20 research outputs found

    Computational exploration of the chemical structure space of possible reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle constituents

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    The reverse tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle has been explored from various standpoints as an idealized primordial metabolic cycle. Its simplicity and apparent ubiquity in diverse organisms across the tree of life have been used to argue for its antiquity and its optimality. In 2000 it was proposed that chemoinformatics approaches support some of these views. Specifically, defined queries of the Beilstein database showed that the molecules of the rTCA are heavily represented in such compound databases. We explore here the chemical structure space, e.g. the set of organic compounds which possesses some minimal set of defining characteristics, of the rTCA cycle's intermediates using an exhaustive structure generation method. The rTCA's chemical space as defined by the original criteria and explored by our method is some six to seven times larger than originally considered. Acknowledging that each assumption in what is a defining criterion making the rTCA cycle special limits possible generative outcomes, there are many unrealized compounds which fulfill these criteria. That these compounds are unrealized could be due to evolutionary frozen accidents or optimization, though this optimization may also be for systems-level reasons, e.g., the way the pathway and its elements interface with other aspects of metabolism

    Development of a French Paper-and-Pencil Implicit Association Test to Measure Athletes’ Implicit Doping Attitude (IAT-Dop)

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    Although explicit measures of doping attitude are widely used, they are susceptible to bias due to social desirability. The current computerized measures of implicit attitudes are time-consuming and based on expensive software solutions. Recently, paper-and-pencil (p&p) Implicit Association Tests (IAT) have been developed, making it possible to test several participants simultaneously, anywhere, and with no need of computerized equipment and software. The present series of studies aimed at developing a French version of a p&p IAT to measure athletes’ attitudes toward doping (Chan et al., 2017): the IAT-Dop. Four studies, including 212 participants (Mage = 25.49, SD = 5.73), followed Bardin et al. (2016) and Boateng et al. (2018) validation recommendations: (a) development of a preliminary version of the IAT-Dop based on the proposal of Chan’s tool (2017), (b) dimensionality and criterion validity tests demonstrating the structure of the p&p version, (c) test-retest reliability, and (d) first approach to construct validity. The results showed that the IAT-Dop was able to measure implicit attitudes toward doping and was stable across time. Significant correlations between the computerized and p&p versions confirmed the construct validity. The p&p IAT-Dop showed several advantages over the computerized version (Lemm et al., 2008), including lower cost and ease of administration. By offering accurate measures and an easier, faster, and cheaper way to measure doping attitudes, this tool should contribute to the better assessment and understanding of the mechanisms related to doping, and it might be a useful new indicator in the evaluation of prevention programs

    Facteurs psychosociaux des attitudes alimentaires déséquilibrées en contexte sportif : une revue de littérature

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    International audienceThe prevalence of eating disorders is particularly high in high-level sports, especially endurance sports, sports with weight categories and aesthetic sports. This review of the literature examines the prevalence of eating disorders and the psychosocial factors that are most apt to influence the development of these disorders in athletes of aesthetic sports. Although some factors are similar to those identified in studies of the general population, others appear to be quite specific to the social context and achievement norms of sport. For example, the emergence of eating disorders in sports judged on aesthetic criteria is strongly determined by the quality of the athlete's relationship with the coach and by perceived ability.La prévalence des désordres alimentaires est particulièrement importante dans le contexte du sport de haut niveau, en particulier dans les sports d'endurance, les sportsà catégorie de poids et les sports esthétiques. Dans cette revue de littérature, sont abordés la prévalence des désordres alimentaires en sport et les facteurs psychosociaux les plusà mêmes d'influencer le développement de ces désordres chez les sportifs engagés dans des sportsà caractère esthétique. Si certains facteurs sont similairesà ceux identifiés dans l'étude des désordres alimentaires dans la population générale, d'autres apparaissent spécifiques au contexte social et aux normes d'accomplissement sportifs. Par exemple, l'émergence des désordres alimentaires dans les sports jugés sur des critères esthétiques sont fortement déterminés par la qualité de la relation sociale avec l'entraîneur, ou avec l'ami(e) en sport, et par l'habileté perçue

    The Big Five Personality Traits and French Firefighter Burnout

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    Développement et validation d’une échelle courtemesurant le désengagement moral en sport (ECDMS)

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    International audienceThis article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: http://www.elsevier.com/copyrigh