1,045 research outputs found

    Calculation of Gallium-metal-Arsenic phase diagrams

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    Electrical contacts and metallization to GaAs solar cells must survive at high temperatures for several minutes under specific mission scenarios. The determination of which metallizations or alloy systems that are able to withstand extreme thermal excursions with minimum degradation to solar cell performance can be predicted by properly calculated temperature constitution phase diagrams. A method for calculating a ternary diagram and its three constituent binary phase diagrams is briefly outlined and ternary phase diagrams for three Ga-As-X alloy systems are presented. Free energy functions of the liquid and solid phase are approximated by the regular solution theory. Phase diagrams calculated using this method are presented for the Ga-As-Ge and Ga-As-Ag systems

    Charge Exchange Spectra of Hydrogenic and He-like Iron

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    We present H-like Fe XXVI and He-like Fe XXV charge-exchange spectra resulting from collisions of highly charged iron with N2 gas at an energy of 10 eV/amu in an electron beam ion trap. Although individual high-n emission lines are not resolved in our measurements, we observe that the most likely level for Fe25+ --> Fe24+ electron capture is n~9, in line with expectations, while the most likely value for Fe26+ --> Fe25+ charge exchange is significantly higher. In the Fe XXV spectrum, the K-alpha emission feature dominates, whether produced via charge exchange or collisional excitation. The K-alpha centroid is lower in energy for the former case than the latter (6666 versus 6685 eV, respectively), as expected because of the strong enhancement of emission from the forbidden and intercombination lines, relative to the resonance line, in charge-exchange spectra. In contrast, the Fe XXVI high-n Lyman lines have a summed intensity greater than that of Ly-alpha, and are substantially stronger than predicted from theoretical calculations of charge exchange with atomic H. We conclude that the angular momentum distribution resulting from electron capture using a multi-electron target gas is significantly different from that obtained with H, resulting in the observed high-n enhancement. A discussion is presented of the relevance of our results to studies of diffuse Fe emission in the Galactic Center and Galactic Ridge, particularly with ASTRO-E2/Suzaku.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures (3 color), accepted by Ap

    Magnetic-Field Sensitive Line Ratios in EUV and Soft X-ray Spectra

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    We discovered a class of lines that are sensitive to the strength of the ambient magnetic field, and present a measurement of such a line in Ar IX near 49 A. Calculations show that the magnitude of field strengths that can be measured ranges from a few hundred gauss to several tens of kilogauss depending on the particular ion emitting the line

    Electron Glass in Ultrathin Granular Al Films at Low Temperatures

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    Quench-condensed granular Al films, with normal-state sheet resistance close to 10 kΩ/\Omega/\Box, display strong hysteresis and ultraslow, non-exponential relaxation in the resistance when temperature is varied below 300 mK. The hysteresis is nonlinear and can be suppressed by a dc bias voltage. The relaxation time does not obey the Arrhenius form, indicating the existence of a broad distribution of low energy barriers. Furthermore, large resistance fluctuations, having a 1/f-type power spectrum with a low-frequency cut-off, are observed at low temperatures. With decreasing temperature, the amplitude of the fluctuation increases and the cut-off frequency decreases. These observations combine to provide a coherent picture that there exists a new glassy electron state in ultrathin granular Al films, with a growing correlation length at low temperatures.Comment: RevTeX 3.1, 4 pages, 4 figures (EPS files) (Minor Additions

    Low energy excitations in crystalline perovskite oxides: Evidence from noise experiments

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    In this paper we report measurements of 1/f noise in a crystalline metallic oxide with perovskite structure down to 4.2K. The results show existence of localized excitations with average activation energy \approx 70-80 meV which produce peak in the noise at T \approx 35-40K. In addition, it shows clear evidence of tunnelling type two-level-systems (as in glasses) which show up in noise measurements below 30K.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys Rev B, vol 58, 1st Dec issu

    Recent Progress in CuInS2 Thin-Film Solar Cell Research at NASA Glenn

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is interested in developing low-cost highly efficient solar cells on light-weight flexible substrates, which will ultimately lower the mass-specific power (W/kg) of the cell allowing extra payload for missions in space as well as cost reduction. In addition, thin film cells are anticipated to have greater resistance to radiation damage in space, prolonging their lifetime. The flexibility of the substrate has the added benefit of enabling roll-to-roll processing. The first major thin film solar cell was the "CdS solar cell" - a heterojunction between p-type CuxS and n-type CdS. The research on CdS cells started in the late 1950s and the efficiency in the laboratory was up to about 10 % in the 1980s. Today, three different thin film materials are leading the field. They include amorphous Si, CdTe, and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS). The best thin film solar cell efficiency of 19.2 % was recently set by CIGS on glass. Typical module efficiencies, however, remain below 15 %

    Noise Probe of the Dynamic Phase Separation in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3

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    Giant Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) in the resistance fluctuation of a macroscopic film of perovskite-type manganese oxide La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 has been observed at various temperatures ranging from 4K to 170K, well below the Curie temperature (TC = 210K). The amplitudes of the two-level-fluctuations (TLF) vary from 0.01% to 0.2%. We use a statistical analysis of the life-times of the TLF to gain insight into the microscopic electronic and magnetic state of this manganite. At low temperature (below 30K) The TLF is well described by a thermally activated two-level model. An estimate of the energy difference between the two states is inferred. At higher temperature (between 60K and 170K) we observed critical effects of the temperature on the life-times of the TLF. We discuss this peculiar temperature dependence in terms of a sharp change in the free energy functional of the fluctuators. We attribute the origin of the RTN to be a dynamic mixed-phase percolative conduction process, where manganese clusters switch back and forth between two phases that differ in their conductivity and magnetization.Comment: 15 pages, PDF only, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Historical Analysis of Bibliometric Trends in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics With a Particular Focus on Sex

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    Background: Orthopaedics is the clinical discipline with the lowest percentage of female residents and faculty. Pediatric orthopaedics has a higher percentage of women than other orthopaedic subspecialties. It was the purpose of this study to examine bibliometric trends in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics (JPO) with a specific focus on sex. Methods: A bibliometeric analysis for the years 2015, 2005, 1995, 1985, 1981 was performed. The names of first and corresponding authors; corresponding author position; country of origin; number of institutions, countries, authors, printed pages, and references was tabulated. Author sex was identified for the first and corresponding authors using the “Baby Name Guesser” (www.gpeters.com/names/baby-names.php). A P<0.05 was considered significant. Results: There were 746 publications; 68.7% were from North America. The average number of authors, corresponding author position, collaborating institutions, countries, and number of references increased, whereas the number of printed pages decreased. Asia had the greatest number of authors (4.4), with Australia/New Zealand the fewest (3.4). Sex was determined for 98.3% of the first authors and 98.5% of the corresponding authors. There was a significant increase in the number of female first authors over time (5.9% to 25.6%, P<10−6), especially in Europe and North America. There were significant increase in the number of female corresponding authors over time (5.8% to 17.6%, P=0.000009). There was a significant trend to have a greater percentage of both female first and corresponding authors over time (P=0.0005) with a reverse trend for both male first and corresponding authors (P<10−6). Conclusions: In this study, we noted that the number of female first and corresponding authors in Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics has been steadily increasing. This should result in more female pediatric orthopaedic surgeons in academic faculty positions