543 research outputs found

    Efficient analysis in planet transit surveys

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    With the growing number of projects dedicated to the search for extrasolar planets via transits, there is a need to develop fast, automatic, robust methods with a statistical background in order to efficiently do the analysis. We propose a modified analysis of variance (AoV) test particularly suitable for the detection of planetary transits in stellar light curves. We show how savings of labor by a factor of over 10 could be achieved by the careful organization of computations. Basing on solid analytical statistical formulation, we discuss performance of our and other methods for different signal-to-noise and number of observations.Comment: 7 pages, to be published in MNRAS, downloadable software from http://www.camk.edu.pl/~alex/#softwar

    Photometric study of the variable star population in the globular cluster NGC 6397

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    We present the results of a photometric survey for variable stars in the central region of the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397.Time series photometry was obtained for 30 variable objects. The sample includes 12 new objects, of which 6 show periodic lightcurves and 2 are eclipsing binaries of unknown period. Six variables possess certain and three possess likely X-ray counterparts detected with the Chandra observatory. Among them four are cataclysmic variables and one is a foreground eclipsing binary. The cataclysmic variable CV2 exhibited a likely dwarf nova type outburst in May 2003. The cataclysmic variable CV3 was observed at 18.5<V<20.0 during 5 observing runs, but went into a low state in May 2003 when it reached V>22. We have found that thelight curve of the optical companion to the millisecond pulsar PSRJ1740-5340 exhibits noticeable changes of its amplitude on a time scale of a few months. A shallow eclipse with Delta_V=0.03 mag was detected in one of the cluster turnoff stars suggesting the presence of a large planet or brown dwarf in orbit.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS on 21 April 200

    CCD Photometry of Faint Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6752

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    We present the results of a photometric survey for variable stars in the field of the nearby globular cluster NGC 6752. The cluster was monitored in 1996 and 1997 for a total of 54 hours with 3 different CCD cameras mounted on the 1.0-m Swope telescope. Eleven new variables were identified: 3 SX Phe stars, 7 contact binaries and 1 candidate detached eclipsing binary. All 3 SX Phe variables are likely members of the cluster while only 1 out of the 7 contact binaries is a potential cluster member. As a by-product of our survey we obtained UBV photometry for a large sample of stars in the cluster field. Two stars with U-B \approx -1.0 and V=19.3 and V=20.6 were identified. They lie along the extended horizontal branch of the cluster, and are likely to be faint sdB stars from NGC 6752.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, 9 figures (Fig. 1 not available), accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    RR Lyrae Variables in the Globular Cluster M5

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    We present V-band CCD photometry of 65 RR Lyr variables from the globular cluster M5. We have estimated the basic physical parameters for 16 RRc stars and 26 RRab stars using a Fourier decomposition of the light curves of the variables. The mean values of mass, luminosity, effective temperature and relative helium abundance for the RRc stars are measured to be M=0.54M⊙{\cal M}=0.54{\cal M}_\odot, log L = 1.69 T_{eff}=7353 K and Y=0.28, respectively. For the RRab variables the derived mean values of absolute magnitude, metallicity and effective temperature are: M_V=0.81, [Fe/H]=-1.23 and T_{eff}=6465 K. We find that the V amplitude of an RRab star for a given period is a function of metal abundance rather than Oosterhoff type. We find significant problems with the calibration of both the zero point and the scale of the luminosities measured with the Fourier technique. The apparent distance modulus derived from RRc stars is equal to 14.47±0.1114.47\pm0.11 and it is in good agreement with recent determinations. On the other hand distance modulus obtained from the sample of RRab stars (calibrated by the Baade-Wesselink observations of field RR Lyr variables) is significantly smaller and equal to 14.27±0.0414.27\pm0.04Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15 pages with 6 figure

    The Lick Planet Search: Detectability and Mass Thresholds

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    We analyse 11 years of precise radial velocities for 76 solar type stars from the Lick survey. Eight stars in this sample have previously reported planetary-mass companions, all with mass (m sin i) less than 8 Jupiter masses (MJ). For the stars without a detected companion, we place upper limits on possible companion mass. For most stars, we can exclude companions with m sin i > 0.7 MJ (a/AU)^1/2 for orbital radii a < 5 AU. We use our results to interpret the observed masses and orbital radii of planetary-mass companions. For example, we show that the finite duration of the observations makes detection of Jupiter mass companions more and more difficult for orbital radii beyond 3 AU. Thus it is possible that the majority of solar type stars harbor Jupiter-mass companions much like our own, and if so these companions should be detectable in a few years. To search for periodicities, we adopt a "floating-mean" periodogram, which improves on the traditional Lomb-Scargle periodogram by accounting for statistical fluctuations in the mean of a sampled sinusoid. We discuss in detail the normalization of the periodogram, an issue which has been of some debate in the literature.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal (50 pages, LaTeX, including 11 figures

    Cluster AgeS Experiment. CCD photometry of SX Phoenicis variables in the globular cluster M 55

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    We present CCD photometry of SX Phe variables in the field of the globular cluster M 55. We have discovered 27 variables, three of which are probable members of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. All of the SX Phe stars in M 55 lie in the blue straggler region of the cluster color-magnitude diagram. Using period ratio information we have identified the radial pulsation modes for one of the observed variables. Inspection of the period-luminosity distribution permits the probable identifications of the pulsation modes for most of the rest of the stars in the sample. We have determined the slope of the period-luminosity relation for SX Phe stars in M 55 pulsating in the fundamental mode. Using this relation and the HIPPARCOS data for SX Phe itself, we have estimated the apparent distance modulus to M 55 to be (m-M)_V=13.86 +- 0.25 mag.Comment: A&A accepted, 11 figure

    Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE): RR Lyrae stars from the globular cluster Omega Centauri as standard candles

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    New photometry of RRab and RRc stars in Omega Cen is used to calibrate their absolute magnitudes M_V as a function of: a) metallicity; and b) the Fourier parameters of light curves in the V band. The zero point of both calibrations relies on the distance modulus to the cluster derived earlier by the CASE project based on observations of the detached eclipsing binary OGLE GC17. For RRab variables we obtained a relation of M_V=(0.26\pm 0.08)[Fe/H]+(0.91\pm 0.13). A dereddened distance modulus to the LMC based on that formula is μ0=18.56±0.14\mu_{0}=18.56\pm 0.14 mag. The second calibration of M_V, which is based on Fourier coefficients of decomposed light curves, results in the LMC distance of μ0=18.51±0.07\mu_{0}=18.51\pm 0.07 mag.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 13 pages, 8 figure
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