mechanical energy is injected into the pair during each collision. Furthermore, a characteristic high-pitched audio signal is found to accompany each collision. We show that both the audio signal and the energy injection arise via an interplay between vaporization and elastic deformations in the region of contact, the so-called ‘elastic Liedenfrost effect’. Our results establish a novel, non-contact method of injecting mechanical energy into soft matter systems, suggesting application in fields such as soft robotics