15 research outputs found
Betrachtungen zur Energieeffizienz in Funknetzwerken mit geringer Datenrate
The work in hand considers energy efficiency of data transmission in wireless networks with low data rate (=sensor networks). Often the network nodes are battery operated thus calling for node lifetimes of months or even years. Thus, energy efficiency becomes an important optimisation criteria when designing hardware as well as for the physical transmission, protocol design etc. In order to meet the tight energy constraints, it is necessary to optimise the system as a whole, not just single parameters. This work first shows a derived analysis model for calculating the energy consumption during data transmission. This model is based on a complex state diagram which is evaluated using Mason rules. Using this model the impact of individual parameters on the energy consumption can be computed. Herein the interference of other nodes is included as well. The individual parameters investigated include detection method, modulation scheme, error correction and channel access. The main conclusion is, that higher transmit power can yield decreased energy consumption if the time, which nodes spend in the energy intense active mode, is reduced. Ultra-Wideband-transmission (UWB) using short pulses (Impulse Radio-IR) is currently developing. The potential of this technology is a very simple power-efficient transmitter. Moreover, due to the short pulses, transmission time is short. These two facts promise an energy efficient operation in transmit mode. Nevertheless, performance of simple receivers is still quite low, especially in multi-path environments. Moreover there is the need of powerful synchronisation algorithms. Sensor networks usually possess multi-hop functionality. However, only in severe (block) fading channels multi-hop is more energy efficient than direct transmission. Supposed the transmit power is the same for all nodes, then the transmit power has to be dimensioned for the weakest link. Then, under certain conditions, cooperative relaying schemes can not capitalize the spatial diversity gain. - (This manuscript is also available - in the form of a book - from Dresden: Vogt (Verlag), ISBN:3-938860-02-2)Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Energieeffizienz der Datenübertragung in Funknetzwerken mit geringer Datenrate (=Sensornetzwerke). Die Netzknoten solcher Netzwerke sind zumeist batteriebetrieben und sollen Betriebsdauern von Monaten bis Jahren erreichen. Daher ist Energieeffizienz ein wichtiges Designmerkmal sowohl beim Hardwareentwurf als auch bei der physikalischen Übertragung, im Protokolldesign usw. Um den energetischen Beschränkungen gerecht zu werden, sollen nicht Einzelparameter optimiert werden, sondern das System insgesamt. In dieser Arbeit wird zunächst ein Analysemodell zur Berechnung des Energieverbrauchs bei der Datenübertragung entwickelt, welches diesen Forderungen gerecht wird. Dieses basiert auf einem komplexen Zustandsdiagramm, welches mit der Mason'schen Regel ausgewertet wird. Dieses Modell nutzend, kann der Einfluss von Einzelparametern auf den Energieverbrauch unter Berücksichtigung der Interferenzen anderer Netzknoten berechnet werden. Als Einzelparameter werden exemplarisch Detektionsverfahren, Modulation, Fehlerschutzkodierung und Kanalzugriff untersucht. Die Grunderkenntnis dieser Betrachtungenen ist, dass höhere Sendeleistungen zu geringerem Energieverbrauch führen, wenn dadurch die Zeit des Netzknotens im energieintensiven Aktiv-Mode verkürzt wird. Ultra-Wideband-Verfahren (UWB) mittels kurzen Pulsen (IR-UWB) befinden sich noch in einer frühen Entwickungsstufe. Das Potential liegt in einem sehr einfachen Senderaufbau, der sehr leistungseffiziente Sender ermöglicht. Aufgrund der kurzen Pulse ist zudem die Übertragungszeit sehr gering. Diese beiden Gegebenheiten lassen auf einen geringen Energieverbrauch hoffen. Allerdings ist die Leistungsfähigkeit von einfachen Empfängern insbesondere in Mehrwegekanälen sehr gering. Desweiteren gibt es noch intensiven Forschungsbedarf für leistungsfähige Synchronisationsalgorithmen. Sensornetzwerke verfügen im Allgemeinen über Multi-Hop-Funktionalität. Energetisch betrachtet, ist deren Einsatz aber nur in starken Blockschwundkanälen sinnvoll. Wird die Sendeleistung aller Netzknoten als konstant angenommen, muss die Sendeleistung auf die schwächste Verbindung dimensioniert werden. Bei kooperativen Vermittlungsverfahren kann dadurch unter bestimmten Bedingungen der räumliche Diversitätsgewinn nicht genutzt werden. - (Die Dissertation ist veröffentlicht im Verlag Vogt, Dresden, ISBN:3-938860-02-2
Ultra wideband: applications, technology and future perspectives
Ultra Wide Band (UWB) wireless communications offers a radically different approach to wireless communication compared to conventional narrow band systems. Global interest in the technology is huge. This paper reports on the state of the art of UWB wireless technology and highlights key application areas, technological challenges, higher layer protocol issues, spectrum operating zones and future drivers. The majority of the discussion focuses on the state of the art of UWB technology as it is today and in the near future
Life-Threatening Primary Varicella Zoster Virus Infection With Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis-Like Disease in GATA2 Haploinsufficiency Accompanied by Expansion of Double Negative T-Lymphocytes
Two unrelated patients with GATA2-haploinsufficiency developed a hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)-like disease during a varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection. High copy numbers of VZV were detected in the blood, and the patients were successfully treated with acyclovir and intravenous immunoglobulins. After treatment with corticosteroids for the HLH, both patients made a full recovery. Although the mechanisms leading to this disease constellation have yet to be characterized, we hypothesize that impairment of the immunoregulatory role of NK cells in GATA2-haploinsufficiency may have accentuated the patients' susceptibility to HLH. Expansion of a double negative T-lymphocytic population identified with CyTOF could be a further factor contributing to HLH in these patients. This is the first report of VZV-triggered HLH-like disease in a primary immunodeficiency and the third report of HLH in GATA2-haploinsufficiency. Since HLH was part of the presentation in one of our patients, GATA2-haploinsufficiency represents a potential differential diagnosis in patients presenting with the clinical features of HLH—especially in cases of persisting cytopenia after recovery from HLH
Analysis of Node Energy Consumption in Sensor Networks
The energy consumption of network nodes in low data rate networks is analyzed using Markov chains and signal flow graphs. It allows for a comprehensive OSI-layer analysis, taking into account important system characteristics like the transmission channel, the basic receiver structure, the network traffic, the error control coding (ECC) and the kind of channel access. The results show the energy necessary to transmit one bit, depending on the data rate, the ECC, and the number of retransmissions allowed. Thus, it is possible to determine, which design parameters are important and what values are to be preferred. Another performance measure, the probability of a non-successful transmission of a burst, is evaluated as well. Furthermore, the shares of energy in transmit (TX)/receive (RX)/sleep-states are determined
On the impact of the physical layer on energy consumption in sensor networks
Abstract — Collaborating networks built of hundreds or thousands of tiny, simple nodes, usually operating at low duty cycles, transmitting only few bytes of data are commonly referred to as sensor networks. Since nodes are mostly battery operated, the number one design goal is energy efficiency. It has been understood, that the extreme energy demands can only be met by optimizing all layers and even more important, across all layers. In this paper we do thorough analysis of the impact of physical layer parameters, namely detection, modulation and channel on the energy consumption of a node. Moreover, we look at different basic channel access schemes and evaluate their performance under different load conditions. I
SPIDER-NET: A Sensor Platform for Intelligent Ad-hoc Wireless Relaying Network
Abstract-As the name suggests SPIDERNET (Sensor Platform for Intelligent aD-hoc wireless Relaying NETwork) is a platform for a wireless sensor network developed at TU Dresden. Sensor networks can typically be distinguished by their extreme energy constraints and their low data rate. To conserve expensive energy long sleep periods are inevitable. Contrary, for reliable multihop communication nodes have to be active. This paper describes the hardware of SPIDER-NET. Derived from hardware demands a protocol for non-time critical indoor surveillance was developed and implemented, which is described as well. Consecutive analysis gives insight into energy consumption, probability of collision and feasible network sizes. The heart of the paper is the protocol which combines ideas from known proposals: rotating cluster heads (CH) ensure energy balancing, knowing only the schedule of immediate neighbors minimizes protocol overhead and ensures welldefined active times, a fixed superframe structure guarantees latency requirements. For channel access occasional collisions are tolerated while avoiding signaling overhead. I