413 research outputs found

    Book Review: The Thinking Revolutionary: Principle and Practice in the New Republic. by Ralph Lerner.

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    Book review: The Thinking Revolutionary: Principle and Practice in the New Republic. By Ralph Lerner. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. 1987. Pp. xv, 238. Reviewed by: Robert Scigliano

    Book Review: Power and Policy in Quest of Law: Essays in Honor of Eugene Victor Rostow. Edited by Myres S. McDougal and W. Michael Reisman.

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    Book review: Power and Policy in Quest of Law: Essays in Honor of Eugene Victor Rostow. Edited by Myres S. McDougal and W. Michael Reisman. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff. 1985. Pp. xi, 460. Reviewed by: Robert Scigliano

    Book Review: The Thinking Revolutionary: Principle and Practice in the New Republic. by Ralph Lerner.

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    Book review: The Thinking Revolutionary: Principle and Practice in the New Republic. By Ralph Lerner. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. 1987. Pp. xv, 238. Reviewed by: Robert Scigliano

    Failure of Commencement, The Forgotten Defense - A Comment on Ohio Civil Rule 3(A)

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    This article will provide an in depth analysis of Rule 3(A). The analysis is divided into four sections. The first section examines the historical development of Rule 3(A) and the problems that developed and exist today. Section two discusses the meanings and specific interpretations given to the language of the rule. The unstated prerequisites of existence and capacity are analyzed in section three. And, in section four, Rule 3(A)\u27s forgotten defense is discussed and a model is developed for using the defense of failure to commence

    Book Review: Power and Policy in Quest of Law: Essays in Honor of Eugene Victor Rostow. Edited by Myres S. McDougal and W. Michael Reisman.

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    Book review: Power and Policy in Quest of Law: Essays in Honor of Eugene Victor Rostow. Edited by Myres S. McDougal and W. Michael Reisman. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff. 1985. Pp. xi, 460. Reviewed by: Robert Scigliano

    Environmental Aid and Economic Development in the Third World

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    Climate change has a profound impact on the planet, especially on developing countries – as highlighted by the Stern Report to the British government in 2006. One solution to mitigating environmental degradation and achieving better outcomes appears to be through the provision of aid to poor countries. Using newly available data from the PLAID (Project-Level Aid) database project, we ask what determines the level of environmental aid to developing countries – and in particular whether such aid is affected by the level of economic development of the recipient country. At the same time, we investigate whether economic development is affected by the receipt of environmental aid. Implicit in the second question, of course, is the notion that, besides addressing the ecological outcomes, environmental aid may have the potential to enhance the economic prosperity of poor countries.Economic Development; Aid; Developing Countries

    «Unitas multiplex». Un primo tentativo di analisi dell'europeismo ebraico e neomarrano a partire da Gustave d'Eichthal.

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    The article discusses the idea of Europe within a section of European Jewry. My aim is to investigate the relationship between the Jewish identity and the perception of Europe through two interpretative guideline: Edgar Morin’s cultural one, and Gustave d’Eichthal’s institutional one. As a matter of fact, continental Jewry claims a multiple and interstitial identification with Europe, which eventually seems to coincide with a cultural and elective supranational territory that exceeds asphyxiating nationalistic identification

    Implementação da técnica Silver In Situ Hibridization para avaliação do status do gene EGFR em doentes com CPNPC

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    Avaliação do estado do gene Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), por Silver In Situ Hibridization (SISH), tem-se destacado como biomarcador preditivo na resposta à terapêutica. O principal objectivo foi optimizar a etapa de recuperação por calor da metodologia automatizada SISH Dual-Colour, em carcinomas pulmonares fixados em formol durante 24 e 72 horas. A optimização levou a um aumento da preservação do contorno nuclear e da intensidade e contraste dos sinais para os dois tempos de fixação, permitindo avaliar o estado do EGFR em 83,3% dos casos em estudo. A SISH Dual-Colour é uma alternativa para avaliar o estado do EGFR.Assessment of the status of the gene Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), by Silver in Situ Hibridization (SISH) has been highlighted as a predictive biomarker in the response to therapy. The main objective was to optimize the recovery stage of heat-automated methodology SISH Dual-Colour in lung carcinoma with 24 and 72 hours of formaldehyde fixation. The optimization led to an increase in the preservation of the nuclear contour, intensity and contrast of the signals for both fixation times, allowing evaluation of EGFR state in 83.3% of studied cases. The SISH Dual-Colour is an alternative to assess the status of EGFR

    Johann Chapoutot, Il nazismo e l’Antichità

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    Il giovane e talentuoso storico francese Johann Chapoutot, docente di storia tedesca all’Università di Paris III – Sorbonne nouvelle si è occupato principalmente dell’aspetto culturale del nazismo, dedicando i suoi studi ai processi di trasformazione etica e culturale operati dal regime hitleriano fra gli anni Trenta e Quaranta del secolo scorso. Le ricerche di Chapoutot, all’interno del più ampio contesto degli studi dedicati all’esperienza nazista, sono dotati però di un taglio più peculiar..

    Il processo Eichmann. Il ruolo del diritto nella ridefinizione della memoria e dell’identità nazionale israeliana

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    L’articolo si propone di analizzare le relazioni intercorse tra il processo ad Adol Eichmann e l’identità nazionale israeliana attraverso la rilettura del suo processo. Si analizza un processo che ha le sue radici nello jus gentium e prosegue fino alla riappropriazione, da parte d’Israele, della memoria della Shoah. Il processo al criminale nazista è il momento in cui lo Stato ebraico integra nella propria storia nazionale l’esperienza della distruzione della co munità ebraica in Europa. Tramite i procedimenti contro Eichmann e le sue conseguenze sull’opinione pubblica, Ben Gurion si adoperò per una riscrittura in chiave nazionalista dello sterminio, con laconseguenza che il ruolo della giustizia e del diritto risultò, dunque, centrale nello sviluppo dell’identità israeliana, spostando l’attenzione del giovane Stato non più sui temi classici del sionismo, ma su una rinnovata identità civile che fa di Israele il custode della memoria
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