19 research outputs found

    Triplet superconductivity from non-local Coulomb repulsion in Sn/Si(111)

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    Atomic layers deposited on semiconductor substrates introduce a platform for the realization of the extended electronic Hubbard model, where the consideration of electronic repulsion beyond the onsite term is paramount. Recently, the onset of superconductivity at 4.7K has been reported in the hole-doped triangular lattice of tin atoms on a silicon substrate. Through renormalization group methods designed for weak and intermediate coupling, we investigate the nature of the superconducting instability in hole-doped Sn/Si(111). We find that the extended Hubbard nature of interactions is crucial to yield triplet pairing, which is f-wave (p-wave) for moderate (higher) hole doping. In light of persisting challenges to tailor triplet pairing in an electronic material, our finding promises to pave unprecedented ways for engineering unconventional triplet superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (supplement: 3 pages, 2 figures

    Van-Hove tuning of Fermi surface instabilities through compensated metallicity

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    Van-Hove (vH) singularities in the vicinity of the Fermi level facilitate the emergence of electronically mediated Fermi surface instabilities. This is because they provide a momentum-localized enhancement of density of states enhancing selective electronic scattering channels. High-temperature topological superconductivity has been argued for in graphene at vH filling which, however, has so far proven inaccessible due to the demanded large doping from pristine half filling. We propose compensated metallicity as a path to unlock vH-driven pairing close to half filling in an electronic honeycomb lattice model. It is enabled through the strong breaking of chiral symmetry from intra-sublattice hybridization, leading to the emergence of a hole pocket (hp) nearby the van-Hove points MM at the Brillouin zone boundary and an electron pocket (ep) around the zone center Γ\Gamma. While the ep is radially symmetric and barely contributing to the electronic ordering selection, the hp is dominated by its vH signature and yields electronic order at elevated scales.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Robust dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductivity of infinite-layer nickelates

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    Motivated by the recent observation of superconductivity in strontium doped NdNiO2_2, we study the superconducting instabilities in this system from various vantage points. Starting with first-principles calculations, we construct two distinct tight-binding models, a simpler single-orbital as well as a three-orbital model, both of which capture the key low energy degrees of freedom to varying degree of accuracy. We study superconductivity in both models using the random phase approximation (RPA). We then analyze the problem at stronger coupling, and study the dominant pairing instability in the associated t-J model limit. In all instances, the dominant pairing tendency is in the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} channel, analogous to the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures+ 5 pages, PRB Editors' suggestio

    Van Hove tuning of AV3Sb5 kagome metals under pressure and strain

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    From first-principles calculations, we investigate the structural and electronic properties of the kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=Cs, K, Rb) under isotropic and anisotropic pressure. Charge-ordering patterns are found to be unanimously suppressed, while there is a significant rearrangement of p-type and m-type Van Hove point energies with respect to the Fermi level. Already for moderate tensile strain along the V plane and compressive strain normal to the V layer, we find that a Van Hove point can be shifted to the Fermi energy. Such a mechanism provides an invaluable tuning knob to alter the correlation profile in the kagome metal, and suggests itself for further experimental investigation. It might allow us to reconcile possible multidome superconductivity in kagome metals not only from phonons but also from the viewpoint of unconventional pairing

    Van Hove tuning of AV3Sb5 kagome metals under pressure and strain

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    From first-principles calculations, we investigate the structural and electronic properties of the kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = Cs, K, Rb) under isotropic and anisotropic pressure. Charge-ordering patterns are found to be unanimously suppressed, while there is a significant rearrangement of p-type and m-type Van Hove point energies with respect to the Fermi level. Already for moderate tensile strain along the V plane and compressive strain normal to the V layer, we find that a Van Hove point can be shifted to the Fermi energy. Such a mechanism provides an invaluable tuning knob to alter the correlation profile in the kagome metal, and suggests itself for further experimental investigation. It might allow us to reconcile possible multidome superconductivity in kagome metals not only from phonons but also from the viewpoint of unconventional pairing

    Van Hove tuning of AV3Sb5 kagome metals under pressure and strain

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    From first-principles calculations, we investigate the structural and electronic properties of the kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=Cs, K, Rb) under isotropic and anisotropic pressure. Charge-ordering patterns are found to be unanimously suppressed, while there is a significant rearrangement of p-type and m-type Van Hove point energies with respect to the Fermi level. Already for moderate tensile strain along the V plane and compressive strain normal to the V layer, we find that a Van Hove point can be shifted to the Fermi energy. Such a mechanism provides an invaluable tuning knob to alter the correlation profile in the kagome metal, and suggests itself for further experimental investigation. It might allow us to reconcile possible multidome superconductivity in kagome metals not only from phonons but also from the viewpoint of unconventional pairing

    Hybrid s-wave superconductivity in CrB2_2

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    In a metal with multiple Fermi pockets, the formation of s-wave superconductivity can be conventional due to electron-phonon coupling or unconventional due to spin fluctuations. We analyze the hexagonal diboride CrB2_2, which is an itinerant antiferromagnet at ambient conditions and turns superconducting upon increasing pressure. While the high pressure behavior of Tc_c suggests conventional s-wave pairing, we find that spin fluctuations promoting unconventional s-wave pairing become important in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic dome. As the symmetry class of the s-wave state is independent of its underlying mechanism, we argue that CrB2_2 is a realization of a hybrid s-wave superconductor where unconventional and conventional s-wave mechanisms team up to form a joint superconducting dome

    Rashba spin-orbit coupling in the square lattice Hubbard model: A truncated-unity functional renormalization group study

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    The Rashba-Hubbard model on the square lattice is the paradigmatic case for studying the effect of spin-orbit coupling, which breaks spin and inversion symmetry, in a correlated electron system. We employ a truncated-unity variant of the functional renormalization group which allows us to analyze magnetic and superconducting instabilities on equal footing. We derive phase diagrams depending on the strengths of Rasbha spin-orbit coupling, real second-neighbor hopping and electron filling. We find commensurate and incommensurate magnetic phases which compete with d-wave superconductivity. Due to the breaking of inversion symmetry, singlet and triplet components mix; we quantify the mixing of d-wave singlet pairing with f-wave triplet pairing.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Spatially modulated superconductivity in the Kagome Hubbard model

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    We identify a superconducting order featuring spatial pair modulations on the kagome lattice subject to onsite Hubbard U and nearest neighbor V interactions. Within our functional renormalization group analysis, this state appears with a concomitant d-wave superconducting (SC) instability at zero lattice momentum, where it distinguishes itself through intra-unit cell modulations of the pairing function thus breaking the discrete space group symmetry. The relative weight of the sublattice modulated superconductor (SMS) and d-wave SC is influenced by the absolute interaction strength and coupling ratio V /U . Parametrically adjacent to this domain at weak coupling, we find an intra-unit cell modulated vestigial charge density wave and an s-wave SC instability. Our study provides a microscopic setting and thorough description of this novel SMS arising within a translation symmetry broken background