29 research outputs found

    Collision Attack on the Waterfall Hash Function

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    We give a method that appears to be able to find colliding messages for the Waterfall hash function with approximately O(270)O(2^{70}) work for all hash sizes. If correct, this would show that the Waterfall hash function does not meet the required collision resistance

    Quantum Cryptanalysis of NTRU

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    This paper explores some attacks that someone with a Quantum Computer may be able to perform against NTRUEncrypt, and in particular NTRUEncrypt as implemented by the publicly available library from Security Innovation. We show four attacks that an attacker with a Quantum Computer might be able to perform against encryption performed by this library. Two of these attacks recover the private key from the public key with less effort than expected; in one case taking advantage of how the published library is implemented, and the other, an academic attack that works against four of the parameter sets defined for NTRUEncrypt. In addition, we also show two attacks that are able to recover plaintext from the ciphertext and public key with less than expected effort. This has potential implications on the use of NTRU within TOR, as suggested by Whyte and Schanc

    Side Channel Resistant Sphincs+

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    Here is a potential way to create a SLH-DSA-like\cite{DraftFIPS205} key generation/signer that aspires to be resistant to DPA side channel attacks. We say that it is ā€œSLH-DSA-likeā€, because it does not follow the FIPS 205 method of generating signatures (in particular, it does not have the same mapping from private key, messages, opt\_rand to signatures), however it does generate public keys and signatures that are compatible with the standard signature verification method, and with the same security (with a small security loss against side channel attacks). In our tests, this idea performed 1.7 times slower compared to an unprotected version

    Further Analysis of a Proposed Hash-Based Signature Standard

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    We analyze the concrete security of a hash-based signature scheme described in the most recent Internet Draft by McGrew, Fluhrer and Curcio. We perform this analysis in the random-oracle model, where the Merkle-DamgĆ„rd hash compression function is models as the random oracle. We show that, even with a large number of different keys the attacker can choose from, and a huge computational budget, the attacker succeeds in creating a forgery with negligible probability (<2āˆ’129< 2^{-129})

    Cryptanalysis of ring-LWE based key exchange with key share reuse

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    This paper shows how several ring-LWE based key exchange protocols can be broken, under the assumption that the same key share is used for multiple exchanges. This indicates that, if these key exchange protocols are used, then it will be necessary for a fresh key share be generated for each exchange, and that these key exchange protocols cannot be used as a drop in replacement for designs which use Diffie-Hellman static key shares

    Oops, I did it again revisited: another look at reusing one-time signatures

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    In Oops, I did it again - Security of One-Time Signatures under Two-Message Attacks, Bruinderink and HĆ¼lsing analyzed the effect of key reuse for several one time signature systems. When they analyzed the Winternitz system, they assumed certain probabilities were independent when they weren\u27t, leading to invalid conclusions. This paper does a more correct characterization of the Winternitz scheme, and while their ultimate conclusion (that key reuse allows for practical forgeries) is correct, the situation is both better and worse than what they concluded

    LMS vs XMSS: Comparion of two Hash-Based Signature Standards

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    Quantum computing poses challenges to public key signatures as we know them today. LMS and XMSS are two hash based signature schemes that have been proposed in the IETF as quantum secure. Both schemes are based on well-studied hash trees, but their similarities and differences have not yet been discussed. In this work, we attempt to compare the two standards. We compare their security assumptions and quantify their signature and public key sizes. We also address the computation overhead they introduce. Our goal is to provide a clear understanding of the schemesā€™ similarities and differences for implementers and protocol designers to be able to make a decision as to which standard to chose

    Smaller Sphincs+

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    NIST has released the draft specification of SLH-DSA (also known as Sphincs+). When NIST released its original call for proposals for the Postquantum Process, they specified that signature systems would need to be usable at full security for 2642^{64} signatures per private key. Hence, the parameter sets specified in SLH-DSA is tuned to have full security after that many signatures. However, it has been noted that in many cases, we don\u27t have need for that many signatures, and that parameter sets tuned for fewer signatures would be shorter and more efficient to process. This paper examines such possible alternative parameter sets

    Multiple forgery attacks against Message Authentication Codes

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    Some message authentication codes (MACs) are vulnerable to multiple forgery attacks, in which an attacker can gain information that allows her to succeed in forging multiple message/tag pairs. This property was first noted in MACs based on universal hashing, such as the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) of operation for block ciphers. However, we show that CBC-MAC and HMAC also have this property, and for some parameters are more vulnerable than GCM. We present multiple-forgery attacks against these algorithms, then analyze the security against these attacks by using the expected number of forgeries. We compare the different MACs using this measure. This document is a pre-publication draft manuscript

    The Extended Codebook (XCB) Mode of Operation

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    We describe a block cipher mode of operation that implements a `tweakable\u27 (super) pseudorandom permutation with an arbitrary block length. This mode can be used to provide the best possible security in systems that cannot allow data expansion, such as disk-block encryption and some network protocols. The mode accepts an additional input, which can be used to protect against attacks that manipulate the ciphertext by rearranging the ciphertext blocks. Our mode is similar to a five-round Luby-Rackoff cipher in which the first and last rounds do not use the conventional Feistel structure, but instead use a single block cipher invocation. The third round is a Feistel structure using counter mode as a PRF. The second and fourth rounds are Feistel structures using a universal hash function; we re-use the polynomial hash over a binary field defined in the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) of operation for block ciphers. This choice provides efficiency in both hardware and software and allows for re-use of implementation effort. XCB also has several useful properties: it accepts arbitrarily-sized plaintexts and associated data, including any plaintexts with lengths that are no smaller than the width of the block cipher. This document is a pre-publication draft manuscript