39 research outputs found

    Wave climate of the Adriatic Sea: a future scenario simulation

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    Abstract. We present a study on expected wind wave severity changes in the Adriatic Sea for the period 2070–2099 and their impact on extremes. To do so, the phase-averaged spectral wave model SWAN is forced using wind fields computed by the high-resolution regional climate model COSMO-CLM, the climate version of the COSMO meteorological model downscaled from a global climate model running under the IPCC-A1B emission scenario. Namely, the adopted wind fields are given with a horizontal resolution of 14 km and 40 vertical levels, and they are prepared by the Italian Aerospace Research Centre (CIRA). Firstly, in order to infer the wave model accuracy in predicting seasonal variability and extreme events, SWAN results are validated against a control simulation, which covers the period 1965–1994. In particular, numerical predictions of the significant wave height Hs are compared against available in-situ data. Further, a statistical analysis is carried out to estimate changes on wave storms and extremes during the simulated periods (control and future scenario simulations). In particular, the generalized Pareto distribution is used to predict changes of storm peak Hs for frequent and rare storms in the Adriatic Sea. Finally, Borgman's theory is applied to estimate the spatial pattern of the expected maximum wave height Hmax during a storm, both for the present climate and that of the future scenario. Results show a future wave climate in the Adriatic Sea milder than the present climate, even though increases of wave severity can occur locally

    Wave climate of the Adriatic Sea: a future scenario simulation

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    We present a study on expected wind wave severity changes in the Adriatic Sea for the period 2070–2099 and their impact on extremes. To do so, the phase-averaged spectral wave model SWAN is forced using wind fields computed by the high-resolution regional climate model COSMO-CLM, the climate version of the COSMO meteorological model downscaled from a global climate model running under the IPCC-A1B emission scenario. Namely, the adopted wind fields are given with a horizontal resolution of 14 km and 40 vertical levels, and they are prepared by the Italian Aerospace Research Centre (CIRA). Firstly, in order to infer the wave model accuracy in predicting seasonal variability and extreme events, SWAN results are validated against a control simulation, which covers the period 1965–1994. In particular, numerical predictions of the significant wave height <i>H</i><sub>s</sub> are compared against available in-situ data. Further, a statistical analysis is carried out to estimate changes on wave storms and extremes during the simulated periods (control and future scenario simulations). In particular, the generalized Pareto distribution is used to predict changes of storm peak <i>H</i><sub>s</sub> for frequent and rare storms in the Adriatic Sea. Finally, Borgman's theory is applied to estimate the spatial pattern of the expected maximum wave height <i>H</i><sub>max</sub> during a storm, both for the present climate and that of the future scenario. Results show a future wave climate in the Adriatic Sea milder than the present climate, even though increases of wave severity can occur locally

    The educative relationship in primary school: aggressive tendencies and pro-social behavior

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    The general objective of this work is to analyze how pupils' aggressive tendencies and pro-social behaviour can influence the perception of a given educative relationship, both from the point of view of the pupil and of the teacher. This study shall focus particularly on aggressive tendencies and pro-social behaviour envisaged as indicators of social adaptation's capability. The research has been conducted on a sample of 249 pupils and 30 teachers, belonging to 15 primary school classes in the province of Turin. Both teachers and pupils agree that children with difficulties of social adaptation appear to maintain less positive relationships: their lower pro-social behaviour matches lack of closeness in relationships and the increase of affective distance within them. Moreover, augmented aggressive tendencies have been discovered among pupils with higher levels of conflict. This research shall highlight how the social and anti-social modalities of interaction of a child may influence a teacher's perception of their relationship, much more than the pupil's evaluation of his or hers cognitive abilities. For what concerns the association between relationship and capability of adaptation, it shall be first shown how the pupil tends to view himself or herself as a more or less pro-social and antisocial individual; then, how such perception influences the pupil's connection with the teacher. At the same time, it shall be given evidence of how the teacher tends to judge the bond with a pupil on the basis of the mental image he or she has created of the child and of which the child may not be entirely aware

    Child scribbling: a sensory motor activity and representational ability

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    Los niños por lo general comienzan a producir garabatos alrededor de su segundo año de vida. Como la actividad representativa ya se adquiere a esta edad, el acto gráfico puede ser correctamente considerado más que una mera actividad motora: es, sin duda, uno de los factores más relevantes que intervienen en el proceso gráfico, pero es deber del educador discernir su aspecto intencional, por lo tanto representativo. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es un examen detallado de los garabatos producidos por niños de entre dos y tres años de edad, cuyos temas dados son el niño él / ella, el niño involucrado en cualquier actividad lúdica o deportiva dada, y las figuras de la madre y el padre: cualquier posible diferencia que surja de tales caminos gráficos será investigada y analizada. Este estudio es parte de un proyecto mucho más amplio, que quiere acentuar los rasgos emotivos que se encuentran en la actividad gráfica de un niño, rasgos que podrían ser utilizados como medio de exploración del niño, de su propia interioridad, de un mundo interior en pleno desarrollo.Children usually begin producing scribbles around their second year of life. As representative activity is already acquired at this age, the graphic act can be rightly considered more than a mere motor activity: it is, without a doubt, one of the most relevant factors involved in the graphic process, but it is the educator’s duty to discern its intentional-therefore representative- aspect. Our study’s goal is a detailed examination of the scribbles produced by children between two and three years of age, whose given subjects are the child him/herself, the child engaged in any given playful or sportive activity, and the figures of the mother and the father: any possible difference emerging from such graphic paths, will be investigated and analyzed. This study is part of a much wider project, which would like to emphasize the emotive traits found in a child’s graphic activity, traits which could be used as means of exploration of the child’s own interiority, an inner world in full development.peerReviewe

    Prejudice in School: A Research among Primary School Teachers Prejuicio en la escuela: una investigación con profesores de educación primaria.

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    <p>The number of immigrants has been continuosly rising, in Italy as well as all around Europe: in Piedmont, the quota of underage immigrants has almost doubled within the last four years, bringing about the issue of educating pupils belonging to different cultures. This research will take into account the opinion of primary school’s teachers on the possible existence of stereotyped or prejudicial opinions about the presence of foreigin children in school and in society, and it will try to understand if it may influence the relationship between teacher and pupil. The 79 teachers and 396 children who took part in this project have been given a questionnaire investigating the occurrence of prejudicial behaviours, and the quality of the relationship created by the teacher with pupils. The data collected show how prejudice appears to influence the relationship teacher-pupil especially in moments of tension, which are worsened by prejudice itself, and how the evaluation of the child may consequently change.</p><p>Key words: Prejudice, foreign children, teacher-pupil relationship.</p> <p>El número de inmigrantes en Italia, así como en el resto de Europa, crece continuamente y en los últimos cuatro años, el número de menores extranjeros ha aumentado alrededor de un 50%, concerniendo cada vez más a las instituciones educativas y a los docentes destinatarios de la petición de escolarización de los niños inmigrantes. Los objetivos de la investigación son indagar, si existen opiniones de naturaleza estereotípica o prejudicial en las representaciones de los docentes respecto a la presencia de menores extranjeros en la escuela primaria y si la presencia de tal prejuicio, influye en la relación entre el docente y el niño extranjero. La muestra de la investigación se compone de 79 maestros y de 396 niños, se ha utilizado un cuestionario y a través de las respuestas ha sido posible atribuir a cada docente una puntuación que indica el grado de prejuicio. De lo que emerge la influencia del prejuicio, surge en los momentos en que el equilibrio de la relación entra en crisis. El prejuicio no facilitaría la resolución de estos momentos, es más, parecería determinar el agravamiento. Como consecuencia de esto, haciendo más frecuentes y difícilmente solucionables los momentos de crisis de la relación, la presencia de prejuicio también influye, de manera evidente, en la valoración cualitativa total que el docente da a la relación con el niño extranjero.</p><p>Palabras clave: Prejuicio, niños extranjeros, relación maestro-alumno.</p&gt