31 research outputs found
Planet Hunters. V. A Confirmed Jupiter-Size Planet in the Habitable Zone and 42 Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archive Data
We report the latest Planet Hunter results, including PH2 b, a Jupiter-size
(R_PL = 10.12 \pm 0.56 R_E) planet orbiting in the habitable zone of a
solar-type star. PH2 b was elevated from candidate status when a series of
false positive tests yielded a 99.9% confidence level that transit events
detected around the star KIC 12735740 had a planetary origin. Planet Hunter
volunteers have also discovered 42 new planet candidates in the Kepler public
archive data, of which 33 have at least three transits recorded. Most of these
transit candidates have orbital periods longer than 100 days and 20 are
potentially located in the habitable zones of their host stars. Nine candidates
were detected with only two transit events and the prospective periods are
longer than 400 days. The photometric models suggest that these objects have
radii that range between Neptune to Jupiter. These detections nearly double the
number of gas giant planet candidates orbiting at habitable zone distances. We
conducted spectroscopic observations for nine of the brighter targets to
improve the stellar parameters and we obtained adaptive optics imaging for four
of the stars to search for blended background or foreground stars that could
confuse our photometric modeling. We present an iterative analysis method to
derive the stellar and planet properties and uncertainties by combining the
available spectroscopic parameters, stellar evolution models, and transiting
light curve parameters, weighted by the measurement errors. Planet Hunters is a
citizen science project that crowd-sources the assessment of NASA Kepler light
curves. The discovery of these 43 planet candidates demonstrates the success of
citizen scientists at identifying planet candidates, even in longer period
orbits with only two or three transit events.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables, accepted and published on ApJ ApJ,
776, 1
Planet Hunters X: Searching for Nearby Neighbors of 75 Planet and Eclipsing Binary Candidates from the K2 Kepler Extended Mission
We present high-resolution observations of a sample of 75 K2 targets from
Campaigns 1-3 using speckle interferometry on the Southern Astrophysical
Research (SOAR) telescope and adaptive optics (AO) imaging at the Keck II
telescope. The median SOAR -band and Keck -band detection limits at 1"
were ~mag and ~mag, respectively. This
sample includes 37 stars likely to host planets, 32 targets likely to be
eclipsing binaries (EBs), and 6 other targets previously labeled as likely
planetary false positives. We find nine likely physically bound companion stars
within 3" of three candidate transiting exoplanet host stars and six likely
EBs. Six of the nine detected companions are new discoveries; one of the six,
EPIC 206061524, is associated with a planet candidate. Among the EB candidates,
companions were only found near the shortest period ones ( days), which is
in line with previous results showing high multiplicity near short-period
binary stars. This high-resolution data, including both the detected companions
and the limits on potential unseen companions, will be useful in future planet
vetting and stellar multiplicity rate studies for planets and binaries.Comment: Accepted in A
Planet Hunters. VIII. Characterization of 41 Long-Period Exoplanet Candidates from Kepler Archival Data
The census of exoplanets is incomplete for orbital distances larger than 1
AU. Here, we present 41 long-period planet candidates in 38 systems identified
by Planet Hunters based on Kepler archival data (Q0-Q17). Among them, 17
exhibit only one transit, 14 have two visible transits and 10 have more than
three visible transits. For planet candidates with only one visible transit, we
estimate their orbital periods based on transit duration and host star
properties. The majority of the planet candidates in this work (75%) have
orbital periods that correspond to distances of 1-3 AU from their host stars.
We conduct follow-up imaging and spectroscopic observations to validate and
characterize planet host stars. In total, we obtain adaptive optics images for
33 stars to search for possible blending sources. Six stars have stellar
companions within 4". We obtain high-resolution spectra for 6 stars to
determine their physical properties. Stellar properties for other stars are
obtained from the NASA Exoplanet Archive and the Kepler Stellar Catalog by
Huber et al. (2014). We validate 7 planet candidates that have planet
confidence over 0.997 (3-{\sigma} level). These validated planets include 3
single-transit planets (KIC-3558849b, KIC-5951458b, and KIC-8540376c), 3
planets with double transits (KIC-8540376b, KIC-9663113b, and KIC-10525077b),
and 1 planet with 4 transits (KIC-5437945b). This work provides assessment
regarding the existence of planets at wide separations and the associated false
positive rate for transiting observation (17%-33%). More than half of the
long-period planets with at least three transits in this paper exhibit transit
timing variations up to 41 hours, which suggest additional components that
dynamically interact with the transiting planet candidates. The nature of these
components can be determined by follow-up radial velocity and transit
observations.Comment: Published on ApJ, 815, 127 Notations of validated planets are changed
in accordance with naming convention of NASA Exoplanet Archiv
A Population of Dipper Stars from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Mission
Dipper stars are a classification of young stellar objects that exhibit
dimming variability in their light curves, dropping in brightness by 10-50%,
likely induced by occultations due to circumstellar disk material. This
variability can be periodic, quasi-periodic, or aperiodic. Dipper stars have
been discovered in young stellar associations via ground-based and space-based
photometric surveys. We present the detection and characterization of the
largest collection of dipper stars to date: 293 dipper stars, including 234 new
dipper candidates. We have produced a catalog of these targets, which also
includes young stellar variables that exhibit predominately bursting-like
variability and symmetric variability (equal parts bursting and dipping). The
total number of catalog sources is 414. These variable sources were found in a
visual survey of TESS light curves, where dipping-like variability was
observed. We found a typical age among our dipper sources of <5 Myr, with the
age distribution peaking at ~2 Myr, and a tail of the distribution extending to
ages older than 20 Myr. Regardless of the age, our dipper candidates tend to
exhibit infrared excess, which is indicative of the presence of disks. TESS is
now observing the ecliptic plane, which is rich in young stellar associations,
so we anticipate many more discoveries in the TESS dataset. A larger sample of
dipper stars would enhance the census statistics of light curve morphologies
and dipper ages.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 1 table (included in latex source), accepted
for publication in ApJ
Planet Hunters. VI: An Independent Characterization of KOI-351 and Several Long Period Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archival Data
We report the discovery of 14 new transiting planet candidates in the Kepler
field from the Planet Hunters citizen science program. None of these candidates
overlapped with Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) at the time of submission. We
report the discovery of one more addition to the six planet candidate system
around KOI-351, making it the only seven planet candidate system from Kepler.
Additionally, KOI-351 bears some resemblance to our own solar system, with the
inner five planets ranging from Earth to mini-Neptune radii and the outer
planets being gas giants; however, this system is very compact, with all seven
planet candidates orbiting AU from their host star. A Hill
stability test and an orbital integration of the system shows that the system
is stable. Furthermore, we significantly add to the population of long period
transiting planets; periods range from 124-904 days, eight of them more than
one Earth year long. Seven of these 14 candidates reside in their host star's
habitable zone.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, Accepted to AJ (in press) (updated
title from original astro-ph submission
101 Eclipsing Quadruple Star Candidates Discovered in TESS Full Frame Images
We present our second catalog of quadruple star candidates, containing 101
systems discovered in TESS Full-Frame Image data. The targets were initially
detected as eclipsing binary stars with the help of supervised machine learning
methods applied to sectors Sectors 1 through 54. A dedicated team of citizen
scientists subsequently identified through visual inspection two sets of
eclipses following two different periods. All 101 systems presented here pass
comprehensive photocenter motion tests confirming that both sets of eclipses
originate from the target star. Some of the systems exhibit prominent eclipse
time variations suggesting dynamical interactions between the two component
binary stars. One target is an eclipsing quintuple candidate with a (2+1)+2
hierarchical configuration, such that the (2+1) subsystem produces eclipses on
the triple orbit as well. Another has recently been confirmed as the second
shortest period quadruple reported to date. This catalog provides ephemerides,
eclipse depths and durations, sample statistics, and highlights potentially
interesting targets for future studies.Comment: 38 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. Table with targets available online
Three small planets transiting the bright young field star K2-233
We report the detection of three small transiting planets around the young K3
dwarf K2-233 (2MASS J15215519-2013539) from observations during Campaign 15 of
the K2 mission. The star is relatively nearby ( = 69 pc) and bright ( =
10.7 mag, = 8.4 mag), making the planetary system an attractive target
for radial velocity follow-up and atmospheric characterization with the James
Webb Space Telescope. The inner two planets are hot super-Earths ( = 1.40
0.06 R, = 1.34 0.08 R), while the outer
planet is a warm sub-Neptune ( = 2.6 0.1 R). We estimate
the stellar age to be 360 Myr based on rotation, activity, and
kinematic indicators. The K2-233 system is particularly interesting given
recent evidence for inflated radii in planets around similarly-aged stars, a
trend potentially related to photo-evaporation, core-cooling, or both
mechanisms.Comment: Accepted to AJ. 15 pages, 6 figures, 3 table
Confirmation and Characterization of the Eccentric, Warm Jupiter TIC 393818343 b with a Network of Citizen Scientists
NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has identified over 7000 candidate exoplanets via the transit method, with gas giants among the most readily detected due to their large radii. Even so, long intervals between TESS observations for much of the sky lead to candidates for which only a single transit is detected in one TESS sector, leaving those candidate exoplanets with unconstrained orbital periods. Here, we confirm the planetary nature of TIC 393818343 b, originally identified via a single TESS transit, using radial velocity data and ground-based photometric observations from citizen scientists with the Unistellar Network and Exoplanet Watch. We determine a period of P = 16.24921 −0.00011+0.00010 days, a mass M P = 4.34 ± 0.15 M J, and semimajor axis a = 0.1291 −0.0022+0.0021 au, placing TIC 393818343 b in the “warm Jupiter” population of exoplanets. With an eccentricity e = 0.6058 ± 0.0023, TIC 393818343 b is the most eccentric warm Jupiter to be discovered by TESS orbiting less than 0.15 au from its host star and therefore an excellent candidate for follow-up, as it may inform our future understanding of how hot and warm Jupiter populations are linked