72 research outputs found

    Topography and flora of the satellite islets surrounding the Maltese Archipelago

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    This present study provides a list of flora species encountered during multiple visits to the following locations listed below during 1998-2010. The majority of species are new records to the respective locations. Also the distributions of various species found and a general description on topography of each islet is given.peer-reviewe

    Additions to the Heteroptera fauna of the Maltese Islands (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Coreidae)

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    Two new records of species of Hemiptera Coreidae, Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heidemann, 1910) and Gonocerus insidiator (Fabricius, 1787) from the Maltese islands (Central Mediterranean ) are hereby reported.peer-reviewe

    Notes on the distribution of Helichrysum Melitense, Hyoseris Frutescens and MatthiolaIncana Melitensis in the Maltese Islands

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    Considerations are made on the historical distribution of Helichrysum melitense, Hyoseris frutescens and Matthiola incana subsp. melitensis, three floral species endemic to the Maltese Islands, whilst new records for the three species are also reported. A new variety of Matthiola incana subsp. melitensis is also recorded, whilst biogeographical aspects are also discussed for the three species.peer-reviewe

    Two specimens of Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764) (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae) in the Maltese Islands

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    Two specimens of Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764) are reported in the Maltese islands.peer-reviewe

    A contribution to the knowledge of alien flora in the Maltese Islands

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    The occurrence of Limoniun sinuatum L., Malephora crocea var purpureo crocea Schwantes J. , Pennisetum setaceum (Forsskal.) Chiov. and Viola alba Bess. In the Maltese Islands is recorded. Considerations are also made on the distribution of Cyperus alternifolius L. and Solanum elaeagnifolium Car. R.peer-reviewe

    Short notes on the introduced avifauna of Comino Island and some of their interactions with local herpetofauna

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    Reported in this short note are some observations on the introduced avifauna of Comino Island and observed interactions with local herpetofauna.peer-reviewe

    Notes on two Ortopthera of the Maltese Islands (Acridoidea)

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    The presence of Oedipoda caerulescens (Linnaeus 1758) on the Maltese Islands is confirmed while the occurrence of Sphingonotus obscuratus (Walker 1879) is recorded here for the first time.peer-reviewe

    A note on aggressive male mating behaviour of Papilio Machaon Melitensis (Lepidoptera : Papilionidae) Eller, 1930

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    In this short work two instances of aggressive mating behaviour are recorded for the first time in the Maltese islands and are compared to the usual mating behaviour observed. Analysis of the behaviour is carried out possibly shedding light on the use of morphological appearance and posture by the species.peer-reviewe

    Another record of Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae) in the Maltese Islands

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    Another specimen of Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Maltese Islands is reported in this work. Such a specimen represents the third Maltese record, and it is presumed to be a casual immigrant species. All previous records are discussed.peer-reviewe

    Observations on the life history of Synclisis baetica Rambur 1842 (Neuroptera : Myrmeleontidae) at the Ramla l-Hamra sand dunes in Gozo (Malta, Central Mediterranean)

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    Although the neuropteran species Synclisis baetica was recorded in the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean) way back in 1996, and is the largest neuropteran species on the Islands, no research on the local ecology of this species has ever been conducted. This study summarises the observations on the behaviour of the species made in the wild within the sand dune remnants of Ir-Ramla l-Ħamra (Gozo, Maltese Islands) over the 2003-2009 period, as well as observations on the life cycle of the same species made on a number of captive-bred individuals.peer-reviewe
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