293 research outputs found

    On Open and Collaborative Software Development in the DoD

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    Proceedings Paper (for Acquisition Research Program)The US Department of Defense (specifically, but not limited to, the DoD CIO Clarifying Guidance Regarding Open Source Software, DISA launch of Forge.mil and OSD Open Technology Development Roadmap Plan) has called for increased use of open source software and the adoption of best practices from the free/open source software (F/OSS) community to foster greater reuse and innovation between programs in the DoD. In our paper, we examine some key aspects of open and collaborative software development inspired by the success of the F/OSS movement as it might manifest itself within the US DoD. This examination is made from two perspectives: the reuse potential among DoD programs sharing software and the incentives, strategies and policies that will be required to foster a culture of collaboration needed to achieve the benefits indicative of F/OSS. Our conclusion is that to achieve predictable and expected reuse, not only are technical infrastructures needed, but also a shift to the business practices in the software development and delivery pattern seen in the traditional acquisition lifecycle is needed. Thus, there is potential to overcome the challenges discussed within this paper to engender a culture of openness and community collaboration to support the DoD mission.Naval Postgraduate School Acquisition Research ProgramApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Chapter 2: Dumbart jen jen – first steps

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    This chapter is written as a conversation (held in December 2016) between David Palmer (host), Ingrid Cumming, Jennie Buchanan (both Research Associates of the project) and Gideon Digby (President of Wikimedia Australia), who introduce themselves and go on to discuss their roles in the Noongarpedia adventure

    Chapter 3: Noongar boordier gnulla katitjin – The influence of Noongar knowledge.

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    Despite the history of settler colonisation and state control (Attwood, 1989), where Indigenous people and their knowledge has been ‘classified, excluded, objectified, individualised, disciplined, and normalised’ (Best and Kellner), it is important to recognise that this is not the complete story. Western science and knowledge systems have had a long history of interrelationship with Australian Indigenous cultural life and systems. As bell hooks (1992) put it when describing the influence of African-Americans on US culture (see also Todd Boyd, 1997), even in the worst circumstances of domination, blacks have an ability to manipulate, shape and open up exchanges with white knowledge systems

    Chapter 7: Gnulla Koorliny – Working with other groups

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    The success of the Noongarpedia Project has depended on forging relationships with groups already active in the Noongar knowledge space. Perhaps the most important relationships were built with Storylines (State Library of Western Australia) and Wikimedia Australia. Organisations such as Noongar Boodjar Language Cultural Aboriginal Corporation, the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (SWALSC) and South Coast Natural Resource Management were also important, particularly in offering support in identifying key resources and offering expert advice on Noongar language and knowledge

    Chapter 8: Bulla djandanginy – Challenges and tensions

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    Some of the difficulties confronting a project like this are the consequence of a history of colonisation and institutional oppression of Aboriginal people in south-west Western Australia (Haebich, 1992; 2000; Haebich and Morrison, 2014). It is a history characterised by land theft (Reconciliation, n.d.); a history in which only a minority of the original, Indigenous population survived the first decades of colonisation (Green, 1984; Swain, 1993; Aboriginal Legal Service, 1995), and a history in which that population was then subject to a period of discriminatory legislation and the denigration of Noongar language and culture which lasted well into the late twentieth century (Haebich, 2000). More recently, Noongar language and knowledge has increasingly been celebrated in mainstream cultural life – festivals, theatre, music, literature, exhibitions and the like, along with numerous examples of general urban and street signage and, of course, Welcomes to Country. It has become a major denomination in the currency of identity and belonging in this part of the world

    eMental Health Bridges Project: A Web Site Development Project to Provide Needed Mental and Physical Health Information to People with Serious Mental Illness [English and Spanish versions]

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    A Spanish translation of this publication is available to download under Additional Files below. The eMental Health Bridges project will promote health literacy by developing, testing, and implementing: 1) eMH4me training modules to provide guidance for individuals with SMI on web-based information searching, judging source and site credibility, and interpreting data; and 2) web site prototypes that will serve as a connection to essential physical health information for individuals living with SMI. eMental Health Bridges will embrace user experience and design accommodations required for individuals with SMI to benefit fully from eHealth resources

    Identifying nonalcoholic fatty liver disease patients with active fibrosis by measuring extracellular matrix remodeling rates in tissue and blood.

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    Excess collagen synthesis (fibrogenesis) in the liver plays a causal role in the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods are needed to identify patients with more rapidly progressing disease and to demonstrate early response to treatment. We describe here a novel method to quantify hepatic fibrogenesis flux rates both directly in liver tissue and noninvasively in blood. Twenty-one patients with suspected NAFLD ingested heavy water (2 H2 O, 50-mL aliquots) two to three times daily for 3-5 weeks prior to a clinically indicated liver biopsy. Liver collagen fractional synthesis rate (FSR) and plasma lumican FSR were measured based on 2 H labeling using tandem mass spectrometry. Patients were classified by histology for fibrosis stage (F0-F4) and as having nonalcoholic fatty liver or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Magnetic resonance elastography measurements of liver stiffness were also performed. Hepatic collagen FSR in NAFLD increased with advancing disease stage (e.g., higher in NASH than nonalcoholic fatty liver, positive correlation with fibrosis score and liver stiffness) and correlated with hemoglobin A1C. In addition, plasma lumican FSR demonstrated a significant correlation with hepatic collagen FSR.ConclusionUsing a well-characterized cohort of patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD, this study demonstrates that hepatic scar in NASH is actively remodeled even in advanced fibrosis, a disease that is generally regarded as static and slowly progressive. Moreover, hepatic collagen FSR correlates with established risks for fibrotic disease progression in NASH, and plasma lumican FSR correlates with hepatic collagen FSR, suggesting applications as direct or surrogate markers, respectively, of hepatic fibrogenesis in humans. (Hepatology 2017;65:78-88)

    Estimating the effects of stressors on the health, survival and reproduction of a critically endangered, long-lived species

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    Funding: Office of Naval Research (Grant Number(s): N000142012697, N000142112096); Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (Grant Number(s): RC20-1097, RC20-7188, RC21-3091).Quantifying the cumulative effects of stressors on individuals and populations can inform the development of effective management and conservation strategies. We developed a Bayesian state–space model to assess the effects of multiple stressors on individual survival and reproduction. In the model, stressor effects on vital rates are mediated by changes in underlying health, allowing for the comparison of effect sizes while accounting for intrinsic factors that might affect an individual's vulnerability and resilience. We applied the model to a 50-year dataset of sightings, calving events and stressor exposure of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis. The viability of this population is threatened by a complex set of stressors, including vessel strikes, entanglement in fishing gear and fluctuating prey availability. We estimated that blunt and deep vessel strike injuries and severe entanglement injuries had the largest effect on the health of exposed individuals, reinforcing the urgent need for mitigation measures. Prey abundance had a smaller but protracted effect on health across individuals, and estimated long-term trends in survival and reproduction followed the trend of the prey index, highlighting that long-term ecosystem-based management strategies are also required. Our approach can be applied to quantify the effects of multiple stressors on any long-lived species where suitable indicators of health and long-term monitoring data are available.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Decreasing body size is associated with reduced calving probability in critically endangered North Atlantic right whales

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    Funding: This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research (grant nos. N000142012697 and N000142112096) and the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (grant nos. RC20-1097, RC20-7188 and RC21-3091). Photogrammetry was supported by NOAA grant no. NA14OAR4320158 to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and by NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center.Body size is key to many life-history processes, including reproduction. Across species, climate change and other stressors have caused reductions in the body size to which animals can grow, called asymptotic size, with consequences for demography. A reduction in mean asymptotic length was documented for critically endangered North Atlantic right whales, in parallel with declines in health and vital rates resulting from human activities and environmental changes. Here, we tested whether smaller body size was associated with lower reproductive output, using a state-space model for individual health, survival and reproduction that quantifies the mechanistic links between these processes. Body size (as represented by the cube of length) was strongly associated with a female's calving probability at each reproductive opportunity. This relationship explained 62% of the variation in calving among reproductive females, along with their decreasing health (20%). The effects of decreasing mean body size on reproductive performance are another concerning indication of the worsening prospects for this species and many others affected by environmental change, requiring a focus of conservation and management interventions on improving conditions that affect reproduction as well as reducing mortality.Peer reviewe
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