3 research outputs found

    La pasión por la lengua: Vincenzo Consolo (homenaje por sus 75 años)

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    In occasione del 75º compleanno di Vincenzo Consolo, questo libro offre una raccolta monografica degli studi e dei saggi dei più grandi specialisti su Consolo (Renzo Cremante, Giulio Ferroni, Cesare Segre, Salvatore C. Trovato fra gli altri) riunitisi a Valencia nel mese di aprile del 2008, per le Giornate Internazionali di Studio dedicate a Vincenzo Consolo: La pasión por la lengua: Vincenzo Consolo (Homenaje por sus 75 años). Arricchisce il volume il servizio fotografico degli atti accademici

    Sicile(s) d'aujourd'hui

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    Loin des stéréotypes qui enveloppent souvent l’image de “la” Sicile et occultent la complexité du réel, cet ouvrage s’attache à montrer la richesse et la diversité des Sicile(s) d’aujourd’hui. Les plus éminents représentants de la société civile et judiciaire, opérateurs culturels ou spécialistes des arts (littérature, théâtre, cinéma, BD) y confrontent leurs analyses. De grands artistes débattent des enjeux de la création dans le devenir de leur pays. Se révèle ainsi la tension constructive entre poids de l’Histoire et urgence de l’actualité, entre mémoire de la tradition et élans novateurs, entre passivité du désespoir et énergie de la révolte. Hors de tout repli dans une insularité close, les ferments sociaux, politiques, éthiques et esthétiques qui naissent et se développent en Sicile, ou à partir de la Sicile, apparaissent comme une force vitale essentielle. Le lecteur y reconnaîtra alors une sorte de “laboratoire” – sicilien, italien et/ou européen – du courage et de la créativité.Far from the stereotypes that often encompass the image of Sicily and mask the complexity of the reality, this work seeks to show the richness and diversity of the Sicile(s) d’aujourd’hui. Within, the most eminent representatives of civil and judicial society, cultural actors and arts specialists (literature, theatre, cinema, comics) compare their analyses. Some great artists discuss the role of artistic creation in the country’s future, thus revealing the constructive tension between the weight of history and the urgency of the current age, between memory of tradition and innovative trends, between the passivity of hopelessness and the energy of revolt. The artists from Sicily do not turn into themselves, but as implicated in social, political, ethical and aesthetic dynamics, they appear to be a vital essential force. The reader will be met with a sort of “laboratory”—Sicilian, Italian and/or European—of courage and creativity

    Hypertension and migraine comorbidity: prevalence and risk of cerebrovascular events: evidence from a large, multicenter, cross-sectional survey in Italy (MIRACLES study)

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    OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence of hypertension-migraine comorbidity; to determine their demographic and clinical characteristics versus patients with hypertension or migraine alone; and to see whether a history of cerebrovascular events was more common in the comorbidity group. METHODS: The MIRACLES, multicenter, cross-sectional, survey included 2973 patients with a known diagnosis of hypertension or migraine in a general practitioner setting in Italy. RESULTS: Five hundred and seventeen patients (17%) suffered from hypertension-migraine comorbidity, whereas 1271 (43%) suffered from hypertension only, and 1185 (40%) from migraine only. In the comorbidity group, the onset of comorbidity occurred at about 45 years of age, with migraine starting significantly later than in the migraine-only group, and hypertension significantly before than in the hypertension-only group; a familial history of both hypertension and migraine had a significantly higher frequency as compared with the hypertension and migraine group. Compared to hypertension (3.1%) and migraine (0.7%), the comorbidity group had a higher prevalence (4.4%) of history of cerebrovascular events, with an odds ratio of a predicted history of stroke/transient ischemic attack (TIA) of 1.76 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01-3.07] compared to the hypertension group. In patients without other recognized risk factors for stroke, stroke/TIA occurred more frequently in the comorbidity group, compared to the hypertension group. In the age range 40-49 years, prevalence of history of stroke/TIA was five-fold greater (4.8% in comorbidity vs. 0.9% in hypertension group). CONCLUSION: This cross-sectional study indicates that the prevalence of comorbidity hypertension-migraine is substantial and that patients with comorbidity have a higher probability of history of cerebrovascular events, compared to hypertensive patient