171 research outputs found

    Are we ready for scaling up restoration actions? An insight from Mediterranean macroalgal canopies

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    Extensive loss of macroalgal forests advocates for large-scale restoration interventions, to compensate habitat degradation and recover the associated ecological functions and services. Yet, restoration attempts have generally been limited to small spatial extensions, with the principal aim of developing efficient restoration techniques. Here, the success of outplanting Cystoseira amentacea v. stricta germlings cultured in aquaria was experimentally explored at a scale of tens of kms, by means of a multifactorial experimental design. In the intertidal rocky shores of SE Italy, locations with a continuous distribution for hundreds of meters or with few thalli forming patches of few centimeters of C. amentacea canopy were selected. In each location, the effects of adult conspecifics and the exclusion of macrograzers (salema fish and sea urchins) on the survival of germlings were tested. We evaluated the most critical determinants of mortality for germlings, including the overlooked pressure of mesograzers (e.g. amphipods, small mollusks, polychaetes). Despite the high mortality observed during outplanting and early settlement stages, survival of C. amentacea germlings was consistently favored by the exclusion of macrograzers, while the presence of adult conspecifics had no effects. In addition, the cost analysis of the interventions showed the feasibility of the ex-situ method, representing an essential tool for preserving Cystoseira forests. Large scale restoration is possible but requires baseline information with an in-depth knowledge of the species ecology and of the areas to be restored, together with the development of specific cultivation protocols to make consistently efficient restoration interventions

    Transhiatal esophagectomy in the profoundly obese: implications and experience.

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    BACKGROUND: Historically, obesity contraindicated an abdominal approach to the esophagogastric junction. The technique of transhiatal esophagectomy (THE) evolved without specific regard to body habitus. The dramatic increase in obese patients requiring an esophagectomy for complications of reflux disease prompted this evaluation of the impact of obesity on the outcomes of esophagectomy to determine whether profound obesity should contraindicate the transhiatal approach. METHODS: We used our Esophagectomy Database to identify 133 profoundly obese patients (body mass index [BMI] > or = 35 kg/m2) from among 2176 undergoing a THE from 1977 to 2006. This group was matched to a randomly selected, non-obese (BMI, 18.5 to 30 kg/m2) control population of 133 patients. Intraoperative, postoperative, and long-term follow-up results were compared retrospectively. RESULTS: Profoundly obese patients had significantly greater intraoperative blood loss (mean, 492.2 mL versus 361.8 mL, p = 0.001), need for partial sternotomy (18 versus 3, p = 0.001), and frequency of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (6 versus 0, p = 0.04). The two groups did not differ significantly in the occurrence of chylothorax, wound infection, or dehiscence rate; length of hospital stay or need for intensive care unit stay; or hospital or operative mortality. Follow-up results for dysphagia, dumping, regurgitation, and overall functional score were also comparable between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: With appropriate instrumentation, transhiatal esophagectomy in obese patients has similar morbidity and outcomes as in non-obese patients. Obesity, even when profound, does not contraindicate a transhiatal esophagectomy.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57503/6/Scipione 2007.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57503/5/Benign BMI Control.txthttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57503/4/Benign BMI CS07.txthttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57503/3/CA BMI Control no pt id.txthttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57503/2/CA BMI 35 CS.tx

    Activity of drugs against dormant Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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    Objective/background: Heterogeneous mixtures of cellular and caseous granulomas coexist in the lungs of tuberculosis (TB) patients, with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) existing from actively replicating (AR) to dormant, nonreplicating (NR) stages. Within cellular granulomas, the pH is estimated to be less than 6, whereas in the necrotic centres of hypoxic, cholesterol/triacylglycerol-rich, caseous granulomas, the pH varies between 7.2 and 7.4. To combat TB, we should kill both AR and NR stages of Mtb. Dormant Mtb remodels lipids of its cell wall, and so lipophilic drugs may be active against NR Mtb living in caseous, lipid-rich, granulomas. Lipophilicity is expressed as logP, that is, the logarithm of the partition coefficient (P) ratio P octanol/P water. In this study, the activity of lipophilic drugs (logP>0) and hydrophilic drugs (logP ≤0) against AR and NR Mtb was measured in hypoxic conditions under acidic and slightly alkaline pHs. Methods: The activity of drugs was determined against AR Mtb (5-day-old aerobic cells: A5) and NR Mtb (12- and 19-day-old hypoxic cells: H12 and H19) in a Wayne dormancy model of Mtb H37Rv at pH 5.8, to mimic the environment of cellular granulomas. Furthermore, AR and NR bacilli were grown for 40 days in Wayne models at pH 6.6, 7.0, 7.4, and 7.6, to set up conditions mimicking the caseous granulomas (hypoxia+slightly alkaline pH), to measure drug activity against NR cells. Mtb viability was determined by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts. Results: At pH 5.8, lipophilic drugs (rifampin, rifapentine, bedaquiline, PA-824, clofazimine, nitazoxanide: logP ≥2.14) reduced CFU of all cells (H12, H19, and A5) by ≥2log10. Among hydrophilic drugs (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, amikacin, moxifloxacin, metronidazole: logP ≤0.01), none reduced H12 and H19 CFUs by ≥2log10, with the exception of metronidazole. When Mtb was grown at different pHs the following Mtb growth was noted: at pH 6.6, AR cells grew fluently while NR cells grew less, with a CFU increase up to Day 15, followed by a drop to Day 40. AR and NR Mtb grown at pH 7.0, 7.4, and 7.6 showed up to 1 log10 CFU lower than their growth at pH 6.6. The pHs of all AR cultures tended to reach pH 7.2–7.4 on Day 40. The pHs of all NR cultures remained stable at their initial values (6.6, 7.0, 7.4, and 7.6) up to Day 40. The activity of drugs against H12 and H19 cells was tested in hypoxic conditions at a slightly alkaline pH. Under these conditions, some lipophilic drugs were more active (>5 log CFU decrease after 21 days of exposure) against H12 and H19 cells than clofazimine, nitazoxanide, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, amikacin (<1 log CFU decrease after 21 days of exposure). Testing of other drugs is in progress. Conclusion: Lipophilic drugs were more active than hydrophilic agents against dormant Mtb in hypoxic conditions at pH 5.8. The Wayne model under slightly alkaline conditions was set up, and in hypoxic conditions at a slightly alkaline pH some lipophilic drugs were more active than other drugs against NR Mtb. Overall, these models can be useful for testing drug activity against dormant Mtb under conditions mimicking the environments of cellular and caseous granulomas

    Obesity as a social phenomenon: A narrative review

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    BACKGROUND: obesity is one of the most prevalent diseases all over the world. Because of its high social impact, the broadest possible approach on several levels - and not limited only to clinical aspect - is needed to better understand and face the challenges obesity poses to public health. OBJECTIVES: to analyse, through the main evidence, the so- cial impact of weight excess in the general population and the actions aimed at mitigating its negative effects. DESIGN: narrative review. SETTING: data obtained from the sources included in the study were gathered and analyzed in five macroareas: Health Inequality, Society, Work, Impact on Social Medicine (focused on the Italian model), and Social Costs. RESULTS: each category showed a bilateral relationship with obesity having a significant impact for the community. CONCLUSIONS: for each field, various actions should be taken at institutional level. Many recommendations and actions have already been taken worldwide, but they alone seem to be not enough. This work points out that, in order to combat obesity and bring about a slowdown of this pandemic, the en- tire scientific community and institutions must work together to identify and design programmes that are truly effective

    The Italian open data meteorological portal: MISTRAL

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    At the national level, in Italy, observational and forecast data are collected by various public bodies and are often kept in various small, heterogeneous and non-interoperable repositories, released under different licenses, thus limiting the usability for external users. In this context, MISTRAL (the Meteo Italian SupercompuTing PoRtAL) was launched as the first Italian meteorological open data portal, with the aim of promoting the reuse of meteorological data sets available at national level coverage. The MISTRAL portal provides (and archives) meteorological data from various observation networks, both public and private, and forecast data that are generated and post-processed within the Consortium for Small-scale Modeling-Limited Area Model Italia (COSMO-LAMI) agreement using high performance computing (HPC) facilities. Also incorporated is the Italy Flash Flood use case, implemented with the collaboration of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), which exploits cutting edge advances in HPC-based post-processing of ensemble precipitation forecasts, for different model resolutions, and applies those to deliver novel blended-resolution forecasts specifically for Italy. Finally, in addition to providing architectures for the acquisition and display of observational data, MISTRAL also delivers an interactive system for visualizing forecast data of different resolutions as superimposed multi-layer maps

    Prognostic Value of Body Mass Index on Short-Term and Long-Term Outcome after Resection of Esophageal Cancer

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    Introduction: Cachexia and obesity have been suggested to be risk factors for postoperative complications. However, high body mass index (BMI) might result in a higher R0-resection rate because of the presence of more fatty tissue surrounding the tumor. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether BMI is of prognostic value with regard to short-term and long-term outcome in patients who undergo esophagectomy for cancer. Methods: In 556 patients who underwent esophagectomy (1991-2007), clinical and pathological outcome were compared between different BMI classes (underweight, normal weight, overweight, obesity). Results: Overall morbidity, mortality, and reoperation rate did not differ in underweight and obese patients. However, severe complications seemed to occur more often in obese patients (p = 0.06), and the risk for anastomotic leakage increased with higher BMI (12.5% in underweight patients compared with 27.6% in obese patients, p = 0.04). Histopathological assessment showed comparable pTNM stages, although an advanced pT stage was seen more often in patients with low/normal BMI (p = 0.02). A linear association between BMI and R0-resection rate was detected (p = 0.02): 60% in underweight patients compared with 81% in obese patients. However, unlike pT-stage (p < 0.001), BMI was not an independent predictor for R0 resection (p = 0.12). There was no significant difference in overall or disease-free 5-year survival between the BMI classes (p = 0.25 and p = 0.6, respectively). Conclusions: BMI is not of prognostic value with regard to short-term and long-term outcome in patients who undergo esophagectomy for cancer and is not an independent predictor for radical R0 resection. Patients oncologically eligible for esophagectomy should not be denied surgery on the basis of their BMI class