29 research outputs found

    Cognitive Load Theory: Advances in Research on Worked Examples, Animations, and Cognitive Load Measurement

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    The contributions to this special issue document some recent advances of cognitive load theory, and are based on contributions to the Third International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (2009), Heerlen, The Netherlands. The contributions focus on developments in example-based learning, amongst others on the effects of integrating worked examples in cognitive tutoring systems; specify the effects of transience on cognitive load and why segmentation may help counteract these effects in terms of the role of time in working memory load; and discuss the possibilities offered by electroencephalography (EEG) to provide a continuous and objective measure of cognitive load. This article provides a short introduction to the contributions in this issue

    A multidimensional evaluation framework for personal learning environments

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    Evaluating highly dynamic and heterogeneous Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) is extremely challenging. Components of PLEs are selected and configured by individual users based on their personal preferences, needs, and goals. Moreover, the systems usually evolve over time based on contextual opportunities and constraints. As such dynamic systems have no predefined configurations and user interfaces, traditional evaluation methods often fall short or are even inappropriate. Obviously, a host of factors influence the extent to which a PLE successfully supports a learner to achieve specific learning outcomes. We categorize such factors along four major dimensions: technological, organizational, psycho-pedagogical, and social. Each dimension is informed by relevant theoretical models (e.g., Information System Success Model, Community of Practice, self-regulated learning) and subsumes a set of metrics that can be assessed with a range of approaches. Among others, usability and user experience play an indispensable role in acceptance and diffusion of the innovative technologies exemplified by PLEs. Traditional quantitative and qualitative methods such as questionnaire and interview should be deployed alongside emergent ones such as learning analytics (e.g., context-aware metadata) and narrative-based methods. Crucial for maximal validity of the evaluation is the triangulation of empirical findings with multi-perspective (end-users, developers, and researchers), mixed-method (qualitative, quantitative) data sources. The framework utilizes a cyclic process to integrate findings across cases with a cross-case analysis in order to gain deeper insights into the intriguing questions of how and why PLEs work

    Praevention durch Fernerkundung. T. 1 und 2: Erprobung von Methoden der Fernerkundung zur Erkennung von Destabilisierungsprozessen an der Erdoberflaeche Endbericht

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    Multisensor satellite and airborne remote sensing has been used to detect subsidence and collapse-prone areas caused by underground mining and to test and improve remote sensing methodology for hazard detection. The study area is characterized by abandoned lignite and potash mines. The fact that the abandoned mines were only partly stabilized is the reason for the development of subsidence and collapse sinkholes, which are still forming today. In this study, satellite and airborne data proved to be the most effective remote-sensing approach in investigating hazards caused by abandoned underground mines. It was demonstrated that combinations of high-resolution air photography, laser scanning and satellite imagery can be used to detect specific ground features associated with fracturing, subsidence and weakened rocks. Combining different sensors helped to produce more reliable and less ambiguous results. Satellite and airborne remote sensing systems used each provided independent evidence of subsidence and collapse hazards as follows: Landsat TM, SPOT and IRS-1C satellite data to detect moisture-related anomalies associated with local subsidence-related fracturing, stereoscopic aerial photography to detect fracture features, airborne laser scanning to locate local depressions a few centimeters or tens of centimeters deep (high resolution elevation modeling). Evidence for the effectiveness of this remote sensing methodology was provided in April 1998, when a collapse sinkhole (about 30 m in diameter and about 10 m deep), occurred at a site, which had been evaluated by interpretation of air photographs, laser data and satellite imagery as being highly collapse prone. The investigations have demonstrated that airborne laser scanning may represent a powerful new tool within multisensor remote sensing for early recognition of ground instability. Further, it could be demonstrated that geo-environmental research based on high resolution MOMS satellite data can contribute to investigating complex geo-environmental problems related to salt at the Khorat Basin in Thailand. (orig.)Published in two volumesSIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F00B282: F00B283 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn (Germany); DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Perspectivas filosóficas do uso da tecnologia no cuidado de enfermagem em terapia intensiva

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    O contexto de assistência à saúde vem sendo influenciado por mudanças produzidas no âmbito da tecnologia o que tem gerado diversas inquietações e indagações acerca dos benefícios, riscos e das relações construídas entre trabalhadores, doentes e a utilização de máquinas como instrumentos imprescindíveis ao cuidado. O objetivo deste artigo foi refletir sobre o uso da tecnologia no cuidado de enfermagem ao doente crítico em terapia intensiva. Espera-se com estas reflexões minimizar arestas que permeiam os ambientes tecnologizados como a terapia intensiva e as concepções de cuidado de enfermagem que neste campo da assistência em saúde envolve o uso de máquinas e equipamentos que oferecem suporte avançado de vida.The context of health assistance has been influenced by changes which are produced in the dimension of technology. They have triggered a lot of inquietude and questioning regarding benefits, risks, and relations constructed among workers and sick, and the use of machines as indispensable tools for care. This paper aims at reflecting on the use of technology in nursing care given to the critical sick in the intensive care unit. It is expected that this reflection can minimize doubts which permeate technological environments, such as the intensive care unit, and the conceptions of nursing care since it involves the use of machines and equipment which provide advanced life support in this field of health assistance.El contexto de atención a la salud viene siendo influenciado por cambios producidos en el ámbito de la tecnología lo que tiene generando diversas inquietudes e indagaciones acerca de los beneficios, riesgos y de las relaciones construidas entre trabajadores, enfermo y la utilización de máquinas como instrumentos imprescindibles al cuidado. El objetivo de este artículo fue reflexionar sobre el uso de la tecnología en el cuidado de enfermería al enfermo crítico en terapia intensiva. Se espera con estas reflexiones minimizar aristas que permean los ambientes tecnologizados como la terapia intensiva y las concepciones de cuidado de enfermería que en este campo de la asistencia en salud envuelve el uso de máquinas y equipamientos que ofrecen soporte avanzado de vida