2,697 research outputs found

    Bi-Lipschitz geometry of weighted homogeneous surface singularities

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    We show that a weighted homogeneous complex surface singularity is metrically conical (i.e., bi-Lipschitz equivalent to a metric cone) only if its two lowest weights are equal. We also give an example of a pair of weighted homogeneous complex surface singularities that are topologically equivalent but not bi-Lipschitz equivalent.Comment: 5 pages. Added result that nonhomogeneous cyclic quotients are not conica

    Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction: An Updated Evidence-Based Approach for Enhanced Muscular Development

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    A growing body of evidence supports the use of moderate blood flow restriction (BFR) combined with low-load resistance exercise to enhance hypertrophic and strength responses in skeletal muscle. Research also suggests that BFR during low-workload aerobic exercise can result in small but significant morphological and strength gains, and BFR alone may attenuate atrophy during periods of unloading. While BFR appears to be beneficial for both clinical and athletic cohorts, there is currently no common consensus amongst scientists and practitioners regarding the best practice for implementing BFR methods. If BFR is not employed appropriately, there is a risk of injury to the participant. It is also important to understand how variations in the cuff application can affect the physiological responses and subsequent adaptation to BFR training. The optimal way to manipulate acute exercise variables, such as exercise type, load, volume, inter-set rest periods and training frequency, must also be considered prior to designing a BFR training programme. The purpose of this review is to provide an evidence-based approach to implementing BFR exercise. These guidelines could be useful for practitioners using BFR training in either clinical or athletic settings, or for researchers in the design of future studies investigating BFR exercise

    Galois covers of the open p-adic disc

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    This paper investigates Galois branched covers of the open pp-adic disc and their reductions to characteristic pp. Using the field of norms functor of Fontaine and Wintenberger, we show that the special fiber of a Galois cover is determined by arithmetic and geometric properties of the generic fiber and its characteristic zero specializations. As applications, we derive a criterion for good reduction in the abelian case, and give an arithmetic reformulation of the local Oort Conjecture concerning the liftability of cyclic covers of germs of curves.Comment: 19 pages; substantial organizational and expository changes; this is the final version corresponding to the official publication in Manuscripta Mathematica; abstract update

    Electronic structure and ferroelectricity in SrBi2Ta2O9

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    The electronic structure of SrBi2Ta2O9 is investigated from first-principles, within the local density approximation, using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method. The results show that, besides the large Ta(5d)-O(2p) hybridization which is a common feature of the ferroelectric perovskites, there is an important hybridization between bismuth and oxygen states. The underlying static potential for the ferroelectric distortion and the primary source for ferroelectricity is investigated by a lattice-dynamics study using the Frozen Phonon approach.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Phys. Rev. B, in pres

    Gravin orchestrates protein kinase A and 2-adrenergic receptor signaling critical for synaptic plasticity and memory

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    A kinase-anchoring proteins (AKAPs) organize compartmentalized pools of protein kinase A (PKA) to enable localized signaling events within neurons. However, it is unclear which of the many expressed AKAPs in neurons target PKA to signaling complexes important for long-lasting forms of synaptic plasticity and memory storage. In the forebrain, the anchoring protein gravin recruits a signaling complex containing PKA, PKC, calmodulin, and PDE4D (phosphodiesterase 4D) to the β2-adrenergic receptor. Here, we show that mice lacking the α-isoform of gravin have deficits in PKA-dependent long-lasting forms of hippocampal synaptic plasticity including β2-adrenergic receptor-mediated plasticity, and selective impairments of long-term memory storage. Furthermore, both hippocampal β2-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation by PKA, and learning-induced activation of ERK in the CA1 region of the hippocampus are attenuated in mice lacking gravin-α. We conclude that gravin compartmentalizes a significant pool of PKA that regulates learning-induced β2-adrenergic receptor signaling and ERK activation in the hippocampus in vivo, thereby organizing molecular interactions between glutamatergic and noradrenergic signaling pathways for long-lasting synaptic plasticity, and memory storage

    Spin-Orbit Effects on the Shapes of Cross Sections in the 90-Zr(p,p') Reaction at 160 MeV

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    This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grants PHY 76-84033A01, PHY 78-22774, and Indiana Universit

    Effects of packaging on bone marrow discoloration in beef arm, rib, shoulder blade, and thoracic vertebra bones

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    Meat retailers have reported bone marrow discoloration to be a problem, especially in modified-atmosphere packages (MAP). To evaluate causes of bone marrow discoloration in different beef bones and packaging systems, 36 beef arm bones, ribs, shoulder blades, and thoracic vertebrae from USDA Select and Choice carcasses were obtained from a commercial abattoir, cut into 1-inch-thick sections at 4 days postmortem, and packaged into 1) polyvinyl chloride film (PVC) overwrap; 2) high-oxygen (80% O2, 20% CO2) MAP; or 3) ultra-low-oxygen (70% N2, 30% CO2) MAP. Packages were displayed under continuous fluorescent lighting for 4 days at 35.6°F. Ribs, shoulder blades, and thoracic vertebrae packaged in PVC and high-oxygen MAP developed undesirable gray or black discoloration during display. In ultra-low-oxygen MAP, mean visual-color scores were acceptable throughout display. The a* values (larger values equate to redder color) for ribs, shoulder blades, and thoracic vertebrae decreased (P<0.05) over time. Arm-bone marrow had less oxidation and dramatically less total iron and hemoglobin than did marrow from ribs and thoracic vertebrae. The much larger amounts of iron and hemoglobin in ribs and thoracic vertebrae likely correspond to marrow discoloration. In summary, bone marrow discoloration occurs in ribs, shoulder blades, and thoracic vertebrae packaged in PVC or high-oxygen MAP. Bones packaged in ultralow- oxygen MAP or arm bones packaged in PVC or high-oxygen MAP had minimal oxidation and discoloration

    Stress Transmission through Three-Dimensional Ordered Granular Arrays

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    We measure the local contact forces at both the top and bottom boundaries of three-dimensional face-centered-cubic and hexagonal-close-packed granular crystals in response to an external force applied to a small area at the top surface. Depending on the crystal structure, we find markedly different results which can be understood in terms of force balance considerations in the specific geometry of the crystal. Small amounts of disorder are found to create additional structure at both the top and bottom surfaces.Comment: 9 pages including 9 figures (many in color) submitted to PR

    On Love-type waves in a finitely deformed magnetoelastic layered half-space

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    In this paper, the propagation of Love-type waves in a homogeneously and finitely deformed layered half-space of an incompressible non-conducting magnetoelastic material in the presence of an initial uniform magnetic field is analyzed. The equations and boundary conditions governing linearized incremental motions superimposed on an underlying deformation and magnetic field for a magnetoelastic material are summarized and then specialized to a form appropriate for the study of Love-type waves in a layered half-space. The wave propagation problem is then analyzed for different directions of the initial magnetic field for two different magnetoelastic energy functions, which are generalizations of the standard neo-Hookean and Mooney–Rivlin elasticity models. The resulting wave speed characteristics in general depend significantly on the initial magnetic field as well as on the initial finite deformation, and the results are illustrated graphically for different combinations of these parameters. In the absence of a layer, shear horizontal surface waves do not exist in a purely elastic material, but the presence of a magnetic field normal to the sagittal plane makes such waves possible, these being analogous to Bleustein–Gulyaev waves in piezoelectric materials. Such waves are discussed briefly at the end of the paper