37 research outputs found

    Rapid online buffer exchange for screening of proteins, protein complexes and cell lysates by native mass spectrometry

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    It is important to assess the identity and purity of proteins and protein complexes during and after protein purification to ensure that samples are of sufficient quality for further biochemical and structural characterization, as well as for use in consumer products, chemical processes and therapeutics. Native mass spectrometry (nMS) has become an important tool in protein analysis due to its ability to retain non-covalent interactions during measurements, making it possible to obtain protein structural information with high sensitivity and at high speed. Interferences from the presence of non-volatiles are typically alleviated by offline buffer exchange, which is time-consuming and difficult to automate. We provide a protocol for rapid online buffer exchange (OBE) nMS to directly screen structural features of pre-purified proteins, protein complexes or clarified cell lysates. In the liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) approach described in this protocol, samples in MS-incompatible conditions are injected onto a short size-exclusion chromatography column. Proteins and protein complexes are separated from small molecule non-volatile buffer components using an aqueous, non-denaturing mobile phase. Eluted proteins and protein complexes are detected by the mass spectrometer after electrospray ionization. Mass spectra can inform regarding protein sample purity and oligomerization, and additional tandem mass spectra can help to further obtain information on protein complex subunits. Information obtained by OBE nMS can be used for fast (<5 min) quality control and can further guide protein expression and purification optimization

    Rapid online buffer exchange for screening of proteins, protein complexes and cell lysates by native mass spectrometry

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    It is important to assess the identity and purity of proteins and protein complexes during and after protein purification to ensure that samples are of sufficient quality for further biochemical and structural characterization, as well as for use in consumer products, chemical processes and therapeutics. Native mass spectrometry (nMS) has become an important tool in protein analysis due to its ability to retain non-covalent interactions during measurements, making it possible to obtain protein structural information with high sensitivity and at high speed. Interferences from the presence of non-volatiles are typically alleviated by offline buffer exchange, which is time-consuming and difficult to automate. We provide a protocol for rapid online buffer exchange (OBE) nMS to directly screen structural features of pre-purified proteins, protein complexes or clarified cell lysates. In the liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) approach described in this protocol, samples in MS-incompatible conditions are injected onto a short size-exclusion chromatography column. Proteins and protein complexes are separated from small molecule non-volatile buffer components using an aqueous, non-denaturing mobile phase. Eluted proteins and protein complexes are detected by the mass spectrometer after electrospray ionization. Mass spectra can inform regarding protein sample purity and oligomerization, and additional tandem mass spectra can help to further obtain information on protein complex subunits. Information obtained by OBE nMS can be used for fast (<5 min) quality control and can further guide protein expression and purification optimization

    Promoter keyholes enable specific and persistent multi-gene expression programs in primary T cells without genome modification

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    Non-invasive epigenome editing is a promising strategy for engineering gene expression programs, yet potency, specificity, and persistence remain challenging. Here we show that effective epigenome editing is gated at single-base precision via 'keyhole' sites in endogenous regulatory DNA. Synthetic repressors targeting promoter keyholes can ablate gene expression in up to 99% of primary cells with single-gene specificity and can seamlessly repress multiple genes in combination. Transient exposure of primary T cells to keyhole repressors confers mitotically heritable silencing that persists to the limit of primary cultures in vitro and for at least 4 weeks in vivo, enabling manufacturing of cell products with enhanced therapeutic efficacy. DNA recognition and effector domains can be encoded as separate proteins that reassemble at keyhole sites and function with the same efficiency as single chain effectors, enabling gated control and rapid screening for novel functional domains that modulate endogenous gene expression patterns. Our results provide a powerful and exponentially flexible system for programming gene expression and therapeutic cell products

    De novo design of protein logic gates

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    The design of modular protein logic for regulating protein function at the posttranscriptional level is a challenge for synthetic biology. Here, we describe the design of two-input AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XNOR, and NOT gates built from de novo–designed proteins. These gates regulate the association of arbitrary protein units ranging from split enzymes to transcriptional machinery in vitro, in yeast and in primary human T cells, where they control the expression of the TIM3 gene related to T cell exhaustion. Designed binding interaction cooperativity, confirmed by native mass spectrometry, makes the gates largely insensitive to stoichiometric imbalances in the inputs, and the modularity of the approach enables ready extension to three-input OR, AND, and disjunctive normal form gates. The modularity and cooperativity of the control elements, coupled with the ability to de novo design an essentially unlimited number of protein components, should enable the design of sophisticated posttranslational control logic over a wide range of biological functions

    Promoter keyholes enable specific and persistent multi-gene expression programs in primary T cells without genome modification

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    Non-invasive epigenome editing is a promising strategy for engineering gene expression programs, yet potency, specificity, and persistence remain challenging. Here we show that effective epigenome editing is gated at single-base precision via 'keyhole' sites in endogenous regulatory DNA. Synthetic repressors targeting promoter keyholes can ablate gene expression in up to 99% of primary cells with single-gene specificity and can seamlessly repress multiple genes in combination. Transient exposure of primary T cells to keyhole repressors confers mitotically heritable silencing that persists to the limit of primary cultures in vitro and for at least 4 weeks in vivo, enabling manufacturing of cell products with enhanced therapeutic efficacy. DNA recognition and effector domains can be encoded as separate proteins that reassemble at keyhole sites and function with the same efficiency as single chain effectors, enabling gated control and rapid screening for novel functional domains that modulate endogenous gene expression patterns. Our results provide a powerful and exponentially flexible system for programming gene expression and therapeutic cell products

    Crystal structures of the CusA efflux pump suggest methionine-mediated metal transport

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    Gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, frequently utilize tripartite efflux complexes in the resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) family to expel diverse toxic compounds from the cell.1,2 The efflux system CusCBA is responsible for extruding biocidal Cu(I) and Ag(I) ions.3,4 No prior structural information was available for the heavy-metal efflux (HME) subfamily of the RND efflux pumps. Here we describe the crystal structures of the inner membrane transporter CusA in the absence and presence of bound Cu(I) or Ag(I). These CusA structures provide important new structural information about the HME sub-family of RND efflux pumps. The structures suggest that the metal binding sites, formed by a three-methionine cluster, are located within the cleft region of the periplasmic domain. Intriguingly, this cleft is closed in the apo-CusA form but open in the CusA-Cu(I) and CusA-Ag(I) structures, which directly suggests a plausible pathway for ion export. Binding of Cu(I) and Ag(I) triggers significant conformational changes in both the periplasmic and transmembrane domains. The crystal structure indicates that CusA has, in addition to the three-methionine metal binding site, four methionine pairs - three located in the transmembrane region and one in the periplasmic domain. Genetic analysis and transport assays suggest that CusA is capable of actively picking up metal ions from the cytosol, utilizing these methionine pairs/clusters to bind and export metal ions. These structures suggest a stepwise shuttle mechanism for transport between these sites

    Rapid Sampling of Hydrogen Bond Networks for Computational Protein Design

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    Hydrogen bond networks play a critical role in determining the stability and specificity of biomolecular complexes, and the ability to design such networks is important for engineering novel structures, interactions, and enzymes. One key feature of hydrogen bond networks that makes them difficult to rationally engineer is that they are highly cooperative and are not energetically favorable until the hydrogen bonding potential has been satisfied for all buried polar groups in the network. Existing computational methods for protein design are ill-equipped for creating these highly cooperative networks because they rely on energy functions and sampling strategies that are focused on pairwise interactions. To enable the design of complex hydrogen bond networks, we have developed a new sampling protocol in the molecular modeling program Rosetta that explicitly searches for sets of amino acid mutations that can form self-contained hydrogen bond networks. For a given set of designable residues, the protocol often identifies many alternative sets of mutations/networks, and we show that it can readily be applied to large sets of residues at protein–protein interfaces or in the interior of proteins. The protocol builds on a recently developed method in Rosetta for designing hydrogen bond networks that has been experimentally validated for small symmetric systems but was not extensible to many larger protein structures and complexes. The sampling protocol we describe here not only recapitulates previously validated designs with performance improvements but also yields viable hydrogen bond networks for cases where the previous method fails, such as the design of large, asymmetric interfaces relevant to engineering protein-based therapeutics